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Full text of "Daily Racing Form: n. Sunday, July 5, 1908"

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Firestone Runs a Good Race — Simon Pure Takes the 
Independence Steeplechase and St. Kevin 
Is Killed by a Fall. 

New York. .Tilly 4 . — Independenre Day card at 
Slieep.sbeud Bay devcl«|>ed raciug of rare excellence 
on tlie flat, and also fiirni.shed llie 25,000 spectators 
l»ies»*nt one of the most thrillini; cross country sjiec- 
tacles s«‘en in years, in whicti every eonteslaut l>iit 
I wo fell and. with their riders, were more or less 
injured, tlie liorse, St. Kevin, lieiiiR kilietl outri.ulit. 
while jockeys lhi|H*e ami llnpiie sustained .serious 

Tliree liltr stakes were d<iwn for decision, tba 
roninionwealth Ilundica)). practii'aily a renewal of 
tbe Snhurlian as to distance, weiglits and class 
of liorses eugatted, the Inde|ieudence Steeplechase 
over jlie full ciairse and the Spring Stakes for two- 
year-olds. The iirograni was so g<KMl that there 
was only one race, the lifth, a selling affair, over 
the grass course, which did not bristle with stake 
ingredients. Nearly every high-class horse in train- 
ing except Ballot. Colin and Celt was in evidence. 
Today's attendance retiiitided otie of old times, al- 
though not nearl.v of the numbers that would have 
witnessed the sport under normal conditions. Still 
it was easily the largest crowd of the meeting. 
The niost <■onsplclH>us feature was the number of 
wtHuen present. The grandstand resembled a huge 
flower lied and all this despite the drenching showers 
of rain which fell around iKsm time and probably 
deterred many visitors from maidng the long jotir- 

Otic olijectlonable fiutturc of the Suburban day had 
lieeii eliminated through tlic well-ilirected activity of 
the Cotiey Island .locke.v Club management, and that 
was that only few tsdicemen were in evldema*. 

The original thlrtetui swell thoroughbreds nanusi 
overniglit in the big race was reiliictHl liy with- 
drawals to ni;ie, which was subs«s|iientl.v increased 
to ten b.v the adding of Royal Tourist at the elev- 
«-nth hour. Jack .Vtkin was the conspicnous ab.sen- 
lt*«. I*leuse<l, however, by the presence of I'riscil- 
U/ti. which, on this oi'casion was to measure strides 
1 topnotchers, the race-going public was tilled 
A ettrlosily to see what Mr. Belmont's iiubenten 
x.'lding could do against liors«‘s of high class over a 
"•onslderiible distan<-e of ground. In. the actual riin- 
nhig Priscillian simply playeil with his opposition. 
No more conlident liMiking ride on the part of his 
jo<-key has ever Is-en seen hereabouts. It took Walter 
.Miller's full strength to keep the wonderful racer 
back to his opiHinents during the early running and 
it was only after the j(«-key's arm grew tired that 
his restraint on the favorite was relaxed. The re- 
sult was eUH'trical. 1‘riscillian leaving his op|>oneuts 
as if they were aechored and linished slowing down 
and weaving all over the stretch as a consequence 
of the scnsatiiaial pulling and hauling. 

Thomas Williams’ first j«H-key ro<ie the winner 
and his s<‘cond jm-key. (lilbert. nsle the riinner-iiii. 
his own horse, Kir«‘stone. The latter proved hims*‘lf 
iinmeiisitrably siiiKwior to the others. It is under- 
stiNMl that Miller j»*rsisted in accepting the mount 
on I’riscilliaii in the face of a vigorous protest on 
the part of II. E. Rowell. .Mr. Williams’ trainer, 
and he may have disideased even to the point of 
Itelng dismissed by his employer. Rowell said that 
.Miller, who was in ris-eiiit of a retainer of <;1,.-|IH> 
per uiotith. or a year from the iiresideiit of 

the Califorui.'l .loekey Club, was not living up to 
Ills contract in the matter of weights, and therefore 
violated the same. In view of tlie intiiu.-ite friend- 
ship that exists between .August Belmont and Mr. 
Williams and the fact that Briscillian couhl not 
have h»st with any kind of a j<s-key iiii. if he kei>t 
Ills fe<d, the incident will jirobahly be passed over. 
Despite the short price, all the ia*ople backed I’ris- 
I'illian and left the track with bulging |KK-kets. 

Star timber- toi>|M*rs participated in the Inde- 
pendence Steeplechas«- over the sli|)|»ery grass course. 
The expected hap|>ene<l. The most skillful feticers 
• •X|KTlenced extreme diflicult.v in keeping their feet. 
Slinon I’lire, the coming <-hampioti at the sjairt. un- 
less all the earmarks of one are misleading, trailed 
bis opponents in leisurely fashion for nearly two 
iiiHes of the journey and then pickeil them up one 
by one at will in the last circuit of the track. 

A. B. Spreckels should have gathered in the sub 
-staiitial first money in the Spring Stakes with his 
grand two-year-old TortK-lliuo. The half-brother 
to Dr. lA'ggo was bi-aten by his incapable rider. 
’I'lie fault was so glaring that the spectators hissisl 
the linlsh put up by McCahey. .Statesman, the 
x-letor. which has been priHiiinent in two-vear-old 
races since early spring, was a maiden before he 
won to(la.y’s stake. 

'i'he S|iring Stakes is an •fld fixed event, first run 
and won by Tremont in ls.s«i. Its tabled history 
since BttK) is as follows: 

The Commonwealth was established In 100.1 as 
a sequel to tlie Suburban and at once took high 
rank in the list of imixirtant American fixtures. 
It has always been contested by the crack handi- 

such stars as t)rt Wells, Sysonby and Montgomer.v, 
Irish l,.id, as game .a horse as ever gazed through 
a brljlle. was twice unlucky in it. running second 

Year. Winner. 
IPOii The Paraih r 

I'.Hil Chilton 

JfHi2 Iliirst Dark 
lIHio liullaiit 
miM Reil Friar .. 
ItMlo Bill Dhillips 

1‘MiO Fthon 

J!K)7 Chapiiltepec 
lltOH Statesman 

.Tockey. Val. Time. 

McCiie $lj:50 1:10 

Shaw f.75 1:14 

..112 Shaw 

..117 Shaw .... 
.114 Minder .. 
..117 .1. .Martin 

..114 Redfern . 
..122 .1. Martin 
..114 Notter ... 

.1..54.5 1:1.1S 
:!.r.20 1 :i:!i 
.'1.420 l:l.!g 
:i.4.'15 l:14ii 
ll.lllO 1:14* 
.’{.S20 l;i:U 

cap tiois«-s of eacli y< 

■ar, beginning 


.Mr. Hag- 


in P.KH. 

gin’s great racer, WiitertKiy. Following 

him eanie 


A' I'irst. .Age. 






HSi3*Waterboy (4).. 

. .112 

Irish I.aid (3) . . . , 


1904 Oit AA'ells (3) 



Tlie Picket 

(4) . 


1905 Sysonby (3) . . 

. .111 

Proiier (5) 


1900 Sir Huon (3) . , 

. .110 

Glorltier (4) .... 


1907 Montgomery C?) 


. .112 

Frank Gill 

(3) . 

! ) . . 


1!«I8 Prisi'illian (3} 

...W. Miller 

. Bfi* 


•Called Siihurhan 

Renewal this 


nilrd. Age. Wt. 

Val. Time. 
Sn.yOO 2:04* 
ia,425 2:0«* 
12,22.5 2:07 
12.J100 2:0.5* 
13,8-50 2:0«* 
1‘2,:«K» 2:00* 


Yesterday's was the eleventh running of the In- other liors<> has siicc<>eded in et|italling this feat, 

di'peudence Stee)dis-| Kstablished as u siM-cial Two of its winners. Trillion and Foxhunter, each 

feature of the '•(Jlorhais Fourth." it has always ran second in years other than those of their 

IssMi high in favor with owners of jumpers and success. Isdiig the nearest ap)iroaches to Dr. 

has usually be«*u contested by the la‘st lii training. Catlett's record. In his second victory the 

Dr. Catlett, an exceedingly g.ssl stee|)leehaser and. latter carried the greatest weight under which 

l»rior to being put to jumping, a gissl ra«-e horse 
on the flat, won in two sticcessiv*' .vears, but no 

the race has evi-r U'cii wiui. 
as follows: 

Its record is 


First. -Age. 



Second. .Age. 


Tliird. Age. 




Trillion (7) 

.(.'allaliaii . 


Reil Pat (7) 

. . .iiai 

Roy. Scarlet (5 

) 1 .50 




Dr. Catlett (5> ... 

. Finnegan . 


King (01 


Westown (0) . . 

. I. 5.1 




Dr. Catlett (0) 

.Finnegan . 


Trillion (!l) 


Mars Clian (9) 

. i:so 




Magic Light (41... 

Mura . 


.Marvlaniler (5) .. 

. . .135 

.Sacket ((>).... 





George W. Jenkins 

(4).. Ray. 


Rowdy l4i 

.. .148 

Somerset (5).. 





Land of Clover (5) 



Foxlnintcr (4) .... 

. ..i:!:! 

Lavator (7) ... 





Foxliiinler (5) 

Ray . 


R(xi|(atli (7l 


Whiiierav (5).. 





Caslulian (5) 

<!. Bi'iHiks. 


Blai'k Hussar (5) . 

. . .151 

Gold Van (5). 





Kernel (4) 



Coligny (0| 

. . .101 

Paul .Tones (4). 




1 907 

-Agent (.5) 

. . . .Owens . 


Hot Sliot 15) .... 

. . .142 

Grandpa (8)... 





.8inion Hire (4) M. 

Henderson . 


Kixmoiiiv (4» 

... 1 45 

Alfar (IS) . . . 





Richard Reed Wins the Essex Stakes and Simcoe His Home-Bred Two-Year-Olds Have Already Won 
Runs Unplaced. Him a Comfortable Fortune. 

BMtH Statesmau 114 D. .McC’thy. .1,24<» l:li;5 

Favoritec were very much in evidence, virtually 
only one of the six on the card, Fisitiiad. in the 
Spring Stakes, failing to score. 

Two arrests were made during the afternoon. 
Samuel H. Khdu. of' BIS West Sixty-first street, 
and Ralph Dreyfuss, of 2;t.1 East Fifty-sin-ond street, 
lH)tli of Manhattan. The charge in each instance 
consists of making memoranda of alleged wagers 
on a program. 


London, Jul.v 4. — The rain* for the Princess of 
Wales Stakes for foiir-year-idds and upward, with 
added, over the Suffolk Course, one and 
one half miles, was run at Newmarket on the first 
day of tbe First July .Mix-ting. The race was won 
by .Mr. Reid Walker’s foiir-year-rdd chestnut colt 
UiieiMi’s Advis-ate, by Diamond .lubiiee out of Red 
VIrglu. Lord Howard de Walden’s four-year-old 
bay <‘oIt Cargill, by Carbine out of (talline. was 
second and .Mr. R. Brice’s Royal F'ox, 4, by Fly- 
ing Fox out of llamiltrude, was third. There were 
nine atarters.^ 


Montreal, Qiie.. July 4. — At a meeting of the 
executive committee of the Montreal J<M-key Club 
yesterday it was de«-ided to give seven stakes at the 
autumn meeting which eoiumences August 2!i. 
Each stake will have at least $I.ii0i) addixl. the 
guuranti-ed stakes having been alHdished. Coming 
after the close of .Kariiloga and Empire City Mon- 
treal will have a clear field this lime. The seat- 
ing rapacity of the grandstand will lie enlarged and 
KtabUng accommodationa iucreased. 

Detroit. Mieli., July 4. — .An exi-ellent card was 
provided holiday raee-go*>rs at Windsor this after- 
msiii. Tlie jirogram was made up of seven rue* s. 
and bad as features tbe Essex llBiidicap for two- 
year-olds, tbe Independenee Handicap for three yeur- 
(dds and over, and a hHig-distanee rare In which the 
field was asked to go a mile and a half. A large 
crowd turned out, the atteinlaiiee heliig the greatest 
that ever passed tliroiigh the gates of this course. 
Thirty-three Isioks cut in and siieciilation was lively'- 
The first five races were nm over a fast track, hut 
as the horses were going to the [sist for the sixth, 
the rain came ilown in torrents, which soon flisided 
the course and made the going sloppy. Favorites 
won four of the rai'es. tlie siieeessfiil choices heing 
l.aiwreiice P. Daley, Charlie tillbert, Ida D. aiiJ 
.Missouri laid. Jockey Shilling rode three wlnner.s 
and Murphy two. 

The Essex Handicap resulted in a stirring contest, 
three liors«‘s passing the winning mark beads and 
necks apart with Richard Reinl first at the finish. 
Richard Reed set the jiaei* all the way. In the 
stretch he began to tire, hut just managed to last 
long enough to Is-at out Ilawksflight. The latter 
took a tiring swerve at the end and finished over 
next to the outside fenee. 

Charlie (lllhert proved the winner of the Inde- 
peiideuee HandieHii. Shilling had the imsint and 
he pennilted 1‘olly Prim and Cave .Ad.siim to go 
to the front and make the early pace. After en- 
tering the homestretch Charlie Gilbert t<M>k the lead 
and never relinquished it. 

The first run-up of the meeting came with the 
running of the seventh nice, which was won hy 
Ida 1). The latter was entered for $.500 and was 
Issisted $3(K> over that aniunut by E. J. Gildersleeve, 
owner of .Alcneon. which finished wcoiul. Ida D. 
was protected and bought in b.v her owner. 

Several owners left for Quebec thi.s morning, 
anioiig them Douglas Carter, who sliippi'd four, iii- 
clndiiig the fast sprinter. Risk. Steepleeliase jocke.v 
Masnada also left for QiielK'c. 

.Among the arrivals tislay was .Tolm H. Madigan. 
who <•alne to tax* his two-year-old. Sinico*'. run lix 
the Essex Handicap. S|>eaking of the reisirt sent 
out that the owners of the Fort Erie track were at 
loggerheads in regard to the system of lietting lo 
lx‘ in vogue at that track. .Mr. .Madigan said: 

"Tlie new Niagara Jis-key Club iinnoiiuced la.'-t 
winter that the Ix-tting ring at Fort Erie this sea.-oii 
would Im* an open one. That was settled montlis 
ago. There will he no deviation, from the original 
plans of making tlie meeting at Fort Erie a liigii- 
elass one and every effort will lie made to eater to 
the better class of liorsi»s. We are spending $3II,(iihi 
in renovating tlie plant, and we expect some of tlie 
Idg owners from New Y'ork to race with us this 
summer. How the report got <«t that the ring 
to Ih> syndicated Is a mystery. .Messrs. Celia, Con- 
don and Stuart are as anxious as myself to wii>e 
out syndicate liettiiig at Fort Erie, and If the track 
cannot lie made to pay with an open ring we will 
close it. i:p to date a|iplications for 1,800 stalls 
have Isx-n received, and tlie 'only living that is 
worrying ns just now is to find accommodations for 
the liorsemen.’’ i 


Lexington. Ky., July 4. — Colonel Milton Young 
has made up bis mind lo sell out nearly, if not all, 
of ills .McGratbianu Stud. Hi- says that on or alioiit 
Detolier 1 he_ will offer for sale at public aiietii.u 
here alioiit 700 tlioroiiglilired weanlliigs.yearlings. 
mares and stallions, ami 2,200 acres of land. This 
will mark tlie passing of the seixmd largest tlio''- 
oiiglitired breeding establishment in the United 
.States, the largest being .1. B. Haggin’s Elmendorf 
Stud. Captain It. J. Haneoek. Ellerslie Stud. Vir- 
ginia, xyrites Thomps F. Kelly tlmt be will cut 
down his stud to thirty mares, and believes that 
ail other lireeders slioiild do likewise. 

The yearling half-lirotber to Major Daingerfield. 
a colt li.v Star Kiiliy — .Moii Droit, was not taken lo 
New York for sale witli O. I). Wilson’s sliipnient. 
When loaded in tlie ear lie jauinied ids liead and 
knis-kixl out three or four teeth and so liadly lacer- 
ated his moutli that lie was left at liume. 

-Milton Young has sold his half interest in Nas- 
turtium to Gixirge J. .Stoll, who owned tlie other 
lialf, and tlie stallion is now at the .Meadows 

J. E. Widener’s Gateliell and Milton Young’s 
Ora Bailey, which were lired to Sain at Barney 
Sehieils-r’s .Mis.souri farm, were returned to Lex- 
ington lust night. 

Fled Pabst. the Milwaukee lirewer. will buy one 
liiiiidred tliorouglibrixl mares this fail and mate 
them to saddle stallions. 






's. Sts. 


Commando (dead) ... 




$ 81.805 












.... .‘»r» 



70, .549 

A oter 





Pessara (<leud) 




.’SO, 080 
















Ben Brush 





















.... 31 




Star Shoot 










lUui SIroine 

























Kercheval Falls Lame in the Race— Elizabeth Har- 
wood Takes Another Purse— Best Attend- , , 
ance of the Meeting. 

Cincinnati, O., July 4. — Today’s splendid card, 
containing liesldea five evenly balam-ed races, tbe 
Decoration Hundica(i at a mile and a sixteeutli, a-- 
tracfixl a big liolhluy iittenduuee, exceeding in niim- 
liers that of Derby day. It was composed largelj" 
of strangers and that they appreciated the sis>rt 
was made manifest iiy the loud and iirolonged clieer- 
ing eaeli winner was greeted with. From a hardened 
professional’s point of view there was little to en- 
thuse over, most of tlie I'ontests being taken in hol- 
low style b.v tlie winners and surprises were fur- 
nished in tile defeat of all the favorites. The most 
notleeahle incident came with the running of th» 
Decoration Handicap, won liy Pinkola. In his last 
start lie was easily taken Into camp by Czar and 
Motpiette under eonditiuus that favored Pinkola. 
Wltli the same weight up today he- made a show of 
Moqiiette, as well as Monsignor and Kercheval, after 
leading for the entire trip, .Monsignor, under a hard 
drive, taking sei-ond place from Kercheval. Mo- 
qiiette was lien ten off. There might have been a 
different result but for Kercheval falling lame after 
going thrtx--quurters ami it is barely possible that 
thLs useful horse has terminated bis racing career. 
l*i'liu‘e Ahmed. Tlie Minks, laidy Martha and Miss 
.Alert, originally carded starters, declined the issue. 

The tabled history of the Deem-ation Handicap l.s 
given below : 

Year. Winner. A. Wt. Jocke.v. Val. Time. 

19«2 Adalante 4 A.I* J. Hicks . .$1,490 2:0«i 

190.1 Reservation ...1 9.1 Romanelll . 1,750 l:,54i 

l9tH lies*- r vat ion ..4 lls .Miinro 1.045 l:.5o 

191X5 Lady Savoy... .1 100 NiMinau .... 1,680 1:47* 

1900 P’<-ess Orna...4 104 Aiistiii .... 1,840 1:45* 

19II7 Pasadena 5 114 Clierry 1.9.50 1:47 

One of the striking features of the eastern racing 
eniupaign of this year is the remarkable success 
of John E. Madden with his bund of tw»>-year-oldt 
of lii.>} own hrix*ding. Not only do Fayette and 
Sir Martin upiieur able to hohl all comers easily safe, 
but any and all of his lesser, lights Imve come to be 
regarded as dangerous In almost any sojct of company 
and backing is quickly forthcoming for any young- 
ster he sends to tlie post. One cannot help specu- 
lating as to what harvest he would have reaped in 
tlie wu.v of high prices this year had racing re- 
mained in the prosperous condition that attended 
it before Governor Hughes began his destructive 
campaign against it. Fayette and Sir Martin are 
heavily engaged abroad next year and, if ever an 
.Amerlean owner had obviously justifying reason for 
sending liis liorses across for a campaign in Eug- 
laiid and France, the two splendid colts named make 
Madden Hint man. 

To date twenty-two of Madden’s two-year-olds 
liave won for him collectively nearly the great sum 
of $l(Sl,0(Ki. Some of these have been sold since 
winning for him the amounts credited to them in 
tlie following talile; 

Horse. Sts. 1st. 2d. 3d. L’np. Won. 

Cliaperon 10 1 1 :• C $ 930 

Clef !> 0 2 O 7 ’21 K> 

(’oiinaiight Ranger .7 2 1 ’2 2 1..540 

Court Lady 0 1 O 1 4 .5.50 

Deviser 7 2 1 1 3 925 

Edward 5 1 1 2 1 730 

Fayette 0 2 2 1 1 24.300 

FiKdlooso t: o 1 1 4 125 

Harrigaii 8 2 2 1 3 1,910 

Higli Range 9 2 3 1 .1 1,080 

Joe Madden 5 1 ‘J 2 q O.OSil 

Lady Hiihliard ....11 1 2 3 5 1,000 

iJiwton AVigglns ..4 1 1 0 2 5,8!MI 

Miss Granville 3 O 1 O 2 100 

oiidiirate 0 2 1 O .1 «>:to 

Ragman 4 O 1 1 2 1.50 

Si-lileswig 1 1 O 0 0 .‘1.50 

Sir Martin .8 5 3 O O 40..540 

Takaliira 7 2 1 O 4 ikio 

Tiana 5 O I o 4 00 

Wltclilng Hour .... 5 1 O 0 4 440 

Totals 137 28 28 IS 0.1 $!*0,0.5o 


Great changes have taken place in the winning sire 
list since its last |iiihlieation hy Daily Racing 
Form. Cominando is the leader, hut the injuries 
tliiit liave sent Colin and Celt into retirement have 
endangered Ids .supremacy and Hastings is so hard 
after him tliat the latter will go to the front and 
Into a long lead If the Lawrence Realization falls 
to his gooil son. Fair Play. The extraordinary 
success of Ids two-year-olds have served to give 
Dgden tldrd place by a slight margin over the 
early leader of the year. Sain. The latter’s pro- 
geny make frixpient additions to his total, but ex- 
cept Jack Atkiii all are purse runners and their 
eontrilmtions are in small sums. As for Jack Atkin, 
he is now In that uncomfortable position a horse 
attains when he becomes in effect the property of 
the huudicapper and Is usually well taken care of. 
Hastings, Voter and Handmrg are the new names 
in the select list of twenty and all are prominent. 
Ballot’s grand speed has given Voter fifth place 
in tile list and Hamimrg has probably come into it 
to stay, although it must lx“ said his two-year-olds 
liave so fur proved disap|ioiuUng. Apparently 
nothing approximating tlie class of Artful or Bur- 
gomaster is to be iiNiked for this year among Ids 
young representatives. Up to and including June 
:>0. the twenty leading sires and tlie combined 
earnings of their progeny were as follows: 

A retrospeetive stiid.v of the .Ascot meeting Is 
always interesting, if only on aceoilnt of the rich 
slakes, whicii lust wfxk totalled in the aggregate 
upward of $l90,n00, showing an average of nearly 
$7,000 for the tweuty-eight rucea decided. ' 

Commando fdead), b. h, 10, by Domino— Emma C. 

('•din, $49,905; Celt. $22,.540; Oasis, $75; Peter 
Qiiim-e, $2,005; Piinky, $475; Restigouehe, $5.4 55 ; 

(CoDtimieU 00 second page.) 

Crystal Maid again suffered a crushing defeat, 
this time hy Elizabeth HarwoiMl, Miss Crittenden 
and PItime. A |>oor send-off. which favored Eliza- 
beth Harwood, was partially resixmslble for the 
crack filly’s failure to land a place. 

The opening race went to .lolly, on which the Lex- 
Ingtonlans who came here in goodly numbers, made 
a small-sized killing. Cowdln, the favorite, put up 
a game effort and landed in second place. Hannibal 
Bc.v, showing much speed, took the second race from 
a goml hand of sprinters that Included Merrick and 
E. M. F'ry. The latter was carried wide most of the 
way and failed to run to his best form. 

Water Lake easily took The 'Thom into camp 
and was the easiest winner of the aftermxin. In a 
sharp drive The Thorn gained second place from 
George Young. Another upset came when Mlrzer 
took the closing race handily from Stone Street ami 
Miss Lida. The latter was a pronounced choice, 
but was at all times held safe hy Mlrzer. The latter 
was overl(K>ked b.v the sharps iu forgetting that 
In his last start, when he was the favorite, he was 
given a had ride hy Warren, for which the latter 
was sharply taken to task hy the judges. 

DelegatiiHis came here toilay from Ia>ulsyillc, 
Lexington and tlie adjacent cities in Ohio. The bet- 
ting in the iniitiiel macliines, considering, the big 
attendance, was only fair, but the tiest of the 
meeting at tliat. Twelve luiitiiel machines were !ii 
action this afternoon. 

.Jockeys Powers and Minder captured the riding 
honors of the afternoon, each winning with two of 
his mounts. 

At a sale of horses hy auction held In the pad 
dock before the racing, the following were sold and 
brought only fair priies: 

Besterling to I. Cox. $475; Nazimova to I. Cox. 
$105; Emily .N. to .1. Hiibliard. $75; Dr. Simrall to 
H. J. Harris, $90; Orepps Beckham to H. .McDon 
nlil, $75; Jack Wriglit to Mr. StrB'klin, $75; (,’o«l 
Black Lady to J. C. Ferriss, Jr., $‘200; Gold Slipper 
lo H. McDonald. $70; Charles Sanders to J. Hubbard. 
$80; Evanston to D. Maguire, $75; Natoiiehe to K. I. 
Well, $IL5; Cheswardiiie to J. D. Grant. $75: Sir Balin 
to .1. Hulibard, $75; .Maxton to M. Hill. $80; Philon 
to K. Spence. $100; .lolin Montgomerv to J. Hiihhard, 
$75; Harry Steven.s to W. II. .McMuIleu, $100; Sir 
.Maurice to J. Iluhliard, $75. 


The extent of the “modification” of the Brighton 
AsMH'ia lion's program for the coming meeting at 
Brightisi Beach is shown hy the association’s con- 
dition IsKik just received. The average daily added 
miMipy is alKiiit $2,900. The “modification” caused 
considcralile <‘oniiiiciit in the east, because the stakes 
wiped out are tlie $2.5.(X)0 Brighton Handicap, the 
Brighton Mile, Invincible and Test Handicaps, Ja- 
maica Stakes, Isllp, Nautilus, Seagate, Glen Cove. 
-Montauk, .Atlantic, Winged Foot, Distaff. Brighton 
Steeplechase, Punchestown Steeplechase aud Curragn 

Horsemen were luirdly prepared for the cutting off 
root and branch of all those valuable specials. The 
program for the first five days of the meeting is a 
most unostentatious one. It is Composed entirely of 
small races, ranging in value from $400 to $1,000 
added money. 

No race on the program has a bigger value than 
$1.(K10 and there i.s hut one of that variety, tbe 
Trident, a handii'ap for three-year-olds and over 
at one mile and a quarter. 

The Trident occupies the place on the program for 
next Saturday wlilch had been reservcxl for the 
Brighton Handicap. For the opening day of the 
meeting the Billow, a $000 affair for three-vear-olda 
and over, weight-for age, at one mile, takes the 
plaee of the Brigliton Mile, a $3,000 event. There 
is one purse of $.5(K». one of $4.50 and two of $400 
Steeplechases are provided for Wednesday, Thursday 
and Frida.y. 

.Seven stakes remain that were not declared off 
These are events that closed last year and the 
year before and are of the guaranteed value order. 
They are the following: 

_ , „ Value. 

Brighton Produce, two-j'ear-olds o(H> 

Brighton Derby, three-year-olds 15 000 

Brighton Junior, two-year-olds 15' (Xk) 

Neotune, two-year-olds || 7500 

Venus, two-year-olds, fillies ” 7500 

Iroquois, three-year-olds !!!!!! lisOll 

Queen, three-year-olds and over !!!!!! L500 


Detroit, Mleh.. July 4. — HawksIIght ran on Tues- 
day anil was lieaten. Ilawksflight ran on Wednesday 
aiid_ won. Hawkslight ran Friday and was beati^. 
Both liorses were entered in tlie third race of today. 

This clears up some eon fusion eoneeming the raca 
of last Tuesday, and people who backed Hawksfllgat 
iu that race had a draw. 




Dally Racing Form Publishing Co. 

A Dally Rt‘flectl«n of the American Turf by 

Editor ami Proprietor. F. H. Bruuell. 
Associate Edltoi’, t'lliiton C. Ktley. 
Secretary. Mrs. F. H. Briinell. 


Entered as second-class matter. April 2, LSP8. at 
the post-ortlep at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act 
of March 3, 1879. 


Entered according to .Act of Congress, In the year 
1908. hy Frank II. Brnnell. in the oflice of the 
librarian of Ooiigress at Washington, I). C., TJ. S. A. 



S’er Month $ 1.50 

Half Year !t.(K» 

One Year 17.00 

The above rates are for single copies as sealed 
letters — tirst-class mall. 

Dally Racing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send 
single copies as tirst-class mail in all cases. 

Local suhscrli)tlons — outside the down-town dis- 
trict — will be declined at other than tirst-class mail 
matter rotes. 

Subscriptions must be paid In advance. 

To l)e considered and answered, all queries to 
Dally Racing Form must Ik* sent over the full name 
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(For business and circulation purposes only.) 
This telei)hone has no connection with the news or 
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nleate with them. 



The horses which seem best In Mondav's races 
are: • 

Bhcepshead Bay — New York, .lulv J. 

1— Chpfsmtue. .Melissa. Gliding Belle. 

2 — Dcilriuu). Peter guince, Noble. 

— Helmet. Sir Martin. Fayette. 

■i — Fair Play, King .lames. Itoranle. 

0 — Gretna Green. Grapitle. Sea tVolf. 
tt — Marathon, Colonel Whiti-. Frizette. 

II. Forsland. 

Latonia — Latonia, K.v.. .Inly 1. 

1 — Point I.aei'. gni'on's Message. Ornamosa. 

2 — Variation. Light Blue, Fncle Walter. 

II — Sorrel Top. Donna Klvlro, Marmorean. 
4--Ber\vi.k. ,ioe .Moser. Prince .Ahim'd. 

fS — Washakie, .liui List on. Masson. 

tt— Hostile Hyphen, .Mary TallM>tt. .Albert Star. 

J. L. Dempsey. 

The Meadows— S<>attle. AVash.. .Inly 4. 

1 — I ucle Henry, Cuernavaca, Anna Karenina. 

^ — Bell of Brass. Phillistina, Ornate. 

•’( — Agnolo, Lustlg, Big Store. 

4— S^’urity, St. Francis. F. Neugeut. 

<7 — Altadice, Mechlin. Ida May. 

H — Jack Adams, La<ly Kitty, Taunt. 

J. R. Jeffery. 

WindMr— Windsor. Ont., July 4. 

1~>'^|Sht. Sir Cannon. Colored Lad.v. 

2 — Woodside. Lizzie Flat, Byzantine. 

3 — .Melton Cloth, Nigger Btiby. Tremargo. 

J — HarcfUirt. St. Jeanne, Ilawkania. 

•A— Lad of Langden, Redondo. Minot, 

J. — SchrtK'der’s .Midway, Nancy, .Alsatian. 

'• — f^t. Ilarlo. Goldway, St. Valentine. 

T. K. Lynch. 


Seattle, Mash.. July 4. — Ten tlioiisanJ people, the 
wrgest gathering In tlie liistovy of Im-al racing, saw 
AA . P. Fine's <Tack coll, t^Iorio, w-in the Celebration 
Handicap at The ileadows today in a manner that 
conlirmed the belief that he is an exceedingly dan- 
gerous Derby candidate, tllorlo won totlay in race 
liorse fashion, coming fast from iM-hind 'and out- 
gamed Lotus Eater In a hot drive. The tield that 
contested the stake was the liest ever hrougut to- 
gether in the northwest and Glorio’s feat was fheie- 
fore a noteworthy achieTcraent ff>r a three-year-<»M. 
It Is a notable fact that Glorio has wfm all his 
**"!’(*' itf The Meadows. The .Seattle inibllc, mind- 
ful or his previous achievements here, hacked him 
loyally today. Mfhongli only three of seven favor- 
ite^ won, the ring received a seorehing. 

Jc^key tlargan was inilelinltely sus|>ended for 
cutting Stanley Fay off in the closing rtice with 
the result that the favorite tinished last. 

Johnny Lyons broke down so badly during tbe 
running of the stake that jockey lla.ves lia>l to 
pull him up and disinouut. 

H. I„ Jones and Cobmi l AA’. K. .Applegati- joined 
the ranks of la.vers lishiy. Rot, Turner is liere 
and may put on a I>ook. 

Edward Trotter and Frank Doss had an alterca- 
tion tills morning that ended in tisticuffs. Doss 
was considerably battered ui>. 


•^eff Bernstein, wliicli won flie second race at La 
tonia 'I liursda.v. is considered to he an extra promts 
Ing yonngslei. Hi.s mother. Lake Bre*-zc. is wel! 
reineinl>ered iiere as a freipient winner at AAusliiiig- 
1<Ht Park. Garfield and ILiwtliorne. Slio won the 
Oaks at I.atonia in 1S!I2 and was a notable r:iciug 
figure in the west Hint .vear and as :t two ycar-old 
in 1S!)2 in AVcwKlford A.- Buckner's eolors. Lakt- 
Brci'xc was fast, hut erratic, by I.conalus Eva t>. 
and is now ninotcoii years old. 

Hal AA'iKXlford bred Jeff Bi rnstein and it is said 
offered $2.l)ta) ff,r him Thnrsdav after liis raec but 
his owner ileclimd to sell. Wcsalford has a hard 
IiK-k .story In referem-e to llie eolt. He said: "I 
told my trainer. Frank Gro.selie, to loty him at llie 
sales and that 1 would give him tim roll. He 
Went as far as $2.-)0 ami then stoi«l«d bidding.” 

S. K. Huglies got Hie eolt at J2.M* November 28. 
last, at the Lexington fall sale.s. 


(Continue«l from first page). 

Slipfiery. $127>; 8u|>ermau, ?J2.7; Transvaal, $.800. 
Total. .$Sl,8i;.A. 

Hastings, br. h, 15, by Spendthrift — Cinderella. 
.Arondaek, $.'>2'i; Bridoon. $4tCi; Bhtndy, $l.i:iO; 
Ctirrleulum. $1.14.7; Idamond. .$32.7; Don Enri(pie, 
Flint, $840; Fair Play. $tl.ii.70; Field .Mouse, 
$10.0.77; F)avigu.\, $797; Glorilier, .$lV2-7; Gloriole. 
$C.7S; tiiilden ' A'lew. $lfMr; Hal. $2.-i0; Hasty .Agnes, 
$3,131; Last tlo. .<477: lads Cavanagh, .<.'!.7.30; ,AIad- 
man. $40o-. .Malacca. $2ts»; Naney, .<401; Okenite. 
$8.70; Prlscllliati. .<4.777; Rostrum. $;i(M); Rnstiens. 
$25; lexer. $;{7.7; lileing, $:l.:iOt». Total, $80.;:91. 
Ogden, b. h, 14, by Kilwarlin — Oriole. 
Beltuere. $2,177; Rox Elder. $12.7; Black Mose, 
$710; F<n)tloi>s«‘, $127; Fayette. $24,300; Lyndhurst. 
$11.7; La Fayette. .<88.7; Miss l.ida. $427: Obdurate, 
$!i.'!ti; Pedigree, .<."d!; Saylor, $l.fi4.7; Sir Martin. 
$4i;.54l>; Senator Barrett, $•'27; Supine, $137; Tlmlier, 
$.720. Total. $78,838. 

Sain, br. h, 14, by St. Serf — The Task. 
•Alnilde, $:;77; Alice George. .<7.77; Bill Easton, 
$71.ii; Black .MaiitiHa, $.'{2!t; Blanche C., $1,220; 
Centro Shot, $2,747; Chief Desmonil, $507; Dr. 
Coleman. $;'.S7; Dentseliland, $4..';8<t; Doctor Logan. 
$1,281; E. .M. Fry. $1,127; Ed Sheridan, $110; Earl 
Rogers, $1,127; Gene Handlon. $.7.77; Geneva S. . 
$1.2iHi; f.tiy Fisher. $.772: Ja< k Atkin, .<::i:.0:iO; 

Johnny Lyons. $7.0.70; Latmia. $27: IjOtus Bratidt, 
$l.o72; Ismise Fiizgibben. $;!77: .Miss Highland. 

$3,810; Miss Sain, $2:;8; My Lad.v I'ranees, $117; 
Netting. $1. 4.7.7; iinr .Anna. -<140; Sainagni's, $480; 
Salnesaw, $.7.77: Salnrlda, $7.7t); .Sainward, $.';77; 

Senator Warner. $270; Tmn Sliaw, $1,277; Tony 
Fanst. .<l.'i'.iO; Tom .McGrath, $.".2.7; 'I'ony Ronero, 
$4.18,7. Ti’al $7‘;.7l;i. 

Afotor, ch. h, 14. by Friar's Balsam — Mavournccn. 

-Aliron, $7:70; Ballot Box. $80; Ballot, $28. .717; 
Briber.\. $t<S(; Economy, $1 .'.m;. 7: Fair.v .Sprite, $27; 
1-nd.v Leota. $7*X>: Si-leetnian. .<2.9<;.7: Suffragette, 
$.7,720; Turneoat. $50; AVildplgeon. $37.7; A'ox Pop- 
uli. $1.«.7.7. TotaL $4;{.'_*lai. 

Fessara (dead), b. h, 20, by Pizarro— dSister Monica. 

Bound Brisik. $1.4.70; Colonel Jack. $;!.97.7; I>o- 
rante. $.7,9.7.7; Montgomery, $14.:i2.7; Prowler, $CL7: 
Relwurider. $3.7; Rifleman. $(!.4.70; Rio Grande. 
$2,245; Robert Cistper, $1,.7.70; Soiree. $liO. Total, 

Hamburg, b. h, 13, by Hanover — Lady Reel. 
Adriana, $31X1; Rahy AA’olf. $1,777: County Fair. 
$.'i<>; Dandelion, $r>.41<l; Dreamer. $4,970; Firehratid. 
Friaette, $4,'eili Uiliblile, flvb; lulcrvcnc, 


SUNDAY, JULY 5, 1908. 

$.3,09(1: .lersoy, $.7.7; .Titggler. $0,090'; Jersey 
Ltghining, $200; King Cole. $0.70; Littleton Maid. 
$1INI; Aliilas. $;{;'9L 1‘arkview. $3,980; Stindance, 
$l<Mi; S:iiii|piper. $'.170; Top Note, $1.1.37; Xebee, 
$21X'; Yoi-kville Beat:, $l,tat. Total, $.7II.021. 
Planitdes. b. h, 11, by St. Siman — Lonely, 
lie Burgo, $40; Di-melrios, $410; l.angiiing Eves, 
$1.H|0; Lawton Wiggins. $.i,800; .Meellek. $18.6t.KI; 
Red Due. .<L"at; Kagmali. $2 .794|;» Servile, .$2.71.7. 
Selileswlg, $.'hjO: 'lorn Holland. $480; Troiihlesome, 
$1 21XI: Tettaney by Courtesy, .$1,380. Total. $.'!4.857. 
Ornament, ch. h, 14, by Order — Afictorine. 
.Adoration. $7.7; Alauda, $1,820; .Aletheiio, $3,70.7; 
Bauble. $.740; Cliristmas, $liat; Cliepontue, $1.0.80; 
Charlotte Hamilton. $.72.7; Dejeet, $.77; Esehau, 
.<2<H>; Gallavant. $720; .lohli C.trroll. $;},124; King's 
Daughter. .$2,li78: King's Son. $72.7; Lady Ilaw- 

tliorite, $3oO; Lady Gay Sitanker. $37.7; Merlingo, 
$1.2.70; .Alltrt', $1!2.70; ' Monfnrt. $2,970; Drcagna, 
.<827; tirnanientatii:ii. .<i'xi; Picaroon $L70; Pimpante. 
$70; Keidmisire. $4.."i.80; Royal Onyx. $2,503; Sain 
lloffhcinicr, .*1.77ii; Stoneman. <.744: Tamine, $!t(I.ri: 
Treasure Seeker. $l,Io7; AA'ashnkic, $:0(i; AVam- 
boro. $7.7. Total, $'! 1,39.7. 

Ben Bnish, b. h, 16, by Brambla — Roseville. 

■Aks ,\r Ben. $71.7: Ben S:ind. $t04;; Besom. $2.'Jt'iO; 
Cliapli't, $37.7; t'lisqUe. $2,0»7t): Greliia Green. $4.:!27; 
HareonrI, $2,0.77; Pantoullo, .$2.7So; Patriot, $7.87; 
3'ranee, $11,217: Twigs. $ltHl; ITmbrell.a. $t:.30; 
Viaaloo. $1.11.7; AVlId Refrain, $l,2t'.o; Wamlia. $.‘aMt. 
Total. $::::.. •;73._ 

Plaudit, 1). h, 13. by Himyar — Cinderella. 
Aileassiii. $l.f.iM»; Biii Cni'lis. $870; Beckon. $7i«»; 
Comcdiemie. $8s3; Clef, $llk1; fall Boy. $1,370; 
Claque, $.7l>; lam Creole, $l,0tt<1; Darknight, $2,417; 
Eudora. .<:{97; EdwiuM. $7;!0; Gold Bars. $140; 
Helen Mills. $‘,»3.7; Hooray, .$‘2,132; Harrigan, $1,810; 
Khig Janies. $8,840; Long Ball. $70; Marvel 1’., 
$UHt; .Miss Ik'lancy. $1,707; Paniqne. $1.2.Si»; Play- 
lit. $.70: Pros|K’r, $I3.0; Plausible. $.810; Plaudmore, 
$480; gueen I.ead, $.70; Takahira, $2,400; Tiana, 
$f,0; Triuinidi. $7li0. Total, $.';2,24.7. 

Cesarion. b. h. 16, by Faustus — Cleopatra. 

All .Alone. $10.7; .Arionette, $4,671; Birth. $145; 
Bonart, $.77; Boserrian. $.'ilMI; Colotiel Bob, .$2.04.7; 
t'o.ssct. .$t.O‘2.7; Fore. $4,2'20: Fusilade, $375; Golly 
Ding. $40: King Cotmit. $8,827; Lady Arion, $7:7;. 
I.aiicashire Lad, $12.7; Marmorean. $75: Sea Swell, 
$'2lMi,7; Silver Sti>i-king. $757; She Wolf, $81.7; 
Trallie, .$11.7; Trnnhlemaker, $2,760; AVliisk Broom. 
$9,30. Total, .$.'I0.6I!1 . 

Mazagan, b. h, 12, by Martagon — Maize. 

.Aunt .Aggie. $3,9.85; .Aunt Rose, $2,331; Cable- 
gram, $240; Hyperion IL. $.7.06li: Little Wieky, 
$7.7: Magtizine. $.7,6;!7; Mazonia. $52;!; .Aliss Maz- 
zoni, $1.4IHi; .Mary Tall)ott. .$!t2.7; Master Robert. 
$7,145; $1.72: Nagazam, $1..785; Romp, $87.7; 
Song AA'riter, $2.7; A'ankee Daughter, $,'>66. Total, 

Woolsthorpe, b. h, 20, by Tibthorpe — Light of Other 

-Azusa. $UK>: .Alice Baird. $.700; Bellethorpe, $2.7; 
Bellwether. $3., 824; Braden, $117: Charles A\'. 
Hislges. $.725: Creel. $2.79.7; Crepps Beckham. $725; 
Dorolh.v Wchh. $120; Dress Parade, $450: Fashion 
Plate. $8,80: Falcada. $.740; Grapple, $4.34.7; HalLe 
Sherman. $7(>; Hazelthorpe, $37.7; J. II. Reed, 
$1.79.7: La Gloria. .<900: Light AAYxtl. $4,550; Mattie 
itusse’.l. $17.7: Plume. $22.7; Sufflee. $228; Tim Plp- 
|iin, $.'V0: Telegr:i|>her, $114; Tari'on. $7.7; Watnga, 
.$.7.7; WiM)lsi>iin. $D'i0; AA'exford. $1.25.7; AA’oolwinder, 
$450; AA’ool Sandals. $1,.775; Woolen, $605; Zeliu.i, 
$.720. Total. $28,493. 

Star Shoot, ch. h, 10, by Isinglass — Astrology. 
■Albert Star, $1,071; Aiioura. $675: Bean Bruniinol. 
$'_M82; Black Mary, $100; Crack Shot. $.720; Chal- 
(imte, $1,770: (^ary, $6."i0; Doubt, $2.03.'!: Dr. Math- 
ews. $37.7: Enfield, $7.7: (Jeorge IL AA'hlle. $892; 
Lajeunesse. $40; Lens. $1,640; Alelissa. $8,935; Miss 
Catesby, $100; Montank, $6.70; .Aliss Popular, $KiO; 
Pleiad. $.730: Polar Star. $8:55: Keene AV., $1,005. 
Senator Beekliain, $70tt; Wave Crest. $140; Winning 
.Star. $100; AA'ing Ting, $1.30<i: AVlteliing Hour, 
$440; AV. A. Iicac*, $l,0tH); Zeola, $400. Total, 

Fatherless, b. h, 18, by Isonomy — Orphan Agnes. 
Aiken, $1,265: Alice. $1,361; Blameless. $6.70; Bll 
lie llibbs. $1..S5.7; Charle.v Doherty. $75; Chipmunk. 
$1.03.7: Canada, $1,210: Godfatlier, $37.7; (iiles, 

$1,!*70; Hancock. $612: Marster (dead), $4,630; No 
Father. $.'!2,7: Orfano, $1S0; Orphan Boy. $;I25; Or- 
phan Lad. $68; Red Revnard, $75; Red Rive;- 
$4.i:;0; Tllllnghast. $400; Trey of Spades, $120: The 
Clow n, • $60.7; T. S. Martin, $.’..500; Venus. $1.70; 
AA'orkman, $1,210; AA'orkmaid, $410. Total, $27,439. 
Ben Strome, b. h. 22, by Bend Or — Strathfleet. 
.Aquiline. $4<10; Belle of Iroquois, $1.!)00; Big Ben, 
$1.9!tO: Belle Strome, $1.1.76; Ben Stone. $1,12.7; 
Brick Top. $4<i; Blue Coat, .$40: Burleigh. $3.22.7: 
Ben Strong. $389; Dele Strome, $5:i0; Dlvoreee, 
$6.7<t; E. S. AA'hittaker. $6.7; Fireball, $1,630; Jeanne 
d'.Arc, $.7.70; Kmnshaw, $5.75; La Souer. $25; Laura 
E-, $.70; Lee Harri.son II., $2.:{:j.7; Maelstrom, $114; 
■Aliss Strome. $2.6<rJ: Naniio. $1.2W; Pasadena. $47; 
Ruble. $47.7; Roseben. $:’,.400; Sly Ren, $.325: Sister 
Franecs, $400; Tim O'Toole. $690; Tbe Pippin, $500. 
Total. $26,468. 

Gcrolstein. br. h, 13, by St. Serf — Geraldine. 
.Amontillado. $lOO; Bravonre. $.730; Bright Skies, 
$.70; Calla, $285; Cha|inltepee. $17,7.70; (.'ampaigner, 
$1,460; Dr. MeCluer. $846: .Teremiali, $:;.67; Kemp 
Ridgeley. $1,480; Bnlhby. $60; Sight, $.773; Trium- 
phant, $1,025. Total. .<24. .746. 

Sandringham, br. h, 12, by St. Simon — Perdita II. 

.Angelus. $14.02.7; .AphriHlite. $360; Counterpane, 
$9tX); Delirium. $KKt: Goo<I Luck. $1,632; Heine. 
$6!0; Ocean Maid, $645; Palemoii, .$220; Round and 
Roiind, $1(10: Royal Tourist, $4,130; Sadler, $670. 
Total, $23.7.52. 

Kingston, b. h, 24, by Spendthrift — Kapanga. 
Cotillion. $37.7; Chniita, $4,167; Dazzle. $.70<1: 
Earl's Court, $240; Frontenac. $1,660; Gay King, 
$»!6.7; Kempt on. $1.34.7: La A'eita. $.300; Lancastrian. 
.$204: .Molcsey, .$1,710; Masaniello, $960; Robin Hbial. 
$1.3:<6: Rose Queen. $7,1!t.7; Summer Cloud, $17,7: 
TiilMiggan, $111. Total. $21. .741. 


Proliabilities: AA'eatlicr clear: track fast. 

Racing stiirts at 2 p. in. (Chicago time, 4 p. in.) 
XRuns well in mud. ©Stiperior mud runner. 

First Race — 3-4 Mile. 
3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. 

( Tra 

ck record: July 21. 


2 -4--109.) 




A. AVI. lido-, I. 


(tiir Anna 


4. .105. . X725 

75805 Cherry 


4. . 106. . X7'26 




:i. . 9S..X715 



.. .1:178 

7. .109. .©715 



3. . !t0. . X 710 


Cncle Henry 


6. .112. . X710 

.Anna Karenina 

4. I65..X765 


Her Farewell 

4. .161 763 


Dainty Morsel . . . . 

4. .105 700 


I'orest Rose 

.3.. 90 700 

Second Race- 
ri'rack record; .August 

-5-8 Mile, 


1. 1906-591— .3-97.) 




10!t 725 


Belle of Brass . . . . 


101. . X726 

4 , 1 1 .) 1 - 


165.... 715 

El Pa VO 

165 716 


Colonel I tick 

165 710 


L:id\ (inalitv 

. . . 1 :(t2.) 

162 710 



169.. X 705 


Larry Aluiligati T.. 

105. . X7II5 

7 46<i!l 

.\Hns lUM>tlPss 

102. . X705 


Buck thorn 

105 706 



162 700 

Third Race — 1 Milo. 
3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 

( iTa^ k n*ronl: Ansnst 1! 

P.KKJ -1:3 

sS4— 11— 90.) 


Big .Store 

. . .1:4.3 





7. .104. . X7‘26 

4’.»s 4 iri 



5.. 101.. X 715 



. ..1:42 

5.. 101.. X 715 


Old .Settler 

3.. 89. .X715 

I . I* hN i 

Adda K 

4. . 97 710 







S. .161 7<X| 


•Annie 11 

7. . !KI 700 

-Altar Boy 

.3 . . S I . . X 700 


4.. 911.. X 695 

4 0NINJ 


7. . 96. . X6U5 

Fourth Race — 5-8 Mile. 

3 year-olds and upward. .Allowanees. 


•k rc'-iii.l: 


t 1. 1!Mx;--5 




75761 1 

SEl 1 Kirv 



. X 


7.776 1‘ 

.siiirl'-y Ppssiu'tri 

. . . 1 :<M|4 


. X 


St. Irani’is 






F. Nci'-gcnt 




. X 


7128 1 

A "11 '1 f’lmp 


. X716 


Mi^s Pn>v*» 





Race — 3-4 Mile. 

3 year-olds 


tipward. Selling. 

iTra<*k n conl: . 

luly L»l, 1:1 

2 — 



Ida .May 










• X 







.Alice Cary 



• X 



A'ailetes .. 



• X 



Mechlin .. 

l:i;’. t 









. X 



Roinanuff • 





Josic’s Jcwi 

d . . 

r» . 


• X 

Sixth Race— 1 Mile. 

3-year-olds and tipward. .Selling. 

(Track record: August 2, ItMX'i— 1 :38} — 11 — 90.) 
75710 John Lyle . . . .l;59j (i> .FOU. .0125 


Jack .Adams .... 


7 . 


■ X726 







Pa lemon 

. . . 1 : 16* 



. . .715 


Lady Kitty 



• > 716 


Ri'd Reynard .... 




- X7IO 




7 . 

. X705 

4 7 4 





. X76.7 



.. 1:41* 





Red Ball 




The ligiiros under “Rcc.” in above cntric.s show 
(he l*est time maile by llie liorse at the distain'e 
since .Tannar.v 1. 19C<6. This time i.s not noce.ssaril.v 
made by a winner. It may be the estimated time 
of 4 losing pirformanec. 


.Seattle. Wasli., .Tilly L— Thirteenth day of the 
King Coiinly Fair .Association's sniiinier ineeling of 
soventy-lhrce days. AA'cather clear; traek fast. 
Tweilty'-one hooks on. 

Preshling Jnilge. E. C. Hopper. Starter. Richaid 
Dwyer. Racing Secretary, .Alartin Natlianson. 
7580-5 First Race — 3-4 Mile. (Traek record: .Inly 
21. I'.mo 1:12 -4 -1(0.) 4-ycar-<dds and ni)ward. 

Ind. Horse. Wt.Sl. Str.Fin. .lockcy. Op. Cl. 

7.771') The Sultan in;: S P 12 I’age ;; :i 

7.77::L’=lTo.stigc in 4 5> I’h Buxton 4 lA 

7.7211 A'ivant px: ;i 2i J McIntyre S lO 

7r»78.7 Nellie UaeineloS 6 :ii 42 J.ycurgus .7 7 

7.77;’J.=T:uint HH .7 lA ,7> A AA'alsh I :t.J 

7.773.7 Excitement 111 it (> 6 Hettig PI 12 

7.77:;i Cherry 2 7 7 A\' Gloss .To pxi 

7.7710 ( 'apt. BurnettloO 7 S S it Bol.and 10 12 

74.7t2i {'. Hedrak los 1 9 !i C Sullivan 13 20 

7;i286 .Mv Komiuet 110 11 lo 1« Ezell loO l.TO 

7:i5ii4 Sea I^.l lOS 10 11 11 Sandy 10 1.7 

The Sultan. |da<v, 6 .7; show. 7-16. Prestige, 
plaec. 9.7; show. 4.7. Vivant. place. 4: show. 2. 
.Nellie Racine, place. 21; show, 1. Taunt, place. 
7.7; show, 7-16. 

Time. 1;13J. 

AAinner--Ch. g, 0. hy Horatio-- I’icklow II. 

AA'eiit to rx'Sf at 2:1.7. At isyst 4 minutes. Start 
g<H>d. Won driving: second and third the same, 
■fin- Sultan tptickl.v ran into a long early lead, bin 
was tiring at the end. Prestige fintslietl fast. A’i 
vant showed si«-ed, btif tinsl. 

Overweights — M.v Bouquet. 4 itonnds. 

75806 Second Race — 1 .Mile and .76 Yards. (Track 
rci-ord: .August 11, 1966--1 :414 4— lUO.) 3-year- 

olds and upward. Selling. 

Ind. Horse. AVt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey. Op. Cl. 

7.7617 Black .Mate 110 4 2» 1» (J .Archib'd 1 1 

7.77085.Ios1c S. 1<)6 2 3^ 2‘ Rettig 12 20 

7.77.75 Convent Bell 101 1 D 3J C Russell 12 13 

7."736’Be Thankful !):! 6 6’ 4* (Jaugel 4 .TJ 

7.77;!6=T. English ’nli:i .3 1A 3‘ .1 McIntyre 4 4 

7.7t;,84 Ext>ectant 93 7 .7 6 I’age 1.7 20 

7.77.76 Broniina 106 8 7 7 Scoville 12 20 

7.A7.8.3 Billy I’ullnianlOl .7 S S D Boland 8 12 

737:12 Distributor 104 9 Pnll.up.Gloss • 60 PXl 

Black Mate, place, 1-2; show, 1-5. Josie S., place, 
7; show. ;3; Convent Bell, place. 6: show, 3; 

He Thankful, place. 9-5; show, 4-5; The Englishman, 
lilace, 6-5; show, 2-5. 

Time, 1:42J. 

AA’inner — Ch. g. 4. by First Mate — Later. 

AA'ent to jxist at 2:42. .At jtost 1 minute. Start 
gix'd. AA'on easily; second ami llilnl driving. Black 
.Alafc was easil.v la-st. Josic S. ran a gtxxl race. 
Convent Bell was speetly but tired. Be Thankful 
ran itooriy. 

Scratched — 75756'’Big Store, 107; 75731 Red Rey- 
nard, HX.I. 

Overweights — Josie S., 1 pound; Be Thankful, 4; 
Bromina. 1; Billy Pullman, 3. 

the stretch and tired. Ten Row ran well. Neltlng 
<piit after ftdlowing^. F. Donohue lo tbe stretch. 
Scratched 7.77.82 Sacliet. 165. 

75809 Fifth Race— .3-4 Mile. (Track rectgd; Jniv 

21. 190(1 1:12— 4 — Itx.l.) l.ycar-olds and upward, 


ind. Horse. AA’t.St. Str.Fin. Jockey. Op. CL 
(7.77;!.3)I>.H ri.sonlL Ii:! I .3> I'A D Boland tc 3 2 
7.7684 I). AVilson 117 5 4^ 2" FI I,ynch 15 20 

74367^Don Doino 109 4 2‘ .3’ .1 McIntyre 3 4 

75733 Non. I.ucille 111 3 5= I" G .Archib’d 13 16 

7.76i9 Tay. (Scorge 114 2 1' 3' A AValsIi 8-5 6-5 

7.7733 Eltndalc 113 6 6 6 Alarle 20 :!0 

Lee Harrison II.. idacc, .‘!-5; show. 1 4. Dii'k 
Wilson, place. 6; show, '2. Don Donio, place, 6-.7; 
show, :! 5. Taylor (ieorge, place, 12; show, 14. 
3'iinc. l;i::. 

AA'inner- -Ch. g. 4. by Ben Stronie--Jaiiet Cray. 
Went to pits! at 4:11. .At post 5 minutes. Start 

g<H«l. AA'on handily; second and third ilriving. 
I.4><- Harrison 11. won going away and was b»'st. 
Dick AA'ilson finished gamely. Don Domo wtis 
speedy, but .short. Taylor George quit badly. 

75810 Sixth Race— 1 Mile ami .70 A'ards. (Track 

record: .Aiignst 11, 1!(66 -1:41 J — 4- 166.) 3-ycav- 

olds and upward. Selling. 

Ind. Horse. Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jwkey. Op. CL 
(7.7684) Bar. Oldfield 1<X) 3 2i 1“ (J Archib'dJi 2i 

7.77.7S=PaI 110 2 li 2» -A Harris 3 4.i 

7.77oS-High Gun 104 4 4< It Bolan<l 3 ;{.A 

(7.770.S)Monvina llO 1 :!t» 4^ 1) Riley- 6 3 

(73710)L.C..\ck’lcy 10!» 3 .7' 5‘ J McIntyre 7_ 1,8-5 

(7.77:{2lCol. \\" wick 111 6 6 6 Scoville 13 2.7 

7.70S6 M. Rantlolph 96 7 7 7 Ituxton 20 2.7 

■ Barney Oldfield, place. 1; show. 1-2. Pal. I'bicc. 
8-5; show. 7-16. High Gun, place, 6-5; show, 1-2. 
Mitnvina. place. 2; show, 4-5. L. C. Ackorlcy, |>lacc, 
:!-2; show, 7-16. 

Time. 1 :43. 

AA’liiner -B. g, 3. tty .Alorcno — La Amiga. 

Went t«i i«>-st at 4:41. .At ixist 1 ntinule. Start 
goo<l. Won driving; second and third the same. 
Barney Oldfield was gamest in a hot finish. Pal 
set llie pace fast ami stayed well. High Gun tin- 
ished Monvina tired. 

Overweights — High (Jun. 1 ixtnnd. 


THIRD R.ACE — 5-8 Mile. (6449*; — l;tx>l- 2 — 165.) Essex Handicap. Value $l..5(xt. 
2 year-olds. Net vtiltie to winner $1,1.'>6. 

Ind Horses 

. ( 73727 ) H A AVK S F'LIG 1 IT 
7.7727 B.Al.BEK 

(73703)M.\NA' COLORS 

AAA'tPPSt A4 •% Str F'iti .lockeys Owners 

w l')9 4 .3 D 1= 1= ink J AA' M’hvM C Mixtre 

WB 103 8 3 V 4'A 2A 2h C H .Shil’g.A Brown 

WB 108 6 4 3t 5'i 4’ 3* C Koerner \V H Mtisbyr 

w 110 7 1 2t> 20 3A 4’ Nicol G Hendrie 

w 118 3 .7 3‘J .!J 5‘J 3A E Walsh J H Madigan 

WB 90 3 6 6= 6t 6= 6> F’brother .1 S Tvree 

Wit 102 2 7 7‘ 7« 7* 7A AVhitning M Nleoll 

wr. 98 1 8 8 8 8 8 Francis D Armstrong 

737oD.AD\'ANCING wr. 98 1 8 8 8 8 8 Francis D Armstrong 20 20 

Time, 'J.'!*, 47!. 1;01. 

AA'inner — Br. <•. by- Marla Santa — .Alary ttraiiie<l by L. 'niomp-amt. 

AVciit to i«'st at .‘!:.'’ai. .At l«ist 2 minutes. Start giKsl. AA'on driving; secoad anil Ibird 
Richard Reed, a r.-qiid breaker, dashed into a commanding lead and set a fast pace for a half, 
and was driving to the limit .-it tlie end to stall off Hawksflight. Tlic latter inovi>d ni> gamelv 
Inni, tint ket>t hearing over toward tl'.e oiit'-ide till of llie last furlong and finished fast next to 
B.'ilI.ek linislicd gamely under a drive and was catching the leaders at every stride. Simcia' mi 
the inside on the ftir ttirn, tint quit in the last furlong, 

Scralclied 74!MX) .Advanee Bo.v. 98;"7.577< Hawkslight, txi. 

Overweights —Haw ksfliglit, 1 pound; R:ilbek. ;!; Micliael .Atigelo. 2; Indian Hunter, .3. 

() II C P S 

6 8 8 2i 6-3 

6 10 7 2i 1 

8 10 8 2i 1 

4 7 7 2i 1 

4-5 1 4-3 1 4 o 

40 30 .70 13 6 

20 20 20 7 3 

20 20 20 7 2i 

the ,-ame, 
then tired 
on the far 
the fence. 
>vcd ui> on 


Ind Horses 

Fttl RTII RA(T:—1 1-16 Miles. (61495 -1 ;45i — 4*-118.) Purse $.5iXl. .'{ year old- and 

u|tward. Handicap. Net value to w-inner $.375. 

AAA'tPPSt 14 (4 % Str F'lii Jockeys Owners 




4 Ih) .7 

6 4A 


luk p I'J 

737.71’C.VA'E .AD.SU-AI 


4 lie 3 



'J- 2.\ 2» 

7.772te POLLY PRI.M 


3 108 I 

2 D 

2 '.A 

IP :i* 

T.7;!70 .Ml.N.NIE .AD AMS 


.7 110 6 

4 3'-’ 

.7 * 

•YA 4'S 4"k 



:: I't;! 2 

.1 6 

1; :7.A .7' 



3 91 4 

fl ‘J- 


4' ('• 6 

i’ Koerner I R AViiinwright*3 

3 47 1-4 

.31 1 14 

7'676-’GlLA'EDE.AR WsK 3 94 4 7 4< 4' 6 6 .1 AA .APhy.A D .Stcelo 15 2n 8 2J I 

Tittle. 24. I.S. 113. I;.'!9J., 1'465. 

AA'inner — Ch. c, hv Masi'tto — Frogmore (trained bv J. Nixon). 

■»\'ent to post at 4:<x). .At pitst 2 minutes. Start' gixttl. AA'on easily; second and third drivimr. Cliarlle 
(iillMTi was w-aited wltli until on tlie turn ont of the tiackstretcli. tlien cli>sed on tbe leaders with a rush 
and drew away into an easy lead In the last quarter. Cave .Adstiin ran well, but was driving to the limit 
at the cad to btall off Folly rtim. XUo latter luiisUcd Inst Witief t) (itiv^ tuid would i;j 

75808 Fourlli Race 1 1 It; Miles. (Track reenrd; 

Angnst 14. 1907—1:4 41-4—168.) Celebration 

Handicap. Value $2.."XXt. 3 ycar<ilds .and upward. 

Ind. liorse. AVI. St. Str.Fin. JiK'key. Op. CL 

(737.79)Gloi‘io 99 6 2‘ IJ ,V Harris 4 6 

(73639)I>otus Eater 11() 1- 2’ Gaugel t3J 2 

73734-Eii. T. F'rycr PCt 5 .7J .A* G .Archib'd 3 6 , 

74S:M Green Setil 163 ‘2 It i'i Keogh t3i 2 

(7.7.744)Cadichon 163 7 7 ,7i C Sullivan 8 10 

i7.7624l*D'npatrick 116 9 6 6 Sau'iy 8 16 Sugarmaid 105 3 8 7 .IMelntyrc J6 9 

7.7662 Flarly Tiiie bxi 1 30 8 Buxton J6 9 

737:!4’I>ogistilla lot 8 9 9 D Boland 13 P2 

7573:l F'air F'agot :xi 4 10 10 .V 2(1 2<t 

7.7'734 John. lyons Kx; 11 Br.down. JHaye.s 10 13 

Glorio, place, 24; show. 6-5. laitns Eater, conpl' ''^^ 
idace. 1; show, 12. Edwin T. Fryer, iilaee, 
show, I. 

•.Added starter. t t t'oniiled in laqiiiig; no sep- 
arate pliK-c or show tietting. 

Time. l:4(i?. 

AA'inner Br. c, 3, by Galveston— Clemlora. 

AA'ent to post at .‘!:4it. At post 1 minute. Start 
gisal. AA'on driving; second and third the same. 
Glorio ran (dose uii tbronghoiil and finished g:imely^ 
Lotus Eater came from far back in the stretch. 
Edwin T. Fryer finished fast. Siigarniaid and Early 
Tide set the inice to the sfrelch. 

Scratched (757-78) Liirettii, !t5. 

(Ivei'weiglits— Logistilla, 2 lioiinds; Jolimiy Lyons, 

• r-, 

SUNDAY, JULY 5, 1<t08. 


anothpr Btride. >Iinnie Adams broke wHb the leaders, but could not stay at the pace and dropped out on 
the backstretoh. <!ilvedear showed si>eed. 

itverweislits — l*oll.v rrliii, .•> pou i uls; Minnie Adams, t. 

1'11''1'H UAl’K— 5-8 Mile. ((>4 t'.Mi -1 ;0(ii -‘J— lOo.i $1(H» added, ll-year olds. Maidens, 
i rillics. .Mlowanees. Net value |o winner 

AWtrrst u 14 % Sir Fin Jwke.vs 

() II c r s 

J5703 THISTLE EELLE w 113 10 3 _ 

75701 iSISTEll PUVLLIS w 113 ti 1 3* 3* S'* C Koenier .1 W Fannie 

7543»=IXmOTHY tVEBll w.s 113 3 7 6'i 6>J 4>J 34 F F.urtou IV ,\1 Carroll 

74S64 LOYAL MAID w 113 11 4 3h 2= 2“ 4» Nieol (1 Hendrie 

ELSA F. w 113 4 2 5* 5h .5J 51* Moreland A (1 Weston 

7XM SOI THEUN BUIDE wn 113 5 » lO’i 7» 6‘ 6= .McC'm'k .M Welsh 

7roi77 TAPIOCA w 113 a 11 11 11 IQi 74. .1 W -M hy .V C Thomp.son 

74.^38 HA.MPTON BEAI'TY w Hh! 7 10 OJ a’J !* 8^ C 11 SliiFgB & O Stable 

75511 BELLE OF T. TBlBEwn I'Mi 8 8 7> 8= Hi Hi J Bergen M Xieoll 

75727 CHICOSA wn 106 2 fi 84 10> 11 10= McCabe ]) Steele 

7.'.3ia -MISS ALVESCOT w 113 1 5 3= 44 7' 11 Franeis U F Oannaii 

,... Time. iSlf,. 4.8». 1 :02ii. 

limner — Br. f, b.v Kiusht of the Thistle — -Beltnrltet (trained by O. O. West. Jr.I. 

14 14 1= 1”>‘ F’brolher Ku'ltelk'p&B dfd 4 
4h 31 31 2i> C Koeruer .1 IV Pangle 6 
64 6>J 4'4 3'J F Burton IV .11 Carroll 6 

4 5 4 8-5 4-5 

664 8-5 4-5 

6 6 6 2 1 

10 15 15 6 3 

50 60 60 20 10 

30 .30 30 10 5 

12 15 15 6 3 

8-5 11-52 4-5 2-5 

») 40 40 15 8 

12 12 12 5 2i 

15 15 15 6 3 

Ind Horses 

A IVt PP St St =4 % Str Fin Jockeys 

7.5471 MLSSOUIU BAD WB 5 104 7 5 1> 1= 1* 1» 1* 1= C H ShiPgF Cook 

75704=HOLS<'HER WB 5 110 4 1 t)i 6i 24 2= 2* 2» C Koerner W Shields 

75778-KLAVlGNY WB 6 100 6 7 10* 10= 10 Oi 44 3= J Conlin R E Watkins 


w 4 104 3 2 .3 dH 3J 3* 3‘ 3= 4« E’brother .1 R Wainwright 12 15 10 4 8-6 

75730 ROYAL CHANCE w 3 84 10 6 6*> 5= 40 4= 5‘ 6® Brannon M A Neff lOO 100 100 40 20 

76730 B.ANRID.A ws 3 85 5 11 8* 9* S**!* 7*J 7= 6* Deverich P Kernell 15 15 15 6 21 

7:.536 PIC.'4ROON WSB 6 105 9 8 7* 81* €J 6i 6‘ 7® O Armst’gA W Maybee 30 .30 30 10 5 

75730®MI.SS VIGILANT WS 3 85 11 3 41* 41* 7= 8* 8* 8J Schweers H W Moseley 20 30 20 8 4 

75704®HO.M-PA W 3 84 1 9 5.J 74 11 11 10® 9* Francis W Gerst 15 20 15 6 3 

75681 L. G.AY SPANKER 4 99 8 4 2 * 2*1 5* 10® 9< lO** J W M’hyH A Beal 20 25 25 8 4 

ROSE F. WSB 4 102 2 10 11 11 9* 9= 11 11 J .Schaller G E Dudley 50 100 100 40 20 

Time, 2.'». 7>05, 1:17J, 1;43J, 2:10i, 2:.37g (new track record). 

Winner — B. g, by Top Gallant — .Margaret .Mien (trained by W. E. Phillips). 

Went to |)ORi at 4:5J. .At itost 3 minutes. Start gixsi. IV on cantering: second and third driving. 

Missouri laid dashed into a long lead in the first haif and won in a canter. Holscher closed a big gap. but 

tlie winner always lield liim safe. Flavigny began slowly, trailed for the first six fiiriougs, then finished 
with a rush. Prytaiila showed siietvi. but quit in the stretch. Royal Chance went well. The winner was 
riitereil for $.300: no bid. 

757<)4®HO.VI-PA W 3 84 1 9 5.J 

75681 L. G.AY SPANKER 4 99 8 4 2* 

ROSE F. WSB 4 102 2 10 11 

15 20 15 6 3 

20 25 25 8 4 

50 100 100 40 20 


SEVENTH ILVCE— 3-4 Mile. (57865— 1 : 12*— 3— 86.) 
AA’tird. Selling. Net value to winner $370. 

$400 added. 

3-year-olds and up- 

I nd Horses 

AWtPPSt *4 'A % Str Fin Jocke.vs 


O H C P S 

75345 ID.A D. wn 3 93 11 3 

75654 ALENCON WB 6 111 3 1 5= 4= 2= 2® Nicol Fairport Stable 6 6 5 2 1 

753C9®W.\TERBURY w 4 103 10 5 IJ 2= 3*i 3= C H Shil’gR F Carman 4 5 5 2 1 

75700=THE BELLE w 6 95 1 8 9® 6= 5*i 4*J J Bergen F G Belknap 8 12 8 4 2 

756S0®TEMMERAIRE WB 4 104 6 2 3® 3‘J 4® 5* Francis J Dyment 6 6 4i 2 1 

75702 STILLHUNT W 5 98 5 10 10‘ 8**!* 7= 64 Alex J V Murphy 30 60 60 20 10 

7.5752=1 ‘LEASE w 3 lo3 12 4 4'i 5® 6J 7= F’brother J W May 4 6 5 2 1 

75348 I.I'm.E OS.AGE w 3 94 7 6 7= 7 * 8*1 8* J Harris T M Irwin 40 60 (» 20 10 

7.57.52 KI.XG AVONDALE WB 3 98 4 7 81 91 9= 9* Q’rington J Bean 6 8 8 3 8-5 

1 75724 iTOP.SY ROBINSON w 5 2 9 6» 10® 10= 101 Deverich II Oots 6 10 8 3 S-o 

<5724 DA.XDY D.ANCER WB 3 84 8 11 11®«11=®11=®11*« Schweers H W Moseley 15 20 12 5 21 

ST. R.VCINE WSB 3 90 9 12 12 12 12 12 .1 Schaller E M Mitchell 30 60 60 20 10 

Time, 24, 4«|, l:15i. 

Winner — B. f. li.v His Highness — Carrie C. (trained b.v T. Murphy). 

AVeut to iK>st at 5:1(5. -At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving; 
Ida B. wore Waterbur.v down on the backstretch and, drawing away into a commanding lead on Ihe 
turn into the homestretch, was eased up at the end. Aleiicon outbroke the others but dropped back 
in the furlong and came again in the stretch with a tush. AVaterbiiry was speed.v hut was tiring 
at the end. Temmeraire, well up for the first hal f. droitiied Iiack at the end. The Belle was pulled 
ui> at the start. Please ran a liad race lliat slionld be thrown out. The winner, entered for $5O0, was 
bid lip to $SOO by E. .1. Gilderslis've and liought in. 

Overweights — Little Osage, 4 pounds. 

21 1* 1® l*iJ W MhyT Murphy 
5; 4: 2= 2® Nicol Fairport S 

BATVRDAY, JULY 4, 1908. 





Fourteeutb day. Coney Island Jocke.v Club. Summer Meeting of 15 days. 

I’residing Judge, Clarence McDowell. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Secretary, C. Fellowes. 

Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. (Chicago time 1:30 p. m.). AV indicates whip. S spurs. B lilinkers. Fig- 
ures in iiarentbeses following the distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age of horse 
and weight carried. 

rr P? ^ ft FIRST RA('E — 6 1-2 Furlongs Main Course. (476(12 — 1:1.S? — 3 — 103.) $6(K) added. 

I O i 00 3-year olds and upward. Highweight Handicap. Net value to winner $.505. 

A AVt l*P St >4 V: % Str Fin 


r ‘i.569 HOSIMIRO WB 3 114 ID 2 38 2*1 2J 21* AV Doyle W T Rvan 5 6 5 2 1 

A712»SARACINESCA WB 4 119 5 6 5* 41 38 3f R McDan’lD Sullivan 5 6 4 8-5 4-5 

7.W. I.IVE AVIRE W 3 116 8 7 8 7 5* 4® .1 I.,ee AV' AV Darden 6 7 4 8-5 4-5 

75247 COMEDIENNE w 0 116 4 4 2*1 3* 41 5* Musgr’ve Kelso Stable 12 15 15 6 3 

75742 EASTON W 4 108 6 S 7® 6 6 6® Brussel GrosvenorFmSta 20 40 SO 10 5 

7.5551 RAMPAGE WB 3 105 1 3 4J 5* 7 7*1 Shreve T I., AA'att 30 .30 30 1 0 5 

75493 SHADOAV GLANCE w .3 108 3 9 9 9 8 8*" CreerV MontpclierStable 30 30 20 8 4 

7:5528 OXFORD WB 6 127 11 5 6® 8 9 9 AV Miller J Mcl.aughlin 12 15 15 6 3 

75172 HARTFORD BOY w 3 100 7 11 11 11 lO 10 AV Burns AV C Daly 100 100 100 30 15 

7.5584 GOLDEN PEARL W’B 3 124 9 10 10 10 11 11 E Dugan A J Joyner 3 4 4 8-5 4-5 

Time. 11)!, 22J. ;i5j!, 4S. 1:141, 1:22. 

AA’inner — Blk. h, by Sir Dixon — Lid.v AA'aywani (trained b.v .1. H. Lewis). 

vVent to post at 2:29. At jMist 3 minutes. Start bad. AA’im easllv; second and third driving. Sir 
Lynnewood. from a flying start, reliiniiilslied Ids lead momentarily on tlie far turn. Imt drew out in the 
K retell and won olT. Roslmiro ran forwardl.v thronghoiit. lait was ridden a weak finish. Saraciaesea closed 
lip steadily, finished with a rush and shows steady improvement. I.ive AA'ire. away poorly and hadl.v ont- 
paetd for the first half, closed an iinmeiise gaji in a great stretch rush. Comeilienne was a prominent con- 
tender for nearly six furlongs, but failed to stay. Golden Pearl and Hartford Bov were in a collision at 
the start and virtually left. 

• Scratched — 7.'>5,S7 “Julia Powel. 120: 74914 Stargowan. 114: 75420 Half Sovereign. 115: 7.5605 Notasnlga, 

121: 75172 C<»hort, 118: 757(>5=Jaines 15. ISrady. 117: 75477®I5:ilhiis, 111: 75451 Altnda, 126; 75691 Falcada. 
121: 7.5<2!8®De Miind. 14(); 71577’Miramar. 112. 

rr fr rr ft rr second race— A bout 2 1-2 MUes. (7.VW«)— 5:(H?.— .5— 147.) Independence Steeple- 

4 I C3 i chase. $5,000 adde<l. 4-.vear-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 

$(;.(I50 and $2.50 in I'late. 

li 18 1= 1® Notter .1 E AA'idener 

38 2'J 2J 28 AV Doyle AV T Ryan 

5* 41 38 :!f R McDan’lD Sullivan 

8 7 6* 4® .1 Ijce AV' \A' Darden 

2*1 3* 41 5* Musgr’ve Kelso Stable 

7® 6 6 6® Brussel GrosvenorFmSt 

4i 5* 7 7*1 Shreve T I., AV'att 

9 9 8 8*" Creery MontpclierStabl 

6® 8 9 9 AV Miller J Mcl^ughlin 

11 11 10 10 AV' Burns AV' C Daly 
10 10 11 11 E Dugan A J Joyner 

3 4 3 

5 6 5 

5 6 4 

6 7 4 

12 15 15 

GrosvenorFmSta 20 40 30 10 5 

T I.. AVatt 30 .30 30 1 0 5 

MontpclierStable 30 30 20 8 4 

J Mcl..aughlin 12 15 15 6 3 

AV' C Daly 100 100 100 30 15 

Ind Horses 

.AWtPPSt 5 


13 17 Str Fin 








i75418)SIMOX PURE 

AVS 4 145 





4 1® 1« 


M Hen’s’ 





4 5 


T.50tK;*E( ’O.NOM V 

AVS 4 115 





3< 3 3 



.1 W Colt 






7.'i5I7 .\LFAR 

AV 6 155 





1* 2 2 







7.'i6;i9®’lJI JSl’I-EDALE 

W 7 162 




28 Fell. 


J W C'olt 






t75689).S’r. KEVIN 

AN S 5 149 





I’ .1 RaineA' 





(7,5(;:!9)CAL1F. KING 

W 5 159 







T Hitchcock Jr 


9-5 8-5 



Ind Horses 


St *4 ’i 

Str Fin 








7.'i(gi:. .ST.VTESMAN 

w li4 


3 18 1?. 



D McC”thyJ E Gardner 







AVB 125 


2 2® 




A R S)ireckels 








4 4* 4® 




J R Keene 





T.'4-.22 .«T. FAISEX.AY 

AAB 114 


1 35 .38 



AV Miller 

A Belmont 






TrifiO.'. E.SCH.VU 

WB 114 


5 5 5 


E Dugan 







7'.742=MOLESEY wb 4 93 1 1 4* 4® 48 8‘ 8 8» Jensen J A Bennet 8 10 8 3 8-5 

75741®MISS CRAWFORDw 7 101 7 6 6® 6= 7* 9 9 9 E Dugan AV' AV' Darden 5 5 4 8-6 4-5 

Time. 12il. 24i. 49. 1:02. 1:15*. 1:29. 1:41|(. 1:54*. 2:07*. 2:34*. 

VViimer — Cli. g, by Yankee — Sister Mary (trained b.v '1'. VV. Conller). * 

Went to jiost at 4:2(i. .At (ai.-it 2 minutes. Start good. AVoii easily: seiHuid and (bird driving. Brother 

Jimatliaii. riiiiiiiiig easily under a pull, was reserved imtieid ly. Imt close up. <m the inside to the middle 
half, then drew out in the strelch and made goinl decisively. Beanelere, after trailing for » half lalle, 
rapidi.v passed the others in tlie last iiiile, but could not (piite get tip in a fast stretch rush. Crack tmot, 
alter forward eontciitioii for a mile and a quarter, tired in llie closing drive. Imll.v iieid his position well. 
I’rince (tiling trailed early and improved his position well in tlie last half. Imirort loomed up menacingly 
on the stretch ttirii, but tired finally. Molesey dropiied out after exlianstlve iiaeeraakiiig for five furlongs. 
.AHss Crawford was beaten earl.v. I’outoon failed to stay. Tlic winner was entered for $2,500; no bid. 

rr pr rr Q 1 sixth race— l l-ie Miles. (June 19, 1899-1:47—4—110.) $690 added. 3-year-oId9 

i ^3 i A stxl niiward. Handicap. Net value to winner $510. 

Ind Horses 

A AVt PP St 14 % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 

7.5713=QI:E«TI0N MARK WB 3 IIG 
7.'i668*DELlKir.AI W 3 H() 

1® 1=J J 

AV' l..akeland 

. ,*** pcist at 4:25. At jmst .3 minutes. Start fair. Won driving; second .and third the same. 

Thistle Belie began <|iiickl.v and dashed into a long leail b*'fore the.v liad gone a furlong. Imt tired in the 
tlre(cii and was driving to tlie limit to stall off Sister Phyllis. The latter got off forwardl.v, hut was taken 
Iiack and, when she made tier move, went tiji on tlie outside and liarel.v failed to get up. Doroth.v AVehb 
liiiislied with a rush after coining llirougli on the inside when entering the homestreteii. Ixiyal Maid showed 
sja-ed. but quit in the last furlon.g. Miss Alveseot was eased tip wlien she tired. Hampton Beauty was 
cut tiff ot the start and cantered all the way. 

Serntclied — 75.589®Amia L. Daie.v. 110. 

^ pT SIXTH RACE — 1 1-2 Miles. (2741S — 2:371 — 4 — 110.) Purse $409. 3-year-olds and up- 

i ward. Selling. Net value to winner $.310. 

2* 2® 2= E Dugan H P Whitney 

O H C P S 

7-104-5 7-101-4 out 

4 4 3i 1 2-5 

10 12 8 2i 1 

5 7 6 2 3-5 

10 10 10 3 1 

(7566S)GEORGE G. H-ALL W 4 112 1 3 3* 38 3* 3* 3i Brussel A' H Russell 10 12 8 2i 1 

7:i.521 ZTENAP w 5 1L3 4 1 5 5 5 4= 4** AV' Miller W F’ Schulte 5 7 6 2 3-5 

75444 MOONSHINE w 5 106 3 5 48 4® 4* 6 5 Shreve T 1. Watt 10 10 10 3 1 

Time. 11*. 23*. .Ti, 47*. 1:(8). 1:14. 1:42. 1:4SJ. 

Winner — Ch. c. b.v Goldcrest — Rose Ban (trained by AV'. Lakeland). 

Went to imst at 4:.54. At jKist 1 niliiiite. Start gootl. VV'on easily; second and third driving. Ques- 
tion Mark drew out quickly and. won all the way, hut was ridden ont. Delirium maintained nearest and 
jiersistent pursuit of the winner throughout and is a coming gotal one. George G. Hail, outpaced by Uie 
first two, finished resolutely. Zienap dropped to the rear quickly and traileii. was badly outrun for half 
the journey, then closed a gap at the end. Moonshine tired after early proniiiienee. 

Scratched — ^(75713)Big Chief, 126; 75789®Royal Tourist, 124; 75666 Fuuntuiuiilue, 119; 75713 Cam* 


4-5 1 1 2-5 out 
4647-5 7-10 
554 7-6 7-10 






Twenty-ninth day. 

Latonia Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 41 days. 

Presiding Judge. C. F. Price. Starter, J. J. Holtman. Secretary, John B. Dillon. 

Racing starts at 2;.30 p. ra. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in itarentheses following 
the distance of each race indicate Index number, track record, age of horse and weight carried. 

fTfrrTQO FIRST RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. (5061,8—1:06—2—106.) Purse $:{.50. 2-year-olds, 
i 4 C/ ^ Maidens. Colts and Geldings. Special Weights. Net value to winner $275. 

AWtPPSt ®4 % 94 Str Fin 

Mutuel Takings. Auc’n 
Str. PL Sh. Sales. 

75694 .IOLLY 

WB 110 11 


I'i 1® 1* 

1*® E Martin 

AV Clay 





7.5697 COWDIN 

AV 110 




.35 2*1 2® 








AV 107 




i 2*1 35 

3*>8 J Butler 

L A Celia 





7.5609 LOMOND 

AV 110 




4= 4® 


T Taylor 

T P Hayes 





7.5694 AZO 

AV 107 




8*>8 55 


D Coleman T H Stevens 21 





w 107 




75 7* 


V Powers J C Cahn 






w 110 




65 95 



D T Morris 






WB 110 




11* 65 



.1 .Stevens 





75591 ST. AULAIRE 

AAB 110 




10* 10* 



S AVilliams 





75498 SILA'ER C. 

AVB 107 




5* 8® 10» 


S Forsythe 






w 108 

7 11 


9nkll= 11« 


P Gering Sr 






w 110 




J02 J92 



J R Berger 





w 107 13 13 


13 13 


C Ross 

B Schreiber 





$2822 $1763 $3342 $5:7 

.85 mutueis paid. Jolly, $83.75 straight, $.31.15 place, $16.45 show; ■Cowdin, $8.75 place, $7.65 show; 
Gerr;- mander, $41.45 show. 

■iMiitnel field. •Auction field. Time. 23*. 48*. 1:01, 1:07*. 

Winner — Ch. g, by Bridgewater — .Senta (trained by J. T. Ireland). 

Went to post at 2:44. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won cantering; seeonn and third driving. 
Jell.v, running in much improved fonn, was away fast, showed much the most speed and won as his rider 
lilea.=ed. Cowdin was a forward contender for the first Iialf and an easy second, but was not good enough 
to boat tlie winner. Gerrymander ran a gootl race, but tired slightly in the final drive, laimond was gain- 
ing in file final furlong. Azo closed a big gap. George C. Dillon is a growtliv colt tliat finished fast. St. 
Aulaire was away slowly and had scant chance. Tom Holland had no mishaps. Dr. Ilolzherg ran green. 
Scratched— 75694 Orta. lit). 

ry Pk 7 Ci SECOND R.ACE — S-4 Mile, (50620 — 1:12J — 3 — 100.) Purse $.350. ,3-year-olds and up- 
4 4 O waril. Selling. Net value to winner $275. 

Hid Horses AWtPPSt % % 94 Str Fin Jockeys Owners S^lta“ 


WB 6 107 






15 V Powers 

H R Baker 





75699 MERRICK 

AVB 5 114 






2*5 J Butler 

J C Milam 






w 3 94 






3*1 E Martin 

Hughes Bros 






WB 6 109 10 




4* Heidel 

AA' Clerst 






WB 5 110 





5**8 Minder 

.1 Arthur 





(7.5745)E. M. FRY 

Wb 3 109 






6*5 T Taylor 

E Alvev 






w 3 94 






7® Jas Hogg 

J B Elliott 





7.5629 MINNIE G. 

WB .3 94 





8* C Ross 

B Schreiber 




7.5671 ’PHE REBEL 

w 3 99 





9® J Hicks 

J Everman 





57918 LOA'EY 

W 6 100 

6 10 




10 D Coleman T II SteA’ens 4 




$4649 $2078 $4244 $121 

$.5 mutueis p.aid. Hannibal Bey, $22.80 straight, $9.00 place, $7.60 sliow; Merrick. $8..55 place. $7.::0 
sliow: Beth Gootiwlu, $12.15 show. 

•.Viiction field. Time. 24*. 49*. 1:15. 

AV’inner— B. g, h.y Emin Bey — Chnla (trained Irr W. H. Baker). 

AVeiit to imst at 3:16. At isist 1 minute. Start gofKl. Won driving; second and third the same. 

Ilannilial Bey. awa.v in a tangle, gained steadil.v and. saving ground in tlie stretch, outstayed Merrick in 
tlie closing drive. .Merrick was always prominent and but for lielng forced to go wide into the stretcli 

would have won. Beth Gooilwln. away fast, alternated wltli Caltha in the earlv pacemnking. but tired 

slightly in tlie final strides. Gamliriniis, from a slow heginning. closed a liig g'aji and finished gamely. 
•Meadowlireeze had a rougli trlii. K. .M. Fry tirtd badly in the last furlong. Caltha was siieedv. imt tlretl 
after going a giiisl lialf. 'Hie winner was entered for $44)9; no bid. 

Seratclied — 7.5771 Honest. 107; (7.5tS)C)Senii)er Vera, !)4; 7.5648 Tamar, 99; 7.5745 Bitter Sir. 95. 

Overweights — E. M. Fry, 1 imbiiuI. 

rr K nr 0,4- R-ACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. (.59618 — 1:06 — 2 — 106.) Purse $.500. 2 year-olds. 

4 4 <1/ jC Allowances. Net value to winner $4(XI. 

Ind Horses 

AWtPPSt 94 % 94 Str Fin Jockeys 

Mutuel Takings. Auc’n 
Str. PI. Sh. Sales. 

(7.5719)ELrZAB. HARWOOD W 109 5 4 
7."i719®.MISS C’RITTENDEN W 103 4 5 

75744=PLI’ME w 103 6 3 

1‘ I'J 1*J l*i V Powers E Corrigan $1270 $8.58 $1131 

4J 4'i 28 2= J Butler A L Darnaby 87 .55 214 

3i 5= 5‘ 3*1 E Martin T P Hayes 866 497 768 











K I..ewis 



(7.5628)J. H. REED 











T Chinn 











6*® C Ross 





7."301 GOLD TOE 









.Tno Hicks 





$4721 $2693 $4626 $68 

.85 nintnels paid. Elizabeth Harwood, .$17.65 straight, $9.75 place, $8..35 show: Miss Crittenden. $79.75 
place. $22.75 sliow; Plume. $9.95 show. 

•AuetiiHi field. Time. 24. 484. 1:014. 1:08. 

AV’iiiiMT— B. f, liy Marta Santa — Pro<daiin (trained li.v J. Collins). 

Went to iKJSt at 3:.5.’:. At iK>st J minute. Start bad. Won Uandil.v; second and third driving. Rliza- 
lietii IltinviKHl s)>riiited into tlie lead soon after tlie start and won all tlie way well in hand. Miss Critten- 
den, gaining steadily, came with a nisli near the end and was a fast going s<‘cond. Plume was taken back 

•.Vdded starter, t tCoupIed in lad ting; no separate place or sl;ow betting. 

Time, 5:11, 

AV'iiiner — Br. g. l'y_St. I,eoiiards II.— Violet S. (trained liy S. Veiteh). 

Went to iKist at 2:.57. At imst 1 iniiiiite. Start good. Won easil.v; second and third the same. Simon 
I'lire trailed and lenced elnnisily early, lint look eouiiiiatid at tlie end of two miles, wlieii the leailers fell, 
iiml Wdii off as ids rider pleased and lirolialily was liest. anyway. Economy, never dangerous at aiiv stage 
dropped into second place liy the removal of otliers. Alfar leil bv an immense gaii for two miles iiiid fell 
Jit till* second to tile last jump. Tliistledale was in close imrsnit of tlie winner in the last liaif and a sure 
second, when lie lell over tlie last olistacle. SI. Kevin was in nearest pursuit of tlie luieeiiiakers and a 
plot lable winner at tile end of two miles, when lie fell at tlie second to the last jump. California King 
was ill diflienlties when lie oaiiie to grief at the beginning of tlie s»‘cond mile. 

Seratclied — 7.5t;:’ji=.lolin M. I'.. 162: 7.5.5li7® I ronsides, 142: 75Ci.".9 Grand pa. L52. 

f7 pr ^ ft ft '^’l***^*^ R.ACE— 3-4 Mile Futurity Course. (64799 — 1:10* — 2 — lOS.) Spring Stakes. 

4 § Ca $2,999 added. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner $3,240. 

s<MHi .".fter the start and forced with* into the stretch. Imt finished with a rush and took third place in the 
closing .strides. Crystal Maid, away iioorly. sliowed uiiieli speetl in racing into a eoiumanding position, 
blit tired in the last furlong. J. H. Reed showed siieed and was viromiiient for a Iialf. nie others were 
out paced. 

Scratehed — (7.5743)01ambala. 106 : 75744® Rosebnrg II.. 106; (7.5644) Admonish. 103; 757(’i9®Floreal, ia3* 
7.571*1 IroiilMmiid. 193: 7.5tai4®I.ight Bine. 109: 75710 Keith. 193. 

^ Pv 7 ^ FOltRTII RAC'E-*-l 1-16 Miles. (71498—1:4,5* — 3 — 108.) Decoration Handicap. 

4 4 $1,.500 added. .‘5-yearHilds and upward. Net value to winner $1,525. 

( 756 17) MONSIGN'OR 
7-5526=K ERCH EV'A L 

w.s 3 107 
WB 4 11.5 
WSB 5 116 
W 3 100 

AWtPPSt 94 % 94 Str Fin Jockeys 
3 107 1 3 1*J 1*1 1= 1= 11 Minder 

Mutuel Takings. Auc’n 
Owners gtr. P L Sh. Sal es. 

W H Fizer $2140 $813 $700 $100 

4 28 38 38 31 2® A' Powers P H .Tones 1188 6.36 

2 38 21 2= 2* 38 Heidel R (’ Brien 2382 1158 

14 4 4*4 4 C Ross AV' J Young 1462 824 

... $7172 $.3431 $2835 $340 

$;i mntiiels paid. Pinkola. $15.90 straight, $10.55 place, $0..30 show; Monsignor. $12.10 place. $6.45 
show: Kercheval. $6.15 sliow. 

’rime, 23*. 48*. 1:1.3*. 1:40. 1:46*. 

Winner— Ch. g. by Pink Coat— Wyola (trained liv W. H. Fizer). 

VA l-nt to nost lit 4!0<| At ixwt ininnt..u Cw-l W'.... 1... ...1 II.. ■ 1 i 


'la — (75746)Tlie Minks, 119; 7.5612=Prince Alimod. 109; 7.5771®Miss Alert. 109; 75746 Lad.v 

Time, l:16j. 

Winner — B. c, by Kinle.y Mack — Janice (trained by F. F. Gardner). 

Went to post at 3:27. -At post 1 iniiiiite. Start goiHl. Won driving; second and third the same. 


FlF’m RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. (71498— 1 :4.5*—:{ — 108.) 
ii|iwurd. Selling. Net value to winner $.300. 

I’urse $-Kl0. 3-year-olds and 

v.eli after trailing liop«.|ess].v in the rear. Esciian, iiroiuineiit foi- half the journev, quit as if short. 
.Serali-lied— 7.57:;9=iligh Range. 117. 

^7 ffr 1 t)l R'i 11 R.ACE — 1 1-4 Miles. ( i5495 — 2:9.‘l — 4 — 127.) Commonwealth Handicap. 

4 4 *7 $19,tH»(i added. 3-year-oids and iiiiward. Net value to winner $I2.;$00. 

I nd Horses 





94 Str Fin 






P S 



3 109 






1*5 1*5 l’*5 

AA^ Miller 




1-2 1-5 



3 10*1 






*.h *3 



H AA'illiams 




2 1 



3 104 






25 3* 3*5 

E Dugan 


P AVhitney 




75691 =M AST. ROBERT 


3 98 






5® 41 4= 





2?. 6 5 

7574'i*GOLD L.ADY 


4 105 10 





6= 6® 5* 



I. Aste 




2 1 

7.'iC42=GHETNA GREENwB 4 110 






41 51 tJ3 



R Keene 




6 3 


AV 4 108 
WB 4 105 
w 6 l'>5 
AA- 4 105 
WB 4 106 
AVB 90 
WB 4 109 

Str Fin Jockeys 

1 1*5 1« Minder 
3* 2*>8 E Martin 
25 3*J AA'arren 
4* 48 jas Hogg 
5J 5® C Ross 
6“8 65 .1 Butler 
7'= 7‘® V PoAvers 
9 8® Frazier 

8‘ 9 T Taylor 

_ Mutuel Takings. 

Owners gtr. PL Sh. 

MrsNBD’vls $1814 

$939 $1121 

P Dunne 





J D Grant 





L A Celia 





.1 L Beeson 










1 E Corrigan 





D T Morris 














sliow; Tlie Thorn. 




75715 FRANK GILL WB 4 115 2 S 10 

75741) MONTGOMERY WB 4 114 6 9 8= 

7.57411 OLD HON'E.*=TY w 4 99 7 7 9= 

7.54*45 RUX’G WATER WB 5 110 4 10 7* 

•Added starter. tCoupled in lietting; 

S 10 10 10 9= 7 

9 8= S8 8 88 S 

7 9= 9< 9 10 10 

7* R McDan’lJ L McGinnis 
88 J I>?e T H AA'illiains 
9* Shreve A J Gorey 
10 D McfTthyll B Duryea 

Coupled in lietting; no separate place or slioAV lietting. 
'rime, 13. 25. 37. 49. 1:91. 1:13 1:26*. 1:49. 2 :(m:*. 

M inner — Ch. g. liy Hastings — .St. Priscilla (trained by A. J. .loyner). t mm mm ^ ^ 

I*”**! .":59. .At (lost 3 minutes. Start goiKl. Won easily: second and third tlie same. I ^ ^ 7 ti J 

I rlsi-illian outbroke the others, but was taken back quickly and reserved under a hard inill for Iialf the I ® ® 

Joiiinev, then drew out, aaoii cantering and Avas immeasurald.v best. Firestone, after a iiiomeiitar.A’ lead, also iiatiently Avaited AAith niidor a hard (mil. went after the favorite in tlie last half and AA’as' a fast 
going .--econd, but made no impression on I’risclilian. Ro.val Tourist ran foriAjirdl.v from the start, forced 
the pace and lieid on A'ery gaiiiel.v in the closing ilrive. .Master Roliert liroke slowl.v and iiuickl.v got into 
b rw.ird and persistent pursuit, Imt cimld iicA-er get iiii. Gold closed iqi steadil.v in the six fur- 
longs. Gretna Green drojijM-d ont after early prominence fix- halt the joiirm-y. Frank (Jill, never daiiger-, ran a bad race Moiitgomer.v made up some ground in the third quarter', then driqiiied out. Ruiiuitig 
Water was also Avell ii|i for a mile. ^ 

SiTatohed- 75715®King James. 101; 73715=Hessian. 109; 75740=Jack Atkin. 127; 75740 Dandelion. Ill 
• iverweights — Priscilllan. 3 iKiiinds. 

•.Auction field. Time. 24. 48*. 1:141, 1:40*. U47. 

Winner — B. h. hy AA’hat-er-lou — Queen’s Lake (trained by N. B. Davis). 

Went to ))ost at .5:11. At iHist 3 minutes. Start bad. AVon easil.v: second and third driving. W’ater 
Lake Avas a distant trailer for a half, then moved up steadil.v and, tiiiishiiig gamely, came awa.v in the 
stretch to win as his rider pleased. The Thorn Avas shuffled back soon after the start and came AVlth a 
rush in tlie last quarter, hut Avas not good enoiigli. George Young slioAved tlie most speed to the stretch 
but Avas made iiiiicli use of in the early running and tired. Tivolinl ran fairly Avell. Meada tired after 
going three-quarters. The Aviniier Avas entered for $790: no Idd. 

Overweights — Goldess. 1 fiound; A’oling. 4. 

Pv ^7 7^ SIX’IH RACE — 1 1-16 Miles. (71498 — 1:45* — 3 — 108.) Purse $400. 3-year-olUs ami up- 

i S ward. Selling. Net A’alue to winner $:)0(). 

Ind Horses AWtPPSt*4 % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 

75747 MIRZER w 3 93 4 

75722 STONE STREET AV 3 93 1 

75647®MISS LIDA AV 4 10;l 6 

( 7.5722) BOTTLE.S AV 4 108 3 

7.5746»QUAGG.A AV 4 lOS 2 

75747=GENEV'A S. WB 3 92 5 

4 3® 3= 18 1*5 1= .Tas Hogg H Oots 


1 6 6 55 25 2= J Butler ('EHainilton 1’67 

3 2® 18 2= 35 38 E Martin J B Smith 2679 

5 4*5 4® 4*5 4* 4= Minder (' A' Mueller 848 

* ?? t Powers F M Arthur 1269 

5 18 .8 35 b b C Ross B Schreiber 533 

$472 $250 $443 

76 275 

912 1253 

FH'’rH RACE- 1 1-2 Miles Turf Course. (79S94— 2:.3;i — 6 — 102.) $690 added, 
olds and uiiAvard. Selling. Net A’alue to winner .$540. 

AWtPPSt St *4 *4 % Str Fin Jockeys OAvners O H C 

C'.C-’URO. JONATHAN w 3 93 8 .3 ]8 lb pj ;;h jj ji sweet 

5.5i!!‘i'- HEAUCLERE 
5:.ii95 CRACK SHOT 
7.5741 I -ALLY 
75741=l’itINCE CHLNG 
55742 I-Ml-ORT 
75693 PONTOON 

WB 4 9S 2 
W 3 98 D 
W 4 inl 4 
AV 8 105 6 
WB 3 86 9 
W B 4 93 3 

8= 45 2 
28 U* 3 

5 2*-5 2® Slireve 
*5 3* .3" McCahey 
® fi’ 4*5 Gainer 
= 6 5* Mu.sgq^A'e 

• 4* 6* Crowley 

* 7 7J Upton 

T AA' Coulter 
.7 V 1-eiiiaire 
A L Aste 
T Monahan 
1£ .1 .Morris 
F W Healey 
J J Hyland 

8-3 2 8-5 3-5 1-5 

2 13-iill— 54— 5 2-5 

7 10 10 4 2 

10 15 12 5 25 

15 20 20 8 4 

30 40 40 15 8 

10 12 8 3 8-5 

.$5 mutnels paid, Mlrzer, $60.45 straight, $26.65 place. $12.10 show Stone 
show; Miss Lida. $7.50 show. ’ 

Time, 24. 48*. 1:14*. 1:40* 1-4(U 
W'inner — Ch. c. by Henry Young — .\myiitas (trained by H. OotsV' 

WcbTit* tik n f rk‘J.rz 41* iMkWt ** inttillt$»c w^v<*w1 

$6059 $2626 $4073 $102 

Street, $76.30 place. $16.50 

Iio bid. '■ 

Scratehed— 75672=Preteuslon, 107; 75722=Uostlle Hypiien, *J5. 


latonla Entries and Past Performances for Monday, July 6. 

SUNDAY, JULY 5, 1908. 

(II;m>no:i|ipcd for a fast track.) 


For diS'ercnccs in weight add or deduct 
5 points to the pound. An extra good 
rider's average worth is 3 pounds. 

Itsoing starts at p. m. 

X Kilns well in iiiml. ©Superior iniiil nmnor. 
First Raoc — 5-8 Mile. 

1.’ y<-:ir oMs. I'illios. Maidens. Selling. 
(Track record: .IGoCT — 1 ;OOj — 2 -110.) 

liui. Horses. Uec. Wt. Hi 

V-j7ii!i’ l*<drit I.acc 111.... 

T.'iTlis’ iiruamo-ia ' 10.'!.... 

V.'akK* Queen’s Message I:01g 10S..X 

J.Mtj!* Harriet Kmve LOIK 111..X 

7.-|iit>:* Mereadel 10.7.... 

7.77<iS Cold Slip|S‘r 10.7.... 

7771S My I.aily Frances HC,..x 

7.j2.77 HI will 107.... 

77174‘. Lady Clara 10 . 7 .... 

7771S Irene 11 107.... 

75liOS I’roela 10.7.... 

Sirna. t>. f, tiy .Seiulil- 

lant II. Viriia .... 10 . 7 .... 

Miss I’eggy, <-li. f. liy 

I'.o\ Virgin Soil ... lo7.... 

Spleudida. cli. f. Iiy 
Wisdslliorpe -Splen 

... did lir, 

Third Race — 3-4 Mile, 
l-year (dds and upward. Fillies and .Mare; 

Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 
2 year-olds. ,\llowan<-es. 

7.77<;;» ,\(la Meade 

<7.70(i!i| Mrs. Sewall 

17.77IS) Lady Kuliy 

<7.77(B(| lariation 

7.7iki 1‘ Liglit Illue 

77711 IMspute 

77702= Cowdin 


7.771!* IroniHMind 

7-7711 I'ni’le Walter 

77702 Hr. Holzlierg 

Kupii-ola. hr. f, tiy ,\il- 
vanee Ciiard — ^ Kin 

-1 :06- 








. . .700 

1 :08* 

109 . 

. . .6!)5 


. X6!)5 





. . .685 


. . .680 


. X6K) 



. . .(!i;.5 


. . .600 

(Track rei-ord: SOirJO - 1 :121 - — Its*.) 
Ind. Horses. Kec. A. Wt. 

77770 Sorrel Top 1;1H C..107 

7.7770 Honna Elvira LL'lji •I..HN* 

7 . 7770 = .Manuoreaii 1:11 -I..107 

7.7770= Floss S 1:17? .7.. 107 

7.7liO(! Rlaze o’Light 1:17 1..10.7 

7.7127 Elaneer 1:171 1..10.7 

7.7*!lo Huralde 1:10,4 -I..107 

7r_"22 Ingenue 1:101 1..107 

7.7770 My Qvu en of the Kosesl:17i -1..107 

7.7010 Relle Mina 4... 107 

7.V.70 lni|H-rtinenee l:17g 4.. 10.7 

7.7111’ Italanee All 0..107 

74.^07 Miss K. (t. 15 4.. 107 

70703 Lovey 0..102 

Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. 

3-year olds and upward. Hundieap. 
(Track record: 70020— 1 : 12J— 3— 100.) 

7.7731= Kerwii-k 1:13» 4.. 117 

7.7iil2= I’rinei' .Vlinieil 1:12» 4..1i:i 

(7.70;i!*) .T.s> .Moser 1:124 3.. 110 

(7.7717) Skyo 1:134 . PS 

77771= A1 .Muller 1:123 3.. 1)3 

Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. 
3-year-olds. Selling. 

(Track record: 7I4!)S_l :174— 3— 10.S.) 
7.77-J3’ WASHAKIE 1:17* 107 

1.7773 Masson 1:71 loi 

7.7723 Spuuk.v 107 

7.772.3 Kehiu'wick ]<r 2 

7.7773 Tom Kearney 102 

77723 Jim Liston 102 

7.7773’ Silver Hi-ook 1:41); KM) 

7.7175 ISranihle Lad 107 

Sixth Race — 1 1-16 Miles. 
3-year-olds. Selling. 

( record: 71 IPS— 1 :4.7if— 3 -lOS.) 

i — 100.) 

A. Wt. Hdep. I 
«.. 107.. ©72.7 
4. .KN). . X717 
4.. 10.7.. ©710 
.7.. 107.. ©710 
4. .107. . X707 
4. .10.7. . X707 

4. .107 700 

1. .10.7. . X700 
4. .10.7. . X6i).7 

4. .107 (i.00 

4. .10.7. . XOtiO 

(>. .107 «r.o 

4.. 10.7.... 627 

«. .102 000 

4. .113 740 

3. .110. .©740 
3.. PS.. X 737 
3.. 1)3.. ©730 

107. . X 7-2.7 

101. . X710 

107. . X70O 

i<r2 o:)7 


105. . . .075 

7.7722’ rioslile Hyphen 
7.7772= .Mar.v Tallant . . 

7.7722= Aunt Rose 

7.7722 .\lhert Star 

7.7740 Lady Martha . . 

7.7707= S(ou(‘ .street 

47.7723) Callileo 

(75007) Ranagher 

The tignres under “Rec.” in atsive entries show 
the best time mad<? by' the horse at the distance 
since January 1. 1!K>6. Tliis time is not necessarily 
made by a winner. It may be the estimated time 
of a losing iK'rformance. 

.7-S 1 :00» fast 13 

5- 8 1:01* fast 10 

6- 8 1:01 i fast 30 

'•y Heels — Sister Tenny (P. T. Chinn). Weight todav 105 

-■--J-At t I? 1 9 8 H’ :*“• Wai-ren Sw’tPippin. RnenaVista. Ornaims.a 

7.7*>n.s I.atonia 5J f 1:08? fast 40 110 8 11 13 12.\ ll'» .Mercado 

7.7.7r>4 Latonia 5-8 1:01* fast 20 lO;! 13 13 13 13" T2‘«JS Flynn 

LADY FRANCES, h. f, 2, by Sain— —Liberty Star (B. Bchreiber), 
7.7718 I,atonia 5-S 1:01? fast 55 lOT, 10 5 4 4H 4*J C Ross 

75590 l,atonia 5-8 1:01? fast 20 110 3 4 3 5= G’* C Ross 

7a423 I-atonia . — 

5- 8 1 :02i fast 30 108 10 10 9 91 llujE Bnrton Ch.allce, .M.ilk-onr'TUe "mIsms.’’'"’’ ' 

2, hy Sir Dixon — Grievance (W. Clay). Weight today 105. 

^8 1:03? mud 20 107 5 8 8 8= 7'" Heidel Marsh.v. Fair Me.ssenger, Ahby C. 

6- 8 1:00? fast 10 95 7 6 G 61 6"*5A Morgan Rosehtjrgll., F..Messenger. Silver "c. 

li f 54? fast 20 109 8 11 10’ 8=J Pickens WillowPlume, Sainward, Ilen.Clrl. 

. f, 2. by Requital — Scottie (D. T. Morris). Weight todav 105 

11 f 55* gCMsd 13 103 8 11 101 1H« Frazier Sainward, Malecon. Ahby C. 

2, hy G. W. Johnson— Lady Virginia (D. N. Prewitt) Weight todav 105. 

r "a ' A,’? '= 7=1 .las Hicks Lady Rul.y, Har. Rowe. Roadiiva. 

0-8 1 : 0 ]* Last .>1 ins 1 6 9 9= 9'= !•' Burton The.MIssns. MahoIHenry. ©.Message 

5-8 1:01* fast 23 lOG 7 4 7 7= 7*1 J BuHer Admonish, Olive Ely, f.ady Leota. 

^ADY CLARA, b. f, 2, by Requital — Scottie (D. T, Morris). 

7517G loitonia 1= f 5.7* gCMjd 13 103 8 11 101 IH* Frazier Salnv 

IRENE B., h. f, 2, hy G. W. Johnson — Lady Virginia (D. N. Prewitt) 

7.7H8 I.aionia 5-S 1:01? fast 2::0 10.7 4 7 71 7=1 .las Hi<-ks Lady 

76554 -Jiatonia 
75351 Irfitonia 

PROCLA. hr. f, 2, by Governor Foraker — Vedas (T. H. Stevens). Weight todav 105 

Vtr'S ‘"’S f 1:0S? fast 40 95 13 14 14 14 14=’J1) Cideman Plume, .Vdinonisli, Fair Messenger' 

75522 I*aton)a 5-S 1:00* fast 43 105 12 12 12 11= ll*«iT Taylor J.H.Recd, Admonish, Lillian Ray. 

First start for tlie following: 

SIRNA, b. f, 2, by Scintillant II. — Virna (E. Corrigan). Weight today 105. 

MISS PEGGY, ch. f, 2, by Box — Virgin Soil (W. Grater). * Weight today 105, 

SPLENDIDA, ch. f, 2, hy Woolsthorpe — Splendid (J. T. Combs). Weight today 105. 

SECOND RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Allowances. (.TOdl.S— 1 :(k;— 2 -KM.) 

2, by Contestor — Hide and Seek (J. C. Milam). Weight today 103. 

4 O g 2 1 1= ]• Pickens Varialion. Fh.real. Point I^iee. 

<j-76 Igrtoma 5-8 1:02 good 50 10-1 8 8 7 6= 5i» Warren Crvs.Mald. AllceBalrd Mrs Sew.atl. 

MRS. SEWALL, b. f. 2, by Masetto — ^Maltese Cross (W. A. Hughes) 
..i»iG9 (gitonia 5-S l:0u*-fast 5i 10.7 G 3 2 2** 1= S Flvnn 

7.7iX)8 (.atonia 5i f 1:08? fast GJ lirj 12 13 c Cl." G»l. (H.-isiier 

1.72, G I.atonia 5-8 1:02 good 20 107 4 5 4 4'J 3’i T Taylor 

lady ruby, ch, f, 2, by Deering — The Rook (A. W. Perrin). 

7.7718 I.alonia 
7.7G14 (gitonia 
7.7590 Igiionia 

6-8 1 : 01 ? 3 llo .7 
.7-8 1:01 fast 70 90) 4 

5-8 1:01? fast 20 111 2 

1 1 1= 1= .Minder 

3 2 2) 2“ Glasner 

3 2 2) 3= Neubert 

Weight today 103. 
Variation. Floreal. Point I^iee. 
Crys.Mald, AllceBalrd, Mrs.Sew.all. 

Weight today 103, 
,*t<‘renade. The Missus. Chalice. 
Pliniie. .\dmonish. Fair Messenger. 
CrystalMaid, AliceP.aird, Sainward. 

Weight today 103. 
H.Rowe. Boadieeu. MyLad.vFrances. 
Admonish. Light Bine, Pliiine. 

M. Crittenden, PointLace, Vancena. 

BLUE, b. c, 2, hy Blues— Merry Merrick (W. Grater). Weight today 109. 

■ 7 ee,'i ^ ’2^2 fast 37-10 no 1 12 4.) 3U K .\fartin Roselmrgll.. KohintJrey. JoeGaltens 

76G!4 Igttonia .7-8 1:01 .70 106 3 1 1 1) 3' Heidel Admonish. Ladv Ruby. Plume 

,a;.22 Latonia 6-8 1:00* fast 10 106 7 6 5 7 * 9">)J Butler J.H.Reed, Admonish. Lillian Ray. 

DISPUTE, gr. 0 , 2, by Faradav— Inconstancy (S. T. Hopkins). Weight today 106. 

J'-atonia j, f 1 :im;* fast G) ini ;t 4 r> 6* Gi^JF Martin .leff Bern.stein, Plume, Rosehiirg II. 

J’**'o***a- 5-8 1:01? fast 8 110 5 7 7 7* G’) Heiilel lUKiehnrgll.. Roliintlrev. I.ightRlue 

,;.C28 Uatonia 5) f 1 :07* 4) 103 5 7 5 5= 4* C J. H. Reed, Irrigator,’ Robin Grey. 

COWDIN, ch. c, 2, by Ingoldsby — Lady Quci (Moore & Scott). Weight today 106 

5) f 1 :07i good 2 .) HO 3 3 .‘I 2') 2"> Minder .Tolly, Gerrymander. Lomond. 

J-atonia 5) f 1:07* fast .30 108 7 10 9 8) 7’ Warren Direct. Crystal Maid. Dick Roller. 

7.76.G Latonia 6-8 1:01 4 HO 5 4 4 .3) 2« J Butler Mabel Henry, All Red. Meri'ailel. 

Weight tf.dzty 103. 
.T. H. Reed, Irrigator, Roliin Grey. 
Zeola. Dispiite. Queen’s Message. 
Aspirin, Stowawa.v, Landlord. 

ADMONITOR, blk. g, 2, hy Admonition — Eothen’s Pearl (L. Jones), 
7.'<;:>S I/itonia 5) f 1 :07* fast 18 Km 12 8 7 7* 7>* .1 Butler 

7.7(99 Igitonia 5-8 1:01? fast 9 105 12 10 10 11' 12"> «;<K>se 

6-8 1:01* fast 13 

I* 120* Loose 
IM 1) Goose 

UNCLE WALTER, hr. g, 2, by Griffon — Llandrinio fP. T. Chinn). Weight today 109. 

,^o44 I.:ttoiiia .7) f 1 :'h;* fast 18-j Kit 4 3 .7 7h 7=") Warrmi .Teff Bernstein, Plniiie, Rosehnrg II. 

,.41 1., Latonia 5| f 1 :0SJ 40 104) 2 2 1 ]' 1) Warren Floreal, W. A. Leach. Crystal Mail 

7oL. 3 Gravesend 5-8 1:01? fast 8 1 09 5 4 5 5>> 6‘')Delaby Oeeidental, Y.Daughter, 'Sundance. 

DOCTOR HOLZBERG, ch. g, 2, by Bannockburn — Grand Shot (B. Schreiber). Weight today 103. 

7.<79j Igit mia „) f 1:07* go, el 20 Kn 13 13 13 13 13 13 C Ross .Jolly, Cowdin, Gerrymaiulor. 

RUPICOLA, hr. f, 2, by Advance Guard — Kin Rose (R. E. Lechleiter). Weight todav 103 

First start. o . 

THIRD RACE — 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Fillies and Marcs. Selling. (50C20 — 1:1’J3— 3 

SORREL TOP, ch. ra, 6, by Hermence — Sunny Locks (I. B. Fitzgerald) Weight today 107. 

7..770 Igttonia 3-4 1:11? good G 107 G 3 3 4'' Minder Hazelthorpe. Maniiorean, F'los.s S. 

755.78 Igilonia 3-4 1 :i 1? 50 107 G 5 9 9' 9")W}irren Geneva S.. Merrick. Beth Gesulwin. 

,l.i33 Latonia 3-4 1:14* fast 15 107 4 4 4 5' 5‘) D Riley Dainty Belle, Fa.v, Zelina. 

donna ELVIRA, hr. f, 4, by Ethelbert — Old Madrid (C. J. Brockmlller). Weight today 100. 

,.i,,u (.atiinia 3 t I:lt.8 g,,,,,! nm l,i*i 7 7 5 5"8 4*'* D Mnridi.v Hazflthorfs,, Aim niorean, I'Kiss S. 

,1184 ]•'. Grounds 3-4 1 :1.7? good 4) 102 7 G .7 11*H'=)J Howard St een, Anna Scott, Ingenue 

71016 F'.Gi-ounds 5Jf 1:08? fast 6 102 4 8 7 4" 4’ R Mtiiiro Klame.sha II.. Vohoome, S’ueen. 

MARMOREAN, b. f, 4. by Cesarion — Marmora (W. A. Smith). Weight today 105. 

75770 Latonia :;-l 1 :l t? go,..! Ju.-, i 2 2 2‘ 2’ F A!;ii lin H.izell lioriH-. Floss S.. Donna Flvic-i 

,52!*!I I.;ilonia 3-4 l:h, gessl 17 103 1 5 ,7 .7" 4'" .T Bufi,*r ,T. Louis. .Mea,lowhreeze. Inventress 

7.7171 I.iitonia .3-4 1:16 grjoel .7) 104 1 3 11) 4=) Heidel G.-irters. F. T. Slilpp, Ritter Sir. 

FLOSS S., hr. m, 5. by Hand.spring — Mary Agnes (J. C. Ellis). Weight todav 107. 

757,'* t8il,»nia :* I 1:11.? g"" l :to In7 5 G G 3' R'w-s ll:iz,,ltli,»i*iie. Marmoretin. D.Flviui 

75:.7S T.atonia 3-4 1:11? fast 25 1 07 2 9 8 S' 7"')Glasner (ten, va S.. Merrick. Beth Gomlwin. 

7517.3 Gravesend 5-8 1 :01? fast 8 

]' 1) AVarren 
5" 6"iDelaby 

75770 Latonia 

, 52161 I.;ilonia 3-4 l:h, gessl 17 Ki3 1 5 .7 .7" 4'" .T Buti,*r ,T. Louis. .Mea,lowhr<'eze, Inventress 

7.7171 I.iitonia .3-4 1:16 grjoel .7) 104 1 3 11) 4=) Heitlel G.-irters. F. T. Shipp, Bitter Sir. 

FLOSS S., hr. m, 5. by Hand.spring — Mary Agnes (J. C. Ellis). Weight todav 107. 

757,0 l.;ttonia :* I 1:11.? g"" l :to in", r. G G 3' R'w-s ll:iz,'lth,»i*iie. Marmore:in. D.Flviui 

7577S T.atonia 3-4 1:11? fast 25 1 07 2 9 8 S' 7"')Glasner (ten, va S.. Merrick. Beth Gomlwiii. 

71528 Latonia 3-4 1:15 fast 40 108 4 14 14 Pull. up.Mount’n A. Virginia, F.Xun, .MyQ.oftheRoses 

BLAZE O’LIGHT, hik. f. 4, hy Lamplighter — Idaho (W. H. Robiniottl Weight today 105. 

7.5G96 Igitonia 3-4 1:14? Last 17 PUMl n H to' S«7. Warren Semper Vera, Hollow. Caltha. 

75298 Igitonia 3-4 1:16 good H lo:! 9 8 7 (t.l 5'.t Minder Doiialdo. Alsatian. Goldi-s.s. 

7.7038 Louisville 11 8 1:53* fast 3o lu2 .7 G G 7 8' S=‘).l Butler Camille. St. Valentine, Tivollnl. 

ELANCEH, b. f, 4, by Wagner— Fairoun (E. Baxter). Weight today 105. 

T.54.’7 l.ato!ii:i 7 8 1:27? fast Vo IW. . 7 1' 12 12'-'M’ogarty Deacon. Miss Stroiee, Coiivulii. 

7140,1 Igitoiiia 3-1 1:14* fast K) l•'"• 3 3 iji t;i:» Braiulr lt,-nsoiiIiiiist. Airship. Retined. 

71328 l.atonia 3-4 1:18* hvy 25 1"- G 111* 21* Brandt St. Noel. Dapple Gobi. .Malta. 

DURABLE, b. f, 4, by Dieudonne — Patter (J. Stevens). Weight today 106. 

7c6Ki l..atonia ,-8 1:2,? 10*1 10:l I'l 9 lo 10 10' Kl'= (tiasiu'r Geneva S.. Deaeon. Hazeltliorpe. 

75149 I.»atonla 3-4 1:17? sl,)w 65 103 7 KJ 12 12 12‘" Pick,-iis Divorcee, .Mattie .Mack, Sylvanlkdle 

75(tc4 Jxmisvilto J-4 1:13§ fast 8 97 10 10 7 Ji 7“' I'ogarly Jolwti Imuis, B'-u !>aiu.. Vciuo, 

INGENUE, ch. f, 4, by Standing — Hanoletta (0. Hak), Weight today 105. 

1 74222’ F’.Gronn, Is 7-8 1:26? fast 15 99 8 8 8 8 7’ 7''iF Burton BenDonble, T. Robinson. Mr. Peabody 

71184 !■'. Grounds 3-4 1:15? good 7 102 8 9 8 4) 3’ F Burton Sheen, .\nn.i Scott, Black .Mantilla. 

74042 F. Grounds 3-4 1:14 150 116 10 5 5 5’ 4’i Herbert Canada, Earl’s Court, Big Ben. 

MY QUEEN OF THE ROSES, br. f, 4, by Rainbow — Highland Princess (Bames & Hall). Weight today 105. 
75770 Igiloiii.a. 3-1 l:ll?goo,lGo i<),7 4 4 G* G* Jas Hogg Hazeltliorim, Maniiorean, Floss S. 

7.'4l7.3 Lntonia ll:12? 11 lOO 10 11 9 10 KK 9**) Franklin Bitter .Miss, Water Lake. Airship. 

7.7.791 1.2ttnni.a 7-S 1:29 fast 90 101 9 5 5 2 3= 28 Franklin Fred .Mace, Tim fliirst. Airship. 

BELLE MINA, b, f, 4, by Klimamock or Lissak — Puritania (Mrs. M. Wilson). Weight today 106. 

7.7G10 l>;itonia 7-8 1:27? fast 160 98 8 10 12 12 11= H=® .la.s Hogg Geneva S., Deacon, Hazelth,>rp,'. 

7.7425 I..atoiiiu 7-8 1:‘27? fast 8 100 1 5 4 3 7' 9'»Mas Hogg Mattie Mack, Dorasette. Geo. Young 

T4691 Pimlico B)ri:l‘ 2 ?hvy 25 102 7 6 7 8 ' 8'»iJa8 Hogg Lykers, Dr. rx>e, Billie HIbhs. 

IMPERTINENCE, b. f, 4, by Intruaiv»— Dot B. (O. C. Bennett). Weight ttslay 106. 

7.'G70 Igitonia S C 2:59 fast 7) 13.7 8 5 5 4 3* 4" Garic .Tason, Mellvuin, Chancellor. 

7.7G2’7 I..;itonia Ab 1? 3:26? fast 23-10 135 2 1 1 6 B** 5'*)Welton .Tason. Class Leader. D. G. Ta.vlor. 

TT-cao I.iitonia S C 2:58* fast 3-2 1.39 4 Fell. Yonrell ClassLeader, CoalB.I.ady. Charflelrt. 

BALANCE ALL, br. m. 6, by G. W. Johnson — Medica (P. H. Jones) Weight tcda.v 107. 

.7.7141 F. Ground.s 5-8 1:03 goods) 100 3 1 1 1’ 3' W Fisclier Mrs. Falconer, Netting. LadySellers 

53115 Oaklawn 6-8 1:01? fast IG 103 3 1 1 2) 7'®JlI’brand Belligerent, Angleta. Mirlliless. 

MISS K. 0. B., ch. f, 4, by Woolsthorpe — Fragrance (M. C. Moore), Weight today 105. 

74SG5 Louisville 5) f 1 :09 hvy 11 98 10 8 8 8 ' 9* J Harris Bon. Third, Plr.ateDinna, L. McLean 

74721 Ixjuisville .2-4 1:20 hvy 16 101 5 8 11 12' 14=’)F Harri.s Boserrian, Floridaglen, F.thel Carr. 

74G97 Txmi.sville 3-4 1:18 hvy .700 91 5 5 8 8 8=’ E Harris F.T.Shipp, Thos.Callioun, FthelCarr 

LOVEY, br. m, 6, by Wadsworth — Annie Woodcock (T. H. Stevensl. Weight today 102. 

7.7793 ton iji :!-4 1:15 good KHiO lOO 10 10 10 10 10=')n ColenuinTIaii. B»\v. Merrick. Beth Goo,Iwlo. 

57918 Louisville 7-8 1:31 slow 50 99 4 6 G 6 5= 5“ R Fisher lyove Note, Berinthia. .Meadowhorn. 

57773 Louisville 3-4 1:16* good KX) l')0 13 12 12 12 12 12'= E Robins’nAzeliiia, Ia>ve Note, Edna Tanuen. 

FOURTH RACE — 3-4 Mile. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Handicap, (.50(>l)(> — 1:12) — 3 — KK).) 

KI.7. . X72.5 
100. .X 720 
10((. . X720 
KKL . X71.5 
KH7. .©710 

104 710 

100. .X 700 

BERWICK, ch, c, 4, hy AIIan-a-Dale— Miss Gnssia (T. C. McDowell). 
7.7721 T>atopia 3-4 1:12* fast 1 119 2 3 2' 2'T. 2® Warrep 

75.72,7 Latonia .3-4 1 :12* fast 11-10 HI G 5 2 1)" 1= Wr.rrcn 

754.71 I.,atonia 3-4 1:13 fast 19 ]09 7 7 2 2’ 2= Franklin 

PRINCE AHMED, ch. c, 4, by King Hanover — Percita (E. Alvey). 
75*il2 Igilonia 1 1:39* fast 9-10 112 4 4 1 1 1’ 2') V Powers 

7.7.725 I^itonia 3-4 1:12* fast 4 117 5 8 8 5' 4* T Tavlor 

75477 Latonia 3-4 1:12? fast 6-5 lOS 3 4 3 1') I'i T Taylor 

JOE MOSER, b. c, 3, by Maceo — Helen’s Pet (J. B. Respess). 

7.7IKI9 l«atonia 3 4 1:12* fast 7-10 103 1 1 1 1= 1’ E Martin 

7T.6t9 latonia 3-4 1:13* fast 2 101 2 1 1 1‘ 1® E .Martin 

75.774 latonia 3-4 1:1.3? fast 4-5 110 2 3 1 1» 1® E .Marlin 

SKYO, b. f, 3, by Goldorest — Visma (Hughes Bros.). 

7.7717 Latonia 1 1 :40? 7) 102 1111 l'» 1= Alinder 

7."^:99 l.atonia 3-4 1 : 1 2* 16 98 8 7 7 6* 7"U Butler 

75611 Latonia 1 1-4 2:06* fast 20 109 3 3 4 4 3) 3*) J Butler 

AL MULLER, b, g. 3, by Sorcerer — Discard (W. H. Fizer). 

7.7771 T .at on i a 3 4 1 :1.3.4 go,vd 3-2 92 1 1 1 1= 2>i Edmiston 

7.7699 latonia 3-4 1:12* 10 93 2 2 3 2'.'. 2’ Edmiston 

75649 Hatonia 3-4 1:1.3* fast 4) 9.7 6 3 2 3)" 6«) Edmiston 

Weight today 117. 
Estradia. D. Dame. M. Montio<e. 
Ellen a Dale, Daln.Damc, P..\hmed. 
Fstr.adia, Skyo, Altiida. 

Weight today 11.3. 
Moqnette. Sir CIcges, Dainty Dame 
Berwick, Ellen-a-Dale, Daln.Dame. 
Apache, Balbus, Frontenne. 

Weight today 110. 
,\1 Muller, Honest, Merrick. 
GoMpriHif, ReladQuecn, E. Jf. Fry. 
Bitter Sir, Masson, Rexall. 

Weight today 93. 
Geneva S,, Tad.v .\lniy. .Mirzer. 

.Toe .Moser. .U Muller, Honest. 
Chnlita, Lady Slartlia, EIlcn a-Dale 
Weight today 93. 
Daiut.v- Dame, Miss .Alert, 
Joo .Moser, Honest, Merrick. 

Joe Moser, Goldproof, Rebel Queen 

FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 3-ycar-olds. Selling. (71498—1:4.'',*- 


I The small figure under “Str.” shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the race. The small 
I figure under “Fin.”— unless the horse won— shows the number of lengths the horse was behind the winner. 

The <Mlds” fifpires in connection with the horws at the present Latonia meeting are the calculations made 
hj Dailj Racing lorm and based on mutnel jk)o1s. Tliey are published in such 
form for the mere purpose of mechanical uniformity. 

FIRST RACE — 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds, Maidens. Fillies. Selling. (.5(K5(!7 — l:00(t_2 110.) 

Index Course DistTimcT’ckOdds Wt St % % % StrFin Jockeys Best Company. 

Shooter — Remember Me II. (J. B. Respess). Weight todav 111 

5 good 17-5 10.7 3 .7 4 4) 4®J E Martin .Ada Meade, Variation Floreal 

755.^ lltonia M l-nil JasI ms 1 ? 07 ® Martin MissCriltenden. LadyRuby. Vancena 

<o.s,4 latonia 5-8 1.01* fast ,) 108 11 9 7 7- B’i E Martin The.MIssns, MabelHenry, ©.Message 

Omus — Animoso (S. Williams). Weight todav 103 

7 M ’4 lAtonia *'1 s 1 -(VI* i- Jim I c c Sweet Pippin. BuenaVi.sta.Diabola.' 

^ $ 5 5 4) 4"iFogarty AnneMcGee, Mahala, Em.Alinanac. 

WASHAKIE, b. c, 3, by Ornament — Annie C. (G, W. J. Bissell) 
7572.3 I.atonia 11-16 1:47 fast 5) 108 11 9 8 4 .3= 3= C Ross 

7.7671 I.atonia 3-4 1:15? fast 6 107) 9 11 8 6= 2« Troxler 

75613 Latonia 1 1-16 1:46* fast 35 105 1 8 5 4 4'i 4’* Glasner 

MASSON, b. g, 3, by Mazagan — Josie W, (F. W. Torreyson), 
7.7773 I„atonia 1 1-16 1:48 good lOO 10.7 1 7 10 8 6) 4=) Renson 

75723 I.atonia 
7.5671 Latonia 

1 1-16 1:47 Last 35 
3-4 1:15? fast 9 

Weight today 105. 
Gallileo, The Thorn. Kennewick. 
Hnck. Lignando. Edgar Hill. 

Mirzer, MaryTalhott, Hos. Hyphen 
Weight today 104. 
Severus. I.adyBaldnr, Sliver Brook 

.3 7 10 * 10*’)E Martin Gallileo. Tm. Thorn. Washakie. 
13 13 ll" 13=’ 0 Ross Hnck, Washakie, Lignando. 

SPUNKY, ch. c, 3, by The Commoner — Endurance (J. C. Ferriss. Jr.). Weight today 105. 

75723 Latonia 11-16 1:47 fast 30 108 .3 5 5 5 6" 6’i J Butler Gallileo. The Tliorn. Washakie. 

75576 I>atonia 1 1:41* fast 9 94 3 4 6 6 44 2* .1 Butler 

75428 I^atonia 1 1-16 1 :47? fast 15 106 12 6 10 9 9" 7= Lloyd 

KENNEWICK, b. g, 3, by Box — Malvji B. (G, Carley). 

75723 Latonia 1 1-16 1:47 fast 25 lo,7 1 4 4 .3 4) 4® Minder 

75613 I.atonia 1 1-16 1:46* fast 150 1 02 2 1 2 12 12 12 12»=)Skirvin 
75502 Latonia 7-S 1:27? fast 10 97 12 12 11 12 12* 10®* J Butler 

SylvanBelle, BitterMiss, Plr. Diana. 
John Louis, Alsatian, Separator. 

Weight today 102. 
Gallileo. The Thorn. Washaki*. 
.Alirzer, MaryTalhott. Hos. H.vphen. 
Rustle, George i'oung, E. T. Shi'pp. 

TOM KEARNEY, ch. g. 3, by Algol — Lady English (Goldberg & Allen). 

75773 I.atonia 
75723 I,.atoni.a 
75502 I.,atonia 

1 1-16 1:48 good lOO 105 4 10 7 6 

1 1-16 1:47 fast 75 105 9 11 11 12 

7-8 1:27* fast 30 97 S 11 9 9 

Weight today 102. 

5®i Warren Severus, LadyP.aldur, Silver Brotik. 
12==)T Taylor Gallileo, The Thorn. Washakie. 

JIM LISTON, h. g, 3, by Ingoldsby — Preference (W. L. Lewis). 

7M-’4 lAtonia s 1 -(VI* i- Jim I c c Sweet Pippin. BuenaVi.sta.Diabola.' 

5-8 1.01 fast 4o 100 6 5 5 4) 4"*Fogarty AnneMcGee, Mahala, Em.Alinanac. 

.j-,6 I.alonia 5-S 1:0_ good 3a0 102 9 9 9 9 9<® Fogarty Crys.Mald, AllceBalrd, Mrs.Sewall. 

MESSAGE, ch. f, 2, by Resolute II. — Rochelle (J. F. Offutt) Weight todav 108 

i.jOG.i l.atonia .5-8 LJXi* fast 13 lur, 11 ]l 10 9= 9*< Heidel .Airs. Sewall, Serenade, The .Missus.' 

vSiao Ja ^ “ “ 5*' J Rutler The Missus, MabelHenry, Har.Rowc 

(.^4. 9 I>atonia 5-8 1:01? fast 30 100 4 2 2 2* 3* Glasner Zeola, Dispute, Miss Crittenden. 

HARRIET ROWE, b. f, 2, by Maddison — Marpesia (J. H. Nichols). Weight todav 111 

a ? 1! =1 7" 7*’JAVarren ’’ .Ada Meade. VariS. Floral 

--V:ac fast in Kt^ 1 2 2 2* 2= Pickens L. Ruby, Boadicea, MyLadvFranccs 

,.-(>08 I.^itonia J* f 1:08? fast 3a 97* 5 3 2 2) 4’ S Flynn Plume, Admonish, Fair MMsengor. 

MERCADEL, b. f. 2, by The Commoner — Olefiant (T. P, Hayes). Weight todav 105 

IaI' o 2 3 3" 6*')Troxler Mrs. Sewall. Serenade, The Missus! 

f f Powers Mabel Henry, Cowdin, All Red. 

,.i4. S I.,atonia 5-8 1 : 01 ? fast 18-5 105 7 2 3 10) 9® Heidel F..Messenger. N.Carm.qet T Ati-jQii« 

7.5723 I^atonia 
7561.3 I.atonia 
75475 Latonia 

1 1 16 1:47 fast 1.50 105 10 8 6 
1 1-16 1:46* fast 65 97 11 10 9 

7* 7** Gl.asner Rustle, George Yoiing, E. T. Shipp. 
T. L. Lewis). Weight today 102. 

5" 5= M McGee OallihKt, Tlie Thorn, Washakie. 

7" 5**)Hnfiiagel Mirzer, JlaryTalbott. Hos. Hyphen. 

3-4 1:14* fast ISC 107 12 11 11 12= 12‘® T Taylor W. T. Overton, Lignando, Hnck. 

2) 4’ S Flynn Plume, Admonish, Fair Messenger. 
:T. P, Hayes). Weight today 105. 

3" 6*')Troxler Mrs. Sewall. Serenade, The Missus. 
2 1 4= 4* V Powers Mabel Henry, Cowdin, All Red. 

2 3 10) 9® Heidel F..Messenger, N. Carmack, T.Missus 

,*(w’tPippin. RnenaVista, Orpain,,;.:i 
Plume., .Admonish. Fair Messenger. 
TheMlssns, .MabelHenry, (J. Message 
Weight today 106. 
Laily Rnb.v, Har. Rowe, Boadicea. 
M.Crlttcnden, PointLace. L.Ruby. 

SILVER BROOK, b. f, 3, by Bowling Brook — Onvirlacc (H. Palmer). Weight today 100. 

7.5773 liatonia 1 1-16 1:48 good 13 95 7 4 3 4 .3S 3= M McGee Severus. Lad.v Baldnr. Mas.son. 

75674 lAatonia 1 1-16 1 :4S? fast .35 1 05 4 1 3 3 .3*) .3’ Fogarty Lady Almy. Lady B.ildnr. Apt. 

7.5616 Latonia 7-8 1:27? fast 20 98 10 10 10 10 8* 7*J Jas Hogi? Ben Sand, Hollow, ©.’s Daughter. 

BRAMBLE LAD, b. c, 3. by Braw Lad— Maid Bramble (L. Smith). Weight today 106. 

7.5475 I.iatonia 3-4 1:14* fast 35 110 13 13 12 11* ]0*«)G Henry W. T. Overton. Lignando, Hnck. 

75272 I.atonia 7-8 1:27? good 170 97 11 11 11 11 11 11*» Franklin Lady Carol, E.T.Shlpp. Mis.„Strorae. 

744‘tl Lexington 3-4 1:16? slow 12 102 7 10 11 10’ 7= J Butler King’s Son, Toplofty, Merrlfleld. 

SIXTH RACE — 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds. Selling. (71498 — 1:4.5* — 3 — 108.) 

HOSTILE HYPHEN, b. c, 3. bv Hyphen — Hostile (W, E. Oots). Weight today 106. 

75722 I>atonla 1 1-lG 1 :46* fast 13-5 97 .3 5 4 3 3’ 3* M McGee Rotth'S, .Aunt Rose. Fiinienlalre. 

75613 liatonia 1 1-16 1:46* fast 4* 110 4 2 1 1 2'* 3** Troxler Mirzer. Mary Ta!l>ott. Washakie. 

75478 I.,atonia 1 1-16 1:48? fast 8-5 105 8 8 7 4 4* 3* Jas Hogg Jolin Louis, Mary Talbott, Gallileo 

MARY TALBOTT, ch. f. 3, by Mazagan — Sister Juliet (Gallagher Bros.). Weight today 100. 

7.5772 I.^itonia 
73613 I>atonia 
75577 I.Atonia 

7-S 1:27? good 34 KM) X 7 7 

1 1-16 1 :46* fast 2) 105 5 3 4 

1 1-16 1:46? fast 13-5 105 4 3 2 

3) 2* E Martin Heine, Lad.v Carol. Chase. g 

3= 2* J Butler Mirzer, Hostile Hyphen, Washakie! 

2'i 1* J Butler The Thorn, Mirzer, Washakie. 

AUNT ROSE, b. f, 3, by Mazagan — Klondyke (P, Dunne), 

Onnne). Weight today 100. 

75722 I.,atonia 1 1-16 1 : 46* fast lS-5 92 7 1 1 1 1" 2" E Martin Bottles, H. Hyphen, Fuiileulaire. 

7.5610 Latoni.a 7-8 1:27? fast 6) 91 9 7 7 6 9’ 9" E Martin Geneva S., Deacon, Hazeltborpe. 

75575 Latonia 1 1:40 fast 12-5 89 2 1 1 1 1= 1® E Martin Canopian, Convolo. Palamon. 

ALBERT STAR. b. o, 3. by Star Shoot — Lady Alberta (M. Ording). Weight today 105. 

75722 latonia 1 1-16 1:46* fast 7 97 9 9 10 8 6» 6’* C Ross Bottle.s. Aunt Rose. H. Hyplien. 

75595 Latonia 1 1-8 1:52? fast 25 96 3 5 4 4 3* 3** C Ross Monsignor, JohnIa)nis. Waterl,ake. 

7.54.53 Latonia 11-8 1:54 fast 11-5 93)10 10 10 8 9* 7’ Jas Hogg B.Bruniinel, Dr.lAHnffman, Meada. 

LADY MARTHA, hr. f, 3, by Maceo — Flash of Lightning (W. H. Crawfordl. Weight today 106 

75746 T.atonia 1116 1:47 21-10 95 2 1 1 3 2" 4®* E Martin The Minks. Czar, ©uagga. 

7.5611 liatonia 1 1-1 2:06* fast 11-5 109 4 2 2 2 2* 2* E Martin Chiillta, Nkjo. EIIen-a-Dale. 

71617 Latonia 5-8 1:05 hvy 7-5 102) 1 4 4 1" 1* C H ShiPgAgnes Wood, Ansonla. Divorcee. 

STONE STREET, b. c. 3, by Lnngstreet — Stoneoellie (O, X. Hamilton). Weight today 106 

7-57!i 7 Latonia 1 1-16 1:16? good 22 95 1 6 6 5 2* 2* .1 Butler Mirzer, Miss Lida, Bottles. 

75722 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :46* fast 8* !i9 8 8 8 7 S« 7*i J Butler Bottles. Aunt Rose, H. Hyphen. 

75595 Latonia 1 1-8 1:52? fast 4 97 7 7 6 7 7 7'® Jas Hogg MonsIgnor, John Louis, Albert Star. 

GALLILEO, blk. g, 3, by AIlan-a-Dale— Goillard III. (T. C. McDowell), Weight today 104. 

7."723 I.Atonia 1 1-16 1:17 fast 6 10:5 5 11 1 2" 1*) Warren The Thorn, Washakie. Kennewiek. 

7.5478 Latonia 1 1-16 1:48? fast 16 lO" 13 112" 4=J Warren .TolinLouis, MaryTalhott. H. Hyphen 

75323 Latonia 7-8 1:28 fast 30 94 7 5 5 5 6* 5® Franklin Rustle, Hannibal Bey, Hazelthorpe. 

S. Hawkins). Weight today 100. 

2*J 1® .1 Butler Mirth. Pirate Dl.ana. OrientalQiieen 
7= S*=JJ Butler W. T. Overton, Lignando, Hnck. 

BANAGHER, ch. f, 3, hy Banastar — Kamara (J. S. Hawkins). 
7.">69.5 latonia 3-1 1 :1.5? 3 105 .5 5 4 2') 1® J Butler 

75475 l.atrini.a 3-4 1:14* .30 105 7 2 4 7= S*=U Butler 

6S703 Chur. Downs 1-2 48* fast 106 2 2 2= 2*® D Austin 

2* 2*® D Austin Grande Dame, W. Belle, M. Dink. 

Windsor Entries and Past Performances for Monday, July 6. 



Racing starts at 2:15 p. ni. 

>: Runs well in iiiii,|. ©Superior mud runner. 

First Race — 5-8 Mile. 

Fourth Race — 7-8 Mile, 
3-year-oIds and upward. Handlenp. 
(Ti'aek record: 57.S30 — 1 :2(!J — 4 — lO:!.) 



(Track record: 61 

196 — 

1 :00*— 2 





V. Wt. 


75 :43 

Gladys Louise .. 








. . .720 

4 >>*»! 1 




. X715 

t .»727 


1 :02 


• X715 


Colored Lailv ... 


. X715 

1 7570:: 

Sir Cannon 





Kla(‘k Mose . , . . 

1 :02* 




Hawk wing 

1 ;02* 






. . .700 





Garrett Watts, , 

ii. c 

hy Caleb — 1 




Si'lwik. h. e. 


Knight of tin' 


tie — Clairi'tte 











. X7;50 

Dixie Hininiel . . . 

1 :’27 

. UH. 


St. .leaniie 




. X 745 


1 :‘J7s 



. X740 






Night 5Iist 

. 97. 

. X7:t5 




. 00. 

. X7’25 

Fifth Raco— 3-4 Mile. 
4-.vear-olds and upward. Selling. 
(Track record: 57865— 1 : 12?— .3— Sfi.) 

Second Race — About 2 Miles. 

4 .vear-olds and upward. Allowances. 

(Track record: 75775--l::!(> — 5 — M5.) 

74551= I.izzie Flat 4. .128. .. .700 

7.5>i7(>= Galt l..l.‘.() (;,).5 

7.572.5 Bank Holiday 7. .14(>. . XC>!K) 

7-5775 B.vziuitiue 0. . 1.52. . . .t;9() 

7.5775 Bilhcriy (>. .149. . . .t>:)0 

75725 Pick t i me 9 . . 1 .52 . . X 1185 

7.5.':25= Woodside 4. .I-’IO. . . .(tS5 

75i;7i! Merrj" Maker 9. . 144. . xc,:^) 

T5775’ Tony Hart 7. .141 . . X'lSO 

75775 Big Bear 5..14S 675 

Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 

2 year-olds. .Maidens. Allowances. 

(’nits and Gelilings. 

(Tiai-k record: S,'ptenituT K), 1^97 — 1:061 2 SI. 



.. .1 



. OS. 

. X725 






. 96. 


75442 of Langden . . 





. X715 


Tern mera ire 




. 96. 



Park Row 

. . .1 




. X7I5 



. . .1 










. . .710 

7.5C5 4 

Bertha E 




. 96. 



Roy;iI Onvx 




. 105. 

. X 705 


El Dorado 

. ..1 







. . .1 



. XT(MI 





. X6!)0 

Sixth Race — 1 3-16 Miles. 

3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 

(Track reeonl: 631K5 — 2:02 —5—107.) Schroeder’s Midway.. 4..106..X725 

7.5779 Dele .Stnime 2:09* 4.. 96. . X720 

75751 The Shangliraiin 3..101..X7I5 

7577!) Nancy 4.. !)6..X7I5 

7-577!) Evelyn S 3. . 90. . X71-5 

7577!) Ocean Spray 2:08* 5. .lO.’L . X7P) 

7.5655 Alsatian 3 .. 95..XTK) 

7.57.55 Alta .Mclkmald 4..106..X705 

757.54 Left Guard 5. .102. . X7(,.5 

75779 Rehoiinder 6. .108. . x7ta' 

75755 Orient 7. .103. . ©6ii6 

Seventh Race — 1 3-16 Miles. 

3-y 'ar-olds and upward. Selling. 

(Track record: 63185 — 2:02 — 5 — 107.) 

(7.5681 ) Zipango . . . .’ Goldwav 

.... 2 : 00 * 





St. Ilario 

4 • • ! ! 

Nigger Baby . . . . 

... I :iis» 



4 >M 4 4 

St. Valentine 


Maxim Giin 

101 . 





Meitou (’loth 

. . . 1 :0'Js 






High Hat 




Rio Grande 


4 .» 1 .?< t 

•fim Fitz 




King Thistle 


Imliaii riunter .... 



4. *<>-'»#> 



Tlico Ca.k 


. .700 


figures Hiulrr ‘'Rec.” 

4 . 1 i . John 


. .700 

the best time made hy the 

i 1 

. .700 

since Januar.v 1, 1906. I'liis 

4 • »4« » 

Jim Parkinson .... 


. .695 

made by a winner. It may 

4 • ) 1 Oo 




of a losing performance. 

4.. K)!)..x7‘J5 

5.. 112..X72>1 
7. . 109. . X7I5 

1. . 108. . V7M 
1. .107. .0705 

3.. 95.. X 7*8) 


FIRST RACE— 5-S Mile. 2-year-olds, Allowances. (i:14!m; i imIJ— 2 -U)5.) 

Index DistTimeT ckOdds Wt St *1 *(. StrFin Jockevs Best Company 


SUNDAY, JULY 5, 1908. 


BIGHT, g, 2, by Gerolstcin — Optic (G. M. Miller) 
7o4.t{ Montrc;tl 1-2 49 slow 5 107 :! 2 

75353 Montreal 5-S 1:00* fust 3i 102 2 11: 

7526<> Montreal 

1-2 48* fast 7 5 



1 1= 

1® G 

Deviser, b. c. 

2. by Galore — Devina 


E. Madden). 

7567" Windsor 

41 f 57* .slo|i 21 


1 5' 

6'® G 

"539;> Ixitoiiia 

6 8 1:01* fast 1 



1 1 21' 

3® V 

7.5.374 1-atniiia 

5 8 1:01 fast 2 





lurid, b. f, 2. 

by Ildrim— Lurav 



, Weston). 

• 5727 Windsor 

.51 f 1:08* fast 8 



5 6 76 

9* "..I 

755.39 Haiiiiilon 

41 f 57 good 10 



6 21 

1® De 

7.53.89 Hamilton 

41 f 55* fast 12 



r. 5 5'i 

3*1 .1 

ler). Weight teday 107, 

2 2"** 2'* Moreland Takaliira. Pearl Point, Rapman. 

1 1* 2* (J Swain Pearl Point. Helen Hills. Havre. 

1 1= 1- t; .Swain t'atli.tlardwell, UoyalOak, P. Stafford 

idden). Weight today 118. 

1 .7' fi'= <! P.iirns KaniMe. Pearl Point, I lawksflipht. 

1 2'' 3* V Powers Fundain’tal, K. Harwood. E. Almanac 

1 1' li V Powers Transform, I>ispule, Light Blue. 

Ion). Weight today 110. 

t; 711 \V M’liyHa wksfliplit H.deNoyles. Hawkwinp 

C 21 1* Heverie'h Apolopize. She Wolf. Spanp.Banner 

COLORED LADY, blk. f, 2, by Waterboy — Connemara (R. F. Carman). 

7.'i77it Winii.sor IJ f r.t), go.«i .S 92 2 11 3‘ 5" C Burns Cere 

73760 S. Anita 
73567 s. Anita 

1-3 48* fast 6 

3i f 41g fast 7 

SIR CANNON, ch. c, 2, by Prince of Melbourne— Vestige (W. Shields). 

ra (R. F. Carman). Weight today 107. 

3‘ 5" C Burns Ceremonius. ('Ii.ipninnk. Trapi«». 

3= 3'i C. Burns Steel, Mad. Musprave. M. Rnssell. 

2>> 4* (1 Burns Horace H., J. H. Reed, Force. 

ROYAL ONYX, br. g, 4, by Omam ent — Oaeck 

7.7724 Wind.sor 3 4 1 ;1 1* 4i I09 1 3 

7.7574 Windsor 7-8 1:27 fits! 10 lot 4 6 9 

7.746.7 Hamilton 3-4 1:13 fast 3i 106 5 3 

EL DORADO, ch. c, 4, by Ethelbert — Dorotheo 
7.7702 Windsor 1 l:Hi; livy 4 li*t> 4 3 3 

7.7,710 Hamilton 3-4 1:13 fast 10 123 6 7 

75390 Hamilton 3-4 1:13* fast 8-5 113 2 7 

EMINOLA. br, f, 4, by Aloha — Eminence (J. C. 
7.'5M Wind.s..r 1 116 1 :.72j slop 4 92 .7 3 3 

74617 Pimlico 1 1:45(1 hvy ito list 7 0 5 

74tU.T Pimlico 5i f 1:10* hvy 3-5 101 1 3 

MINDORA, br. h. 8, by Sain — Park Ridge (B 
f!>47;7 Ascot Pk .>4 <’ 3:0|.> fast l.t 13.7 1 6 .7 

59402 .\scot Pk B C 3:033 fast •/ 1:5.7 5 5 3 

Qaeen (T. G. Molinelli). Weight today 105. 

3 2">‘ 20 Harl.v T. Robinson. Redoinlo, .lane Swift. 

9 7‘ 5^ Ik-verieh Creel, Redondo, St. Jeanne. 

3 3* 3’i Harty NighlMist, St. Jeanne, Polly Prim. 

(Fairport Stable). Weight today 114. 

3 2“k 47 Hatchett Hiaeko, Mortilsiy, S. Midway. 

6 Ui 3“i Harty Purslane, Anna Smith. (>r. Kimball. 

5 67 4‘J Nicol Royal Onyx, Erlpely, Euripides. 

. Smith). W’eight today 99, 

r> 77 7'* Francis Zipanpo. Petulant, Diinvepan. 

6 S'J S*'iT Steele Cock Sure, Hdpely, El lV>rado. 

2 2’ I'J J A McK’nPatBulper, WiltonLaekaye, Grevllla 

. Schreiber). Weight today 103. 

5 .7 577 Sinclair .\dams, Milas. Dei imo. 

3 3 3'®7.i Sullivan Marylander, Caz.ador, Heeinio. 

7.7703 Windsor 
74477 Pimlico 
V4266 Benninp 

■ '-X pot* hvv 6 
4J f 56* fast 9 
12 51i 4 

11 1® 17 .1 W M’li.v MaximCiin. HipliHat. .\rv.Leonard. 

7 7* 8“ J Bergen Black .Mose, Po«'Otalipo, Ind. Hnnter 

6 6* 6'* J Bergen TalM)0, Hawkwinp, A1 Busch. 

I ' SIXTH RACE— 1 3-16 Miles. 3-year-oIds and upward. Selling. (i;:51.S.'i-2:02— 5— 107.) 

BLACK MOSE, blk. c, 2, by Ogden — Mimosa (J. F. Bartlett). 

75677 Windsor 
71601 Pimlico 
74526 Pimlico 

4.J f 57* slop 1.7 107 ;7 

5 8 l:01j» 8 lOT, 3 

f 55* good 3-2 110 1 

5 6' 7*7 A I-C4» 

2 2 37 3C7 A Lee 

Weight today 110. 
Ramble. Pearl F'oint, Hawkstlipht. 
Sip, (Jerald I)., Flat Creek. 

HAWKWING, b. g, 2, by Hawks^pick — Daisy W, (J. S. Tyree). 

7.7727 Windsor 51 f 1 :0R4 fast 20 PC 4 6 4 3‘ 371 G l!iirn.‘ 

2'J 27| B Walsh Gerpid D., tUicTk. Arondaek. 

75679 Windsor 
7.5460 Hamilton 

.7 S 1 :0;!* slop 40 109 2 

5-8 1:01 g 4 110 1 

6J 6“lHarlv 
5» 5®i Harty 

LEONARD, ch. c, 2, by Russell — Memorial (J. H. Madigan). 

74913 3'oronto T-2 41'i fast 5 113 9 

73.703 F.Grounds 31 f 42 fast 10 1071 6 

I. Weight trday 107. 

iirn.s Hawkstlipht. DandeNoylcs, Cliicosa. 
y Chiiiniiink, Brown’I’ony. M.lmogeni'. 
y Brown Tony, El Oro, Aralia. 

Weight today 110. 

10 127 i5n>iE Walsh Irma, 'niistle Belle, Havre. 

STROMEL^ND. b. c, 2. by Ben Strome — Roscland (J. Dyment). 

7.7703 Windsor 5 S 1:01* hvy 60 107 10 8 6 Ui7 10‘nMalin 

I'irsl slart for llie following: 

GARRETT WATTS, ch. c. 2. by Caleb— Bettie Johnson (D. Hill). 
SELWIK, b. c, 2, by Knight of the Thistle — Clairette (A. Turney). 

Arionetto, Tony W., Serenade. 

Weight today 106. 
SirC'niinon, Ma.\im Gun, Hipli Hat. 

Weight today 110. 
Weight today 106. 

SECOND RACE — About 2 Miles. Steeplechase. 4-ycar-olds and upward. Allowances. (7.7775 -1:.‘50- 

LIZZIE FLAT, b. f, 4. by Flatlands — Lizzie M. (C. C. Smithson). Weight today 128. 

745.71 Pimlico Ah 2 4 :24g last s i;;o 3 3 3 3 2 27»C.ran(l cl Banner, Ballaealla. Bcllie Landon. 

74.'hi. 7 Pimlico Al> 2 4:2.3* fast 8-5 1.30 2 2 3 3 3* 4'* Sav.agc Hiilcian, Fly. Virpliiiau, Geo.Iadiier. 

OALT, b. c, 4, by Hermence — Statira (E. M. Dayton). Weight today 130. 

7.5676 Ali 2 4:39 slop S-5 ]:54 3 2 2 1 2* 27^ Ha.vlon P..vzanline. Ge<irpeLeiiH'r, Tony Hart 

7.54S7 Mairditun Ab2J 1:31 fast 2 l;>5 2 1 1 2 2‘ 3*4 Dayton Butterl.adle, S.Parmer, SteveLane. 

T543S Hamilton Ab 2J 4:27* f^t 12 142 2 4 3 3 2* 2'® Dayton P.ilhi'rry. Sam Parmer, SpencerReKT 

B.^K HOLIDAY, ch. m, 7, by Ben Holladay — Josie Rood (G. Black). Weight today 146. 

7a725 Windsor .\h 2 4:31 fast 3-2 13.8 5 t. Lost rider. G Pierci; Sam Parmer, Dnleian. John Dillon. 

T543S Hamilton Ab 21 4:27* fast 12 142 2 4 3 

75412 Hamilton Ah 2 4:10g Last 20 147 7 Refused. Pierce 

7.5209 Toronto 2 3:55 fast 12 155 5 Refused. G Pierce 

BYZANTINE, b. g, 6, by Octagon — Mallow (A. Bailer). 

7:775 Windsor Ah 2 4::5<l good f. 116 1 1 4 Fell. E Slone 

T..676 Windsor Ah 2 4:;59 slop 6 143 1 1 1 2 1* 1*4 E Stone 

7.5463 Hamilton Ah 2 4:llg fast 7 137 5 4 4 2 4‘ 3*4 E Stone 

BILBERRY, b. g, 6, by Billetto — Bayberry (M. Delorey). 

7.5775 Ah 2 4::«i good 3 1.V5 3 2 3 4 4* 4” T Rae 

75.537 Hamilton .\h 2 4:12g good 8-5 153 3 l/ost rider. T Rae 

764;!.S Hamilton .\b 21 4:27* fast 4 152 4 2 2 2 1>* I** T Rae 

FICKTIME, b. h. 9. by Pickpocket — Faat Tima (A. L. Poole). 

7.7725 Wiml.sor Ah 2 4:34 fast 12 US 6 5 5 4 4** 4* G M'ilsoi 

75537 Hamilton Ab 2 4:12g good 4 149 4 4 Ix)st rider. G Wilsoi 

7.5463 Hamilton Ab 2 4:l]g fast 3 

WOODSIDE, ch. g, 4, by Norwood — ^Bell Andrews (H. Flippen). 

2* 2* G Wilson Marksman, B.vzantine, Big Bear. 

Weight today 130. 

75325 Latonia Ab IJ 3:29* fast 4-5 135 4 2 2 2 2* 24 F MorrisoiiBell-the-Cat. Sfellvain, Dell Leath. 

75256 Latonia Ab IJ 3:28* mud S 135 2 7 7 7 7 7** Garnett Charfield, King Esta. Class Leader. 

74849 Ix)uisville S C 2:52* mud 19-5 135 9 5 7 10 6i 7*‘ S McClain Coal Black Lady, Cliarfield, Dario. 

MERRY MAKER, b, g, 9, by Deceiver — Lettie Brown (C. J. Murray). 

7.5676 Win.lsor Ab 2 4:;!9 slop 12 143 8 S 8 7 Ran out.Masnnda 

72490 City Park S C 3:06* fast 15 153 6 Pulled up. T Rae 

724,54 City Park S C -3:10 po<h1 40 1 45 8 6 6 7 7* 6**4T Rae 

Weight today 144. 

TONY HART, ch. g, 7, by Old Ireland — Miss Canada (J, H. Clay) 
7.7775 ,\b 2 4:30 good 2<t 126 4 7 7 0 3’ 3« Rosteek 

75676 Windsor Ab 2 4:39 slop 12 140 6 7 .5 3 4*® 4**4Bosteck 

7.5.537 Hamilton Ab 2 4:12* good 40 130 2 2 6 4 4* 3»®iRosteck 

BIG BEAR, br. h, 6, by Culprit — Animoso (J. Gartshore). 

7.5775 Wiini.siT Ab 2 4::tn goo.i 10 137 5 5 5 .5 5 .5'® .MaKiiaila 

7.55.37 Haniiltmi Ab 2 4:12* g.,iod 10 137 7 5 4 3 3* I..rider.Grov 

75463 Hamilton Ab 2 4:11* fast 8 143 8 2 1 3 3* 4”iGroves 

Ian <iut.Masnada R.vzantine, Galt, Gtswge Leijier. 

>. T Rae Rip, Pete Vinegar. Full of Fun. 

7* 6**4T Rae Esterjoy, P. Vinegar, Fly. Plover, 

la (J, H. Clay). Weight today 141. 

3’ 3« Rosteek Waterway, Manzano. Bilherr.v. 

4*® 4**iBosteek Byzantine, Galt, George Leiper. 

4* 3*®*Rosteck Marksman, Butter Ladle, Raeilla. 
tshore). Weight today 148. 

5 .5>® .Masiiiiila Waterway, Manzano, Tony Hart. 

3* I.i.rider.Groves Marksman, Butter Ladle. TonyHart 
3* 4**iGroves Marksman, Picktime, Byzantine. 

THIRD RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-y car-olds. Maidens. Colts and Geldings. Allowances. (September 
l(t. 1.V.I7 2— .S4.J 

TREMARGO, ch. c, 2, by Handsome— Florence W. (W. H, Moshy). 
75.(6 Windsor :.i f 1 :«h;* gissl 12 l(Hi 6 .5 .5 5'J 4'® G Burns 

5705 Windsor 

5 8 1 :04 hvy 20 

Weight today 104. 
Christmas, .VulumnMaid, Ladylrma. 

6< 5* F’hrother .ManyColors, Ceremonius, I’lmpante 

7.5297 r.’vesend 6* f 1:09 fast 20 105 3 2 3 36 3*i G Burns 

771664 S. Anita 1-2 47* fast 7 97 6 6 5 ‘ 4*J G Burns 

HIGH HAT, b. g, 2, by Sombrero — Celebrity (B. & O. Stable). 

7.5703 Windsor 5-8 1:04* hvy 7 W :! 3 2 2J 3*J Francis 

75504 Montreal .5-8 1:00 fast 30 109 6 7 7 7 7'® Moreland 

74C.5S Jamaica 5-8 1:02 mud 20 9 1 7 7 7 7 7*® Francis 

JIM FITZ, br. c, 2, by Lackford — Shoes (C, Pangritz), 

75750 5.'. f 1:<«* fast 100 ]07 6 5 5 5i ;5* Moreland 

7.528.5 Hamilton 45 f .55* .30 107 4 7 7* lH*lKennedv 

• 4832 Louisville 4J f 53* fast .500 98 7 7 76 8*‘lKennedV 

i 5* Moreland 
* lH*lKenned.v 
6 8*'‘lKennedy 

,..Mo \\ ind.soi- .1-8 1:01 fast -50 !H( 6 6 6 6= 6®i K'hrother R. R.aal. Hawksflight. Balhck. 

01 f 1:08* fast :!0 pi6 10 lo V) 81 6** McCala' ParailiseQueen, Havre. Pea.Clioiee. 

7.i7i>:! Win.lsor 5-8 1:04* hvy 4 110 11 7 4 31 5® G Burns BirCannon, Maxim Gun, High Hat. 

THEO. COOK, b. c, 2, by Ben Brush — Climax (A. Turney). Weight today 104. 

754::9 Hamilton 41 f 55* fast 13-6 112 5 8 8* 8*=4Mahon Patriot, I*orothy Webb, J. W. Kent 

JOHN, b. c. 2, by Jack Point — Taluca (J. W. Pangle). Weight today 104. 

7.. 0.0 3\ in.Isor 51 f 1:08* fast 14H) los 8 9 6 6A 7®1 .1 Dennison ParadiseQueen, Havre. I’ea. Choice. 

757fri Win.lsor .5-8 l:o4* hvy 15 107 6 10 10 81 6® McCalte SirCannon, Maxim Gun, High Hat. 

T...353 Montreal 5 8 1:01 fast 50 _ 113 7 7 7 7* 7*1 J Howard Ragman, Gay King, A1 Busch. 

MR. MAGINN. b. c, 2, by Roehampton — Miss Elizabeth (A. L. Lehman). Weight today i04. 

7.5651 Win.lsor .VS 1 :<Hi* fast 60 105 ]o Pi H 11 ili«iw .1 WardPearl IVjint, Balliek, Christmas. 

JIM PARKINSON, b. c, 2. by Sempronius — Shadow Dance (H. Hogan) Weight today 101. 

7|^>4in M.inlreal 1 2 48* fast 50 11;: 5 5 7* S*! B Roilins I/owHeart. CoIonelZeh. Ceremonius. 

1.. 109 Montnal 41 f 5»l hvy ]00 112 5 5 5 6*1 B Rollins Nastiirtia,, M. T. Greene. 

AUTOJ^TIC, b. c, 2, by Six Shooter — Motilla (J. B. Respess). Weight today 104. 

7.. (0.< Windsor 5 8 ] :04 livy 6<) 107 5 2 5 7® 7**1P Burton Man.vColors, Ceremonius. Pimpante. 

01.. 72 l.atoiiia 5-S 1:01* fast -50 110 11 8 7 10= 10**1E Martin RohinGre.v, Stowawa.v. NedCarmack 

• 5498 Latonia 5-8 1:01* fast 14 105 13 11 11 11* 11*1 E Martin F.Mossenger, N. Carmack, T.Missus 

FOURTH RACE — 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. (r»7S;:(>— 1 :2f>* — 4 — 10.3.) 
dCOURT, b. c, 3, by Ben Brush — Costume (R. L. Thomas). Weig 

HARCOURT, b. c, 3. 

7.57'.;’, Wiiul.siir 7-8 1 

75113) Montreal 1 1 

IMIS -M 7-8 1 

757.53 Win.lsor 7 8 1 
7.567s Wind.sor 1 1 

T540I .Montreal 3-4 1 

BT. JEANNE, ch. f, 4. 
7.5777 Witiilsor I 1 

7.'i*i.,t Windsor 7-8 1 

7.5465 Hamilton 3-1 1 

HAWKAMA. b. g, 4, 
7V.7S W’in.tsor 1 1 

7.'fil3 lianiilton 1 I 

7.^d37 Hamilton 61 f 1 

MORTIBOY. b. 0. 4. 
7-'.'l’6 Windsor 1 I 

75701' 1 I 

75476 I.itonia 1 1 

NIGHT MIST, ch. f, 
7.57.".:! W'iinl.sor 7-8 1 

75728 Wiml.sor 7-8 I 

• rjl.'io 3-1 1 

LIST.FRINE. ch. f, 3. 
757::o Win.lsor 1 1 

7499<i l,ouisviIle 1 1-8 1 

74.866 ly.uisville 1 1 

y Ben Brush — Costume (R. L. Thomas). Weight today 109. 

7 fast 8-5 PIS 2 4 4 2 2® 1*.t C H Sliil’gDixie Himmel, Giles. Hiaeko. 

slow 7-10 111 6 4 4 2 2*1 1*1 C II SliiPpSt. Hario, Miss Marjorie. Call Boy. 

6* fast 9-6 m 4 6 5 3 3® ll C H Shil’pYouthfiil, Bllllo Hihhs, Call Boy. 

by Goldcrest — Lady Himmel (J. Garson). Weight today 38. 

fast .31 Ml 6 3 1 1 I'j 2*1 W <Mt Harioiirt. Giles. Hiaeko. 

slop 11-0 92 2 1 2 5 6 5*®lEnpl’der Hawkaina, Terali, Giles, 

hvy 2 102 4 3 3 3*1 3*1 McCiiliey GoldHeart, Bellwether, K. Avondale 

• St. Mark — Junaetta (C. Meister, Jr.). Weight today 100. 

poiMl 5 K4 2 2 2 4 3* 3®i MeCala. SoIoii.Sli ingle, T.DoIan. St. Valentine S 107 111 1 1* 3»1 MeGala> Creel, Redondo, Golf Ball, 

fast 5 105 1 1 1 11 21 Mel'ahe NlglitMist, Ro.valOnyx, Polly Prim 

Hawkswick — Amaranth (Fairport Stable). Weight today 117, 

slop !i-5 lit 1 I I 1* 1® Hiirly Terah. Giles, Fernando, 

fast 6 116 4 2 1 1 I'i 1®1 Harty Solon Shingle, Hiaeko, Braggadoeio. 

fast 6 118 1 5 4 4® 11 Nhsil NlghtMist, Anna Smith, Ben Sfille. 

Albert — Counterbreeze (Mrs. M. Goldblatt). Weight today 100. 

fast 1.5 |.i2 I :. .. r, 5* <; p.urns I nele Toby. Gliininer. Polly Prim, 

hvy 1 102 2 4 4 4 .3' 2®. G Burii.s Hiaeko. S. Midwa.v, El Dorado, 20 107 4 3 5 5 5 6®®iJ Butler Miss Alert, Areile, Kereheval. 

by Knight of Elleralie — Quagmire (E. F. Miller). Weight today 97. 

fast 5 lot .5 2 ;; 4 ■5-'' 5" .1 Fole.v Harcoiirt, Dixie Hiniinel. Giles, 

fast 7 5 lot) 6 3 rider.T Koerner ('IcIITiirm-.y, ParkRovv, .M. Delaney. 

Last 3 lol 6 7 5 31 2nk Kfa'rner Jane Swift, Giles, Ayr Water, 

r Lamplighter — Nellie Grand (A. L. Lehman). Weight today 90. 

fast to PiO 2 S II 15 15 iri>»llH‘lahy St. Hario, Lajennessc. M. Vigilant, 

fast 13 :rr. 8 9 11 10 9® 9*®1E .Martin Arrow Swift, Camille, Hughes, 

hvy 30 99 2 7 6 6 6*® 5^ Ilufnagel Terali, Keep.Movlng, W.T. Overton. 

FIFTH RACE — 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Soiling. (57W2> — 1:12]; — 3 — sc.) 

REDONDO, b. g, 5, by Inspector B. — Balance All II. (J, James). 

75721 Win.lsor 3-4 1 : 14* 4 107 2 2 1 1* 3= F Burton 

7.V>.'4 Windsor 7-8 1:27 fast 3 102 8 5 4 3 26 2* Kennedy 

75514 Hamilton 6* f 1:06* fast 4 104 9 6 3 2*6 26 Kennedy 

MINOT, b. g, 4, by Lamplighter — Harchma (W. Gerst). 

7572;) W in.lsor 3-1 1:11* fast 6 1(>5 1 3 3 3= 1* J Foley 

753;*i| Hamilton 
75314 Hamilton 

3-4 1 ;13* faat 15 
3-4 1:13* fast 4 

9* 9*®JRosen 
6® 6* E Griffin 

FAHK ROW, b. g, 5, by Mirthful — Skyscraper (W. B. Harris). Weight today 103. 

757. '8 Win.lsor 7-8 1 :27* fast 8 P4 7 2 1 1 p. 2ii ,| w’ .M’liyClell Turney. M. Dcl.-niey, I', flown 

75416 G'vesernl Al>3-4 1:09* fast 20 101 6 6 7 7 7**lShreve Aletlieuo. Kip Ben, .TaniesB.Brart.v. 

74954 Belmont 6J f l:20g fast 30 115 6 6 7 8* 8*® McCahey Lad of Lanpden, Almee C., Coriieob 

EDGELY, ch. g, 6, by Jonah White — Marguerite II. (P. Gallagher). Weight today 103. 

75514 Haiiiilu.n 51 f l:f«g 6 112 6 3 4 4® 4® J A .McF'nPlease. Redondo. Avr Water. 

7.54:t5 Hamilton 3-4 1:14 fast 4J 108 1 11 1® ]i j .MeF'iiRedondo, Temmeraiiv. Eslella C. 

<,5:2*0 Hamilton 3 4 1:13* fast 7 hW 5 6 6 3* 2® Kennedy Royal Oii.vx, Eiiripides. El Dorado. 

TRACKLESS, ch. m, C, by Pontiac — Calypso (G. E. Dudley). Weight today 101. 

TMhI Hamillon 1 1 tl* fast 7 107 1 1 4 3 4' .5-1.1 Schaller True P.oy. Con.le, I he Globe. 

T5I11 Hamilton 1 1.41* fast 3* li:: 12 2 2 1" 2i .1 Sch.iller WhiskP.r<K>iii, Dim> ep.-iii, Ur.Miiioka. 

75361 Hamilton 1 1.41* fast 6 101 1 I 2 1 1* 1* J Schaller I.exl 11. g. Lady, SirGalahinl. KidUoos. 

BERTHA £., b. m, 6. by G. W. Johnson — Happy (J. FbUlips), Weight today 90. 

75L54 Win.lsor 7-8 1:27 fast 12 166 2 4 5 6 6’ 6* F’hrotlier Creel. Redon.lo. St. Jeanne. 

75440 Hamilton 1 1:41* fast 3-2 104 2 1 1 1 1"6 16 Kennedy Biinrida, l..exinp.Lady, L.Onvanagh. 

^iBuilloa 7-K lust 4 ItKl & 4 4 6 4®k r’broUicr JSt, Jcaiuic, rollj ITuu, Ualei|:U. 

SCHROEDER’S MIDWAY, ch. c, 4, by Del Paso II. — Dansante (H. ShannonlT 

Weight today 106. 

DELE STROME, ch. f, 4, by Bon Strome — Lindele (C. Meister, Jr.). 

75779 Windsor 

1 1-S 1:54 gooil 8 

96 11 

10 12 



6® Diggiiis 

7.5041 Hamilton 

1 1-16 1:48 good 10 

98 2 

9 8 



2.1 Deverich 

75410 Hamilton 

1 1:41* 12 

106 10 

7 7 



5«J McCabe 

IHE SHAUGHRAUN, ch. c, 3, by Naaturtinm- 

—Ballyhoo (Mrs. M. 

7.5751 Windsor 

1 1-S 1:5:5* fast :’.o 

102 2 

4 4 



4®.l IV Ott 

7.56.53 Windsor 

118 1:52*fast 20 

93 7 

7 7 



6“.U IV .M’l 

7.5489 Hamilton 

1 1-16 1:48 fast 5 

100 4 

2 3 



3® T Rice 

7.577>.5 Windsor 1 1-16 1:47 fast 10 l(i:{ .5 4 3 3 4‘i .5® l•”l•rollu•^ Dennis SlarTord, True Ikiy. Goldway 

7,5702 Windsor 1 1:14* hvy 7 106 6 6 6 6 4® 3* Moreliiml Hiaeko, MorMlmv, El Dorado. 

7.5482 Montreal 1 1:39 fast 40 97 5 6 6 6 6 6*®JMe<.'ahe.v (Joes Fast, Reidmoorc. Billie Hihhs 

DELE STROME, ch. f, 4, by Bon Strome — Lindele (C. Meister, Jr.). Weight today 96. 

7:.779 Windsor 1 1-8 1:54 poo.l 8 96 11 10 12 10 Si 6* Dippiiis Dmivi'pan, Flavipny. Beau Bruniiiiel 

7.5041 llamllton 1 1-16 1:48 pood 10 98 3 9 8 6 6® 2.4 Deverieli St. Valentine, The Globe. Conde. 

75410 Hamilton 1 1:41* 12 106 10 7 7 6 41 5«J McCabe Bertha E., Banrida, LexinptonI.ady 

THE SHAUGHRAUN, ch. c, 3, by Naaturtinm — Ballyhoo (Mrs. M, L. Britton). Weight today 101. 

7.5751 W’inilsor 1 1-8 1 :5:{* fast :Ut 102 2 4 4 4 4® 4®.4 W <Ht Martin liovlc. Terah. Cave Adsiim. 

(.56.-35 Wind.sor 1 1 8 1 :52* fast 20 93 7 7 7 7 7 6“1.I W .M’hy Ch. GillH-rt. Glimmer, Martin Doyle 

75489 Hamilton 1 1-16 1:48 fast 6 loO 4 2 3 3 26 3* T Rice Cave Ad.sum, Terah, Superstition. 

NANCY, b. f, 4, by Hastings — Nineveh (J. R. Wainwright), Weight today 96. 

T.5779 Wind.sor 1 l-.S 1:51 poo.l 25 101 4 2 2 4 7‘4 S'®. G.x'dike Dimvepan. Flavipny, Beau Brmiiniel 

7.‘m 29 Windsor 3-4 1:11* fast 15 103 3 5 7 5® 5® G Burns Minot, Herman .folinson, .Vdrlan. 

7,-,5]5 Hamilton 1 1-16 1:46* fast 20 101 5 3 3 1 7® 7®*iGo<niike K.oftheValley, Ar. Swift, I.iex.Lady 

EVELYN S., ch. f. 3. by Handspring — Myrtelus (W. Gerst). Weight today 90. 

7.5779 WiniLsor 1 1-S 1:54 po.hI .50 .88 7 7 6 6 6i> 9"’.4J Schaller Diinvepan. Flavipny. Bean P.rnmoiel 

7.5510 Hamillon 3-4 1:13 fast .50 • 90 10 11 10 10® 9*® .1 Schaller Purslane, Anna Smith, El Dorado. 

7.5410 Hamilton 1 1:41* faat 8 91 5 3 3 10 lOnviO** J Sehaller Berth.a E., Banrida. lAixinptonl.ady 

OCEAN SPRAY, b. m, 5, by Oddfellow — Ethel Thomas (W. L. Oliver). Weight today 103. 

7.5779 Win.lsor 1 1-S 1:51 poml .".0 li»3 8 8 10 13 13 13®* R Powell Diinvepan. Flavipny. Bean Bnimmcl 
7.567.5 Windsor 3-4 1:16* slop 10 ins 1 10 9 8® 8**4Harty Little Minnie. .Vlomar, Itevery. 

76440 Hamilton 11:41* fast 60 108 12 12 13 12 12® 12®® Powell Bertha E., Banrida. I.exinptonLady 

NANCY, b. f, 4, by Hastings — Nineveh (J. R. Wainwright), 

7.5779 Wind.sor 1 l-.S 1:51 poo.l 25 101 4 2 2 4 7‘8 S'® Goc'dik 

7.5(29 Windsor 3-4 1:11* fast 15 103 3 5 7 5® 5= G Bur 

7,-,5]5 Hamilton 1 1-16 1:46* fast 20 101 5 3 3 1 7® 7®*iGmniik 

EVELYN S., ch. f. 3. by Handspring — Myrtelus (W. Gerst). 

7.5779 Wiml.sor 11-S1:.54 po(h 1 .50 .88 7 7 6 6 6i> 9'“.‘..1 Sch; 

7.-.510 Hamillon 3-4 1:13 .50 * 90 10 11 10 10® 9'« J Scln 

Jam Parmer, Dnleian. John Dillon. I 

Pierce Moonpold. Butter Ladle. Byzantine. 

G Pierc-e Spencer Reiff, Essex II., Mlxup. 

Weight today 152. 

E Slone Waterwa.v, Manzano, Tony Hart. 

E Stone Galt, George Iveiper, Tony Hart. 

E Stone Marksman, Picktime, Big Bear. 

Weight today 149. 

T Rae Waterway, Manzano, Tony Hart. 

T Rae Marksman. Butter Ladle, TonyHart 

T Rae (Jalt, Sam Parmer, Spencer Reiff. 
ole). Weight today 152. 

G Wilson Sam Parmer. Dnleian, John Dillon. 
G Wilson Marksman, Butter Ladle. TonyHart 

7.5779 Windsor 1 1-S 1:51 pixx! li»3 8 S 10 13 13 13®' R Powell 

7.5675 Wind.sor 3-4 1:16* slop 10 inS 1 10 9 8= 8'*marty 

76440 Hamilton 1 1:41* fast 60 108 12 12 13 12 12® 12®® Powell 

ALSATIAN, ch. c, 3, by Bassetlaw — Lorraine (Mrs. M, GoIdblattT. 
7.->6.55 AV'iml.sor 1 1:11* fast 4 100 6 4 7 7 5* 5* F Burton 

7.5502 Latonia 7-8 1:27* 9 101 7 5 10 11 11® 6‘ F Burton 

75428 Latonia *1 1-16 1:47* fast 34-5 105 6 7 4 3 4* 2i J Butler 

ALTA M'DONALD, b. c, 4, by Sanders — Golden Hopes (A. L. Poole), 
7.57.55 Windsor 11-16 1:47 fast :!0 103 8 11 10 lO 9® 9'ri.W Dtt 

7.5681 Windsor 1 1-16 1:.523 slop 5 101 6 5 4 4 4* 4'»iF’brother 

7:5:{6 Hamilton 1 1:44 good 20 109 7 2 8 6 1** W Ott 

LEFT GUARD, br. g, 5, by Makaland — Minnie Price (J. James). 

75754 Wind.sor 3-4 1:14 10 108 4 8 8 5® 4®i F Burton 

7567.5 Windsor 3-4 1:16* slop 3 102 12 9 7 6* 4® Kennedy 

75.540 Hamilton 3-4 1:15* good 3 106 2 2 2 In'* 2* Kennedy 

REBOUNDER, b. h, 6, bv Pessara — Rebound (W. G. King-Dodds). 
7.5779 Wind.sor 11-8 1:54 pood Wl 108 :: 9 9 9 11= 11'= .7 Bak<w 

75491 Hamilton 11:41* fast 30 102 2 4 7 6 8* 8®J J Baker 

75410 Hamilton 1 1:41 fast 40 110 7 7 7 8 7* 7** J Baker 

ins 1 10 9 8® 8"JHarty Little Minnie. .Vlomar, Itevery. 

108 12 12 13 12 12® 12=® Powell Bertha E., Banrida. I.exingtonLady 

V — Lorraine (Mrs. M. GoIdblattT. Weight today 95. 

mo 6 4 7 7 5* 5* F Burton LoxinpfonLady, Halbard, Euripides 

101 7 5 10 11 11® 6* F Burton Rustle, Georpe Younp, E. T. Shipp. 

105 6 7 4 3 4 * 2i J Butler John liouis. Separator, Mirzer. 

irs — Golden Hopes (A. L, Poole), Weight today 106. 

103 8 11 m 10 9® 9'®1W mt Denni.s Stafford. Tnu' Itoy, Giddway 

101 6 5 4 4 4* 4'®JF’brother Zipanpo, Petulant, Dunvepan. 

109 7 2 8 6 3®k iij w Ott Banrida, Estclla C., Approbation. 

id — Minnie Price (J. James). Weight today 102. 

108 4 8 8 5® 4®i F Biirlon .VnnaSmifh. T.ofSpades. Ben Stillc. 

102 12 9 7 6* 4® Kennedy Little Minnie. Alomar, Revery. 

106 2 2 2 Ini' 2* Kennedy Punky, Showman. New Year. 

—Rebound (W. G. King-Dodds). Weight today 108. 

108 :: 9 9 0 11® 1I‘® .7 Bnki'r l>nuvepan, Flavipny. Beau Bninimel 

102 2 4 7 6 8* 8®J J Baker True Boy, Conde, The Globe. 

110 7 7 7 8 7* 7** J Baker Ida Reck, Millstone, Clifton Forge. 

75491 Hamilton 1 1:41* fast 30 102 2 4 7 6 8* 8®J .1 Baker True Boy, Conde, The Globe. 

75410 Hamilton 1 1:41 fast 40 110 7 7 7 8 7* 7** J Baker Ida Reck, Millstone, Clifton Forge. 

ORIENT, ch, m, 7, by Ornament — Bessie V. C. (International Stable). Weight today 103. 

7.5755 Windsor 1 1-16 1:47 fast 2('i0 100 9 12 12 11 11® ll®®lBrainion Dennis Slafford. True Boy. Gobiway 

68196 Citv Park 1 1:41* fast 105 10 13 13 Pulled up. Dipgins Clifton Forge. Limerick. Maznnia. 

68083 City Park 1 1-16 1:48* fast 108 2 8 7 7 6'J 6=>i Lloyd r.emon Girl, Gold.Mineral. N. Burn. 

SEVENTH RACE — 1 3-16 Miles, 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. (631S5 — 2:02 — 5 — 107.) 

ZIPANGO, b. c. 4, by Admonition — MI m 0. (A. Waber). Weight today 109. 

7r>6Sl Wimi.sor 1 1-16 1:52* slop 2 110 3 4 2 1 l*i 11 C Koerner Petulant, Dnnvegan. AltaMcDonald. 

7.56.55 Windsor 7-8 1:27 fast 12 109 11 11 11 11 11 11“ C Koerner Creel. Redondo. St. Jeanne. 

75531 Montreal 1 1-8 1:54* fast 5 104 2 2 2 2 2»8 2®k c II Shil’gReldmoorc, Lally, Holsober. 

30LDWAY, b. g, 6, by Goldfinch — Waitaway (R. L, Thomas). Weight today 112. 

75755 Windsor 11-16 1:47 fast 6-5 110 1 5 5 5 .5® 3*i C II ShirpDen. Stafford, TrueBoy, Jlasnniello. 

".'652 Windsor 1 1-8 1:54* fa-st 3-2 114 7 3 4 5 5* 3® C II Shil’gSolonSblngle, Flavigny, Lajeunesse 

75505 Montreal 1 1-S 1:53* fast 3-5 107 4 4 3 2 " 2* l*i C H ShlPgDebar, Almandlne, St. Hario. 

3T. ILARIO, blk. c, 3, by St. Carlo— Orsini (Knebelkamp & Bradficld). Weight today 103. 

757;’.0 Windsor 11:42 fast 4J 113 7 6 4 3 Ink 1® C Koerner Lajeunesse, M. Vigilant, L.Cavanagh 

75505 Montreal 1 1-8 1:5,3* fast 4 100 5 5 5 5 4® 4®* McCahey Goldway, Debar, Almandlne. 

75429 Montreal 1 1:43* slow 3 115 2 6 6 5 4‘J 2'J C Koerner Harcourt, Miss Marjorie, Call Boy. 

ST. VALENTINE, b. h, 7, by Himyar— Bracelet (J. U. Strode), 

7.5777 Windsor ll:40gg(K>d 8 109 5 5 5 5 5'® 4®J W Ott 

75541 Hamilton 1 1-16 1 :48 poo<l 2 108 3 2 1 1 1® IJ Harty 

75466 Hamilton 1 1-8 1:53* fast 3J 113 3 6 6 5 3nt 2® Nicol 

GILVEDEAR, ch. c, 3, by Giganteum — Sea Pnas (A, D. Steele). 
(.5801 Windsor 1 1-16 1 ;46* 8 94 5 3 4 4 6 6» .1 W : 

75J!.56 Wind.sor 1 1:40* fast 30 105 1 0 10 6 3 2® 26 T Stee 

U. Strode), Weight today 109. 

5'® 4®J W Ott SoloiiShingle, ToniDoIaii, St. Jeanne. 

1® IJ Harty Dele Strome, The Globe. Conde. 

3nk s® Nicol W.Lackaye, K.oftlieVal’y, .Millstone 

L. D. Steele). Weight today 98. 

6 6* .1 W M’liyCli. Gilbert, Cave .Vdsnni, P. I’rim. 

2® 26 T Steele Dennis Stafford, Petulant, Punky. 

NIGGER BABY. blk. g, 2, by Macy — El Poco (8. Lazarus). Weight today 104. 

75497 Sheepshead 5-S 1:02* fast 20 115 8 6 6 6J 7®J Mimprave HHIsidc, Edw.ard. Wamba. 

".>397 G’vesend 3-4 1:13 slop 6 IW 1 4 7 7* 7**JW Miller Fasdiion Plate. Madman, Waponoca. 

75147 Gravesend 5J f 1:08 fast 2J 106 3 3 3 3® 3® W Miller R.Be.aumont, L.Hubbard, IT.Leagne 

MAXIM GUN, ch. c, 2, by St. Maxim — Addle Mills (F. Cook). Weight today 101. 

75i*'3 \\ iiiil.sor 5-8 l:(i4* hvy 15 1"7 7 5 3 4® 2® G Swain SirCannon, HipliHat, Arve Ijeonard 

75136 Hamilton 41 f 5,5* fast 30 112 7 7 5J o'i Rosen MexleanGlrl, Christmas. Pea. Choice 

75016 Toronto 4J f 56* fast 8 100 9 8 86 9“1 J W M’hy Pleasing, Apologize. Gay King. 

MAXIM GUN, ch. c, 2, hy St. Maxim — Addie Mills (F. Cook). Weight today 101. 

75i*'3 \\ iiiil.sor 5-8 l:(i4* hvy 15 1"7 7 5 3 4® 2® G Swain SirCannon, Higiillat, Arve Ijeonard 

75136 Hamilton 41 f 5,5* fast 30 112 7 7 5J o'i Rosen MexleanGlrl, Christmas. Pea. Choice 

75016 Toronto 4J f 56* fast 8 100 9 8 86 9“J J W M’hy Pleasing, Apologize, Gay King. 

MELTON CLOTH, br. g, 2, by Mel Ionian — Glensetto (E. F. Carman). Weight today 104. 

7;>422 (I’veseinl 51 f 1:07* fast 8 119:! 4 4 6 6®®1G Burns I’nele Jim, Rostrum, Selectman. 

7.52!*7 G’veserid 6J f 1:09 fast 20 105 3 2 3 36 3®J G Burns TrolsTemp, Waponoca. HarlemMaid 

73664 S. Anita 1-2 47* fast 7 97 6 6 5 * 4*J G Burns Horace H., Foreguard, Ned Jram. 

H1(JH HAT, b. g, 2, by Sombrero — Celebrity (B. & O. Stable). Weight today 106. 

7>di3 Windsor 5-S 1:04* hvy 7 Iti :! 3 2 2J 3®j Francis SirOnnioii, MaxiiiiGiiii, .Vr. Leonard. 

75.i04 Montri’al 5-8 1:00 fast 30 109 6 7 7 7 7'® Morelaiul Takahira., Havre. 

"4I.5S Jamaica 5-8 1:02 mud 20 9 1 7 7 7 7 7®® Francis Havre, Force, Miss Iligliland. 

JIM FITZ, br. c, 2, by Lackford — Shoes (C. Pangritz). Weight today 104. 

TS.rdi \V iiiilsor 51 f l:os* fast 100 ]07 c 5 r> 5J ;5* Mor(‘Iaiid ParadiseQiiocii, Havre. Pea.Clioiee. 
V;>28.5 Hatnilioii 41 f 5.>* 30 107 4 7 7* ll*®JKenncd.v Vf.Imogone, i*(>a.Clioice, I’ocotaligo. 

74832 Louisville 4J f 53* fast .500 98 7 7 76 8®*lKeiin<‘dy Acqiiia, Advancing, Anne McGee. 

INDIAN HUNTER, br. c, 2. by Faraday — Minnehaha III. (J. S. Tyree). Weight teday 107, 

7.'.Miit Wind.sor r>-8 l;ol fast -50 !H| 6 6 6 6® 6®i K’brothcr R. R.snI. Hawksllipht. Ballii k. 

01 f 1:08* fast :!0 106 10 lo pj 8J 6*J McC:i1m> ParadiseQueen, Havre. Pea.Clioiee. 

7.i7ii:! Windsor 5-S 1;04* hvy 4 110 11 7 4 3J 5® G Burns SirCannon, Maxim Gun, High Hat. 

THEO. COOK, b. c, 2, by Ben Brush — Climax (A. Turney). Weight today 104. 

75439 Hamilton 4J f 55* fast 13-6 112 5 8 8* 8*=JMaIion Patriot, I*orothy Webb, J. W. Kent 

75376 I.atonIa 1 3-16 2:01 fast 16-3 105 7 1 1 1 3*J 4®J Heidel Albert Star, Tlvolinl, La Fayette. 

DOUBT, ch. g, 4, by Star Shoot — Mistruat (P. M. CivUI). Weight today 108. 

7.57.51 Windsor 1 1-S 1 :.5:{* fast 12 102 6 6 5 5 5® .5®J .1 W M’hy Marlin Doyle, Terah. Cave Adsiim. 

7.54.57 Montreal 1 1-8 1:54* fast 7-10 107 2 6 5 6 5® 1* C H Shil’gRloGrande, L.J.HajTman, Almaiuiin>» 

753.58 Montreal 1 1-8 1:54 fast 7-10 107 4 5 5 4 3*J 1® O H Shil’g.Miss Marjorie, Uolscher, 1x1. Dixon. 

RIO GRANDE, b. g, 4, by Pessara — Valora (W. F, Mathews). Weight teday 107. 

7.5779 Windsor 1 1-8 1:.54 g'Hid 8 107 5 5 5 5 4® 4* C Koorimr Dunvepan, Flavipny, Beau BrumuicI 

757o4 Windsor 1 1-4 2:12* hvy 2 97 2 3 4 4 5® 5"J T Koerner Pr>'taiiia, Ilol.scher. Hom-pa. 

755:!4 Montreal 1 1:39* fast 4 102 9 9 9 8 6® S'J T Koerner Yaddo, Dennis Stafford. Mariposa. 

KING THISTLE, b. g, 3, by Knight of the Thistle — Kosalie (L. Blume). Weight today 96. 

72637 F.Grounds 3-4 1:17* slow 50 97 9 6 11 12 12®® S Flynn Bitter Sir, Alsatian, Stone Street. 

72528 City Park 5J f 1:08* good 75 106 11 13 13 12® 12** JL Bailey Rural Boy, Variety. Ix>rimer. 

72052 Benning 5-8 1:03* fast 15 104 9 . 8 S 8 5®J Cullen Bellwether, T.ofSpades, Omnipotent 

TAMME, b. g, 3, by Ornament — Landlady (A. Turney). Weight today 92. 

756.56 Wind.sor 1 1:40* fast 12 94 11 11 11 10 S.J 7** T Koerner DeiinisStafford. Gilvedear. Petulant 

7.5541 Hamilton 1 1-16 1:48 good 5 92 5 5 9 9 6* 5® Kennedy St. Valentine. DcleStroine, T.GIolie 

75391 Hamilton 1 1:42 fast 6 101 6 4 4 11 9J 9® Goedike J.Crawford, MonteCarlo. Bathhrlck. 

New York Entries and Past Performances for Monday, July 6. 



(Slieep.sliead Bay.) 

Racing starts at 2:.‘!0 p. m. (Chicago time, 1;.30.) 
XR'iiis well in mud. 0Sui>ei'ior mild runner. 
First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs Futurity Course. 

(Track record: 260.37 — 



















(7.562.5 1 










The I’ii>iiin 

1 :OT* 




Helen Hiirvev 




Gliding Belle 



. X710 


Haiiiiiiock Boy 


• X710 



. X710 




. X705 



. , . 7^V> 




. . .7(Kl 


Yankee Daughter 






. . .700 



. . .695 

Second Race — 7-8 Mile 



.3-.vear-olds and iipwar 

1. H; 



(Track record; (2!I9:;- 








. . .7.50 


Peter Quince 





King Cobalt 

1 :l!5* 



. ©745 




. X745 



1 :’2-5* 








. . .740 


‘Royal 'i'oiirist 




.Vlfred N.'>bb‘ 


• X740 





. . .740 

7.56 P2® 

Sir ( lieges 

1 :36g 


. X710 

7191 + 



. 9!> 


7.7iU rj 




. X 7:!5 






. X7.35 


'loiiv Riiiieni 



. UTt 


7.5791 ® 


. 95 

.. .7:1.5 


i.Sliadow Glaiici- 

. 90 




. 07 



I*. Wliilnev eiilrv. 


nillielier Ktable eiilry. 

Did. Horses. Riv. A. Wl. Hdep. 

7.">7.'v8® Tnrliellino ' 122 .87.5 

7.5ti22®14'<mnt.v Fair 1 1.5. .. ..87.5 

7.578.8 Escliiiii 118.....M>.5 

(75788) Statesman 116 .S60 

*.T. E. Madden entry. 
fJ. R. Keene entry. 
tH. P. Whitne.v entry. 

Fourth Race — 1 5-8 Miles. 

Lawrence Realization .Stakes. $lo,ii<K) addeil. 
o-.v car-olds. .Mhiwances. 

(Track record: 10185 — 2:1.5* — -126. ) 

(7.5IU1) ‘FAIR PLAY I2i!. . XO' 

7.57.80 King James 12*i..XS 

7.57l.:®*.Viilaeus 116.. X8 

7571.5 Doraule 126.. X8 

Belmont t'litry. 

Fifth Race — 1 1-8 Miles Turf Course. 
3-year-olds aud u[>ward. Uaiidicaii. 

(Track record: (755S8 — 1:.52* — 6 — 118.) 


I2i!. . X900 
12*i. . X 880 
116. . X.82.5 


Doctor Gardner . . . 



. X7.".0 


Gretna Green .... 




. . .715 











. X 710 


Miss Crawford ... 



. X7t«i 





. !S1. 

. X740 

7.5 (40 


. .1:52 



. X7:k5 

757sn®‘Roval Tourist 


. . ,7o5 


Brother Jonatliaii . 



. . 7.*sr» 





. HS. 

.X 7:1.5 

76.5 ‘Sea Wolf 1 :.53* l..D»!» 730 

76.5 Tony Bonoro 1:.56 4. .1 (h:. . X730 

700® Crack Shot .’!.. 07 730 

767 Sailor Girl 1:54* 1.. 85 725 

♦II. 1’. Whitney entry. 

Sixth Race — 1 Mile. 

3 year-olds artd upward. Selling. 

Third Rate — 3-4 Mile Futurity Course. 
Doiihh* Event. S<>coiid Half. 
2-y<ar-olds. .Vllowaiices. 

Weight today 98. 
T. Robinson. K. Onyx. Jane Swift. 
Creel, St. Jeanne, Golf Ball. 

Please, Ayr Water, Edgely. 

Weight today 96. 
Herman .Tohn.son, Adrian, Spion. 
Royal Onyx, Edgely, Euripides. 
.Vloncon, Belniere. Edgely. 

(Track record: 

6 I 709 -ClOj!- 

-2— 1(18.) 

•56lo)‘Sir Martin . 

1 :12 




I :I2? 


. .s;ki 




. .s^r> 

5 ( 62® t. 8(. jeet man 




.56+0 IBobbiu 


. .S.SO 

.>.>6S®tTurncoat . . . 



(Track record; 63213 - 1 :.57*- 3 101.) 

75.585 The Wrestler 1 :;2>* 4.. 1 03.. y 725 

757<i.‘. Krizetle 1 ;.3S* .3. . (02. . X 720 

(75712) Colonel While I;40 

75767 Black Oak I : Biji ;:. .IOl 715 

7.5742® Roekstoiie 1 . . . 1 : 10 1. . 108. . . .715 

75765 .Marathon 1:12 4 . . 1 1 1 . . X7PI 

( Disohciliciit .5. . 103. . . .710 

75767 Long Ball 3.. OI..X710 

7.5701® George G. Hall l;.30i I..108 70.5 

7.5767 Torenia . lO:!, . . .70.5 

7.5712 Batsman 3. . 103. . . .700 

7.571.3 Campaigner 1::2>» 4. . 11.3. . X690 

75032 .Mexican Silver 4. . 108. . Xli0<i 

The tigiires ninler ‘'R>>c.” in alajve entries show 
the liest time mad** hy the hors<‘ at the distance 
.since Jaiiiiar.v 1, 1006. This lime is not neiTssarily 
made hy a winner. It may be the estimated time 
of a losing performance. 

LAD OF LANGDEN, h. g, 4, by Algol — Last of Lxngden (R. E. Watkins). Weight today 105. 

7.>H2 ( ” vesclid I I 16 1 ; Is fast 4J 105 I 1 4‘.( 8" D .MeC’thv .\nlaeiis. Tipping. Ixird Stanhope. 

7:2-1 G’vesend 1 1-16 1;1C 6 103 2 11 1 2J 3** Dehihy Roekstoiie., Hy(KTi«n II.. Okenite. 

75120 O’ vesend Ab.3- 4 1:09* fast 8 100 2 7 6 6'J 6>*JDelaby MtCarter, T.MoGratb. DonEuriiiue. 

TEMMEEAIRE, b. g, 4, by Ballyhoo Bey — Hamburg (J. Dyment) "vVeight today 96. 

7.i.--o| Wiii'ls')!' .3 I 1:Ia* fast it lol 2 :j ;; 4® 5'® Francis Ida D.. Ali iicoii. Waterbiir.i. 

7.->6ki( Wind.sor 2-4 1:17* sloi> S-5 llo 3 2 :‘."k :;-t Deverich MissDelaiie.v, Teiiakoe. P.llohonlohe 

754s.) Hamilton 3-4 1:11 fast 2J loi 4 2 2 2® 1* Deverich Col.Faverdale, IdaRcck, LeftGuard 

PARK ROW, b. g, 5, by Mirthful — Skyscraper (W. B. Harris). Weight today 103. 

757. 'S Win.lsor 7-8 1 :27* fast X ].i4 7 2 1 1 p. 211 ,| \v .M’liyClell Turney. M. Delaney, I', flown 

75416 G'veseri.l Al.3-4 1:09* fast 20 101 6 6 7 7 7**JShreve Aletlieuo. Big Ben, .TamesB.Brad.v. 

74954 Belmont 6J f 1:20* fast 30 115 D 6 7 8* 8*® McCahey Lad of Langden, Almee C., Corncob 


FIRST RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs Futurity Course. 2-year-olds. Selling. 1260.37 — 1:04* 2 122.1 

Index Course DistTimcT’ckOdds Wt St */, *4 % StrFin Jockeys Company. 

^HEPONTUC, ch. c, 2. by Ornament — Chilpiquin (Montpelier Stable). Weight today 102. 

--iiK ''ef'r J /!-* i' •> 2 JJ l*i E Dugan High Range. T<al. Moorish King. 

lesend 5J f l-Oi last 10 lOn 1 2 2 2'J 2!> E Dugan Intervene. Home Run. Bonnie Kelsn 

04 1 1:0* i;u»t 10 30i> 1 2 2 2*4 2^ K l>u;xun Intcrvrno, Home Run Konnfe Kelso 

(49.» Belmont 4J f 53* hvy 60 110 5 _ 5 5® 5‘*JCreevy Sir Martin, Uncle Jiiii, Trols Temp. 

DANDER, b. c, 2, by Sir Dixon — My Queen (P. S. P. Randolph), Weiaht todav 99 

2- Lea-h Walcrvliet. Takahi^ 'uerJv 

il7 .8hee|)sh'il 5-8 i:iHi:| fast :9) pi? 

74913 Belmont 5-8 1:01* slop 5 105 8 7 8 8 * 7*J Horner Taboo. Right Sort iVlidinir Bel'le ’ 

(4808 Belmont 5-8 1:01* slop 5 100 1 111® i*t D McC’lhy FatberStafford, w’amboro.'^S PbyilU 

MELISSA, ch. f, 2, hy Star Shoot — Much Ado (P. J. Dwyer). Weight tndair in.'’ 

7.5625 Sbeepsh d 5-8 1:01 fast 9-5 lln 1 3 3 .3i> IJ D McC’Uiy Taboo. The Pippin Rubia (iranda’ 

75^ G’vesend ^8 1:02* slop « 114 2 2 1 1® 1® Notter I'be Pippin, wil^^^^ 

(o-oO Gravesend 5-S 1.01 fast 4 98 3 4 o 3- 2- Shreve Erbet, Intervene, Voodoo. 

WAPONOCA, b. c, 2, by Sempronius — Ambulance (J. W. McClelland). Weirht todav in« 

fr? ii- 2 5 ]*! ^***D-r ‘Star Thistle. WatervIIet, EHiertal. 

^^....6 (. veseiul .. 4 1:13 slop .> _ 112 in ;> :>* 3'-l .1 Lee Ftislibni Plate, .Madman, Sir .John 

...2;i. <. veseml 5Jf 1:119 8 a 108 . 3 2 2® 2- Notter TrolsTemp. .MeltoiiCloth. Har.Maid. 

THE PIPPIN, b. f, 2. by Ben Strome — Spindrift (Newcastle Stable). Weight todav 105. 

I.’*!'!.’ •'![ '‘•■'I'.'l I J fast 2 ,; 112 3 I 1 2 ;: 2'(No|irr HelfiiHarvey, M.aa-.King,,ru^ 

^X).j .'' d jS1:i*I fast 4 lln 4 1 1 la 3* B Dugan Melissa, Taboo. Rnbla Gramla' 

(.)l4i G vesend uj f 1:07* fast 4 lu9 5 2 3 3’ 2® Musgruve Suffragette, HarleuiMald, b'anitless 

HELEN HARVEY, b. f. 2. by Star Ruby— Doughnuts (H. L. Lee). Weight todav 108 

-i e 1 •>? 1!" I 3 2 11 1*1 Garm r Tlie Pippin Moorish King, Uustruin 

•oylb bhucosli d ii^ f 1.06^ last vd iiz 6 6 4 6® ij*‘ Uv'O’Uij Stlwird, iiUleido, WtmlHi] 

HELEN HARVEY, b. f. 2. by Star Ruby — Doughnuts (H. L. Lee). 
7:>6:i;: .8he<»|i.sli’<l r.J f 1:07* 15 112 7 2 2 11 1*1 Garner 



GLIDING BELLE, b. f, 2, by Belle'i Commoner — Gliding: By (W. F. Schulte). Weight today 109. 

ii764 yhcup-Nh’ (1 i>\ [ fast S Uis 1 4 2 2*4 Gilbert Preceptor, .Tbc Madden, Siini. Xight 

•7.'i667 Shcepsh’d t>J f l;07jl fast 40 114 8 8 8 7- 7*‘?.K McOan’l Selectman. Sandpi|«-r, Con. Hanger. 

7ri566 Sheepsh’d f l;tw fast 8 114 « 5 5 r.J 5<i Mcralie.v Taboo, Clef, Fore. 

HAMMOCK BOY, ch. c, 2, by Harainoek — Sister Adeline (G. M. Odom). Weight today 106, 

75717 Sliccj>sh-(1 ,5-s fast ItJ S !» ];{ |{ McPairiWatervliet. Pander, Takaliira. 

7e622 Sheepsh'd f>l f 1:07 fast 25 114 8 5 5 7 7"'’iMusgrave Con. Ranger. Sea('liff, County Fair. 

73349 City Park 3i f 43? pood 6 117 3 IJ 4’i U McDanTKoseb’g II., Nasturtla, Brougham. 

CHAPERON, b. f, 2, by Galore — Discretion (J, E. Madden). Weight today 99. 

7562o Sheepsh’d 6-8 1:01 110 11 11 10 10 10*‘ J Lee, Tulax*. The Pippin. 

763ii5 G’vesend 6i f 1:07* fast 20 9S 11 11 11 li* 10*» Shreve Fore, Rose Beaumont, Taboo. 

(4338 Aqueduct 1-2 47g fast 4 104 1 2 2** 8*‘iF’brother U. Captive, Arlonette, M.Hlghland. 

NEDLIM, b. o, 2, by Semproniui — La Poupee (F. H. Milden). Weight today 102. 

75^)7 Sheepsh’d 5-8 l:uo fast 10 Ht2 5 7 9 9 7'*i Garner Waponoca. Star Thistle, Watervllet 

CHAPERON, b. f, 2, by Galore — Discretion (J, E. Madden), 

75625 Sheepsh’d 6-8 1:01 fast 110 11 11 10 10 10'* J Le 

TOITRENNE, b. c, 4, by Oddfellow — Ethel Thomas (R. J. Mackenzie). Weight today 118. 

7.'i74ti’d 11-8 1:52 fast 10 104 1 2 2 2 4- 7»i 1» ’McC’thy Far West, .Tack .Mkiu, Gold Lady. 

75623 Sheepshead 1 1:37* fast 12 lot! 4 4 6 4 5t* .5*1 Slusgrave llandellon. .Tack Atkin, Dreamer. 

75495 Sheepsh’d 1 1-d 2:0.3 fast 20 111 2 4 2 3 7* 10'^ Musgravo Ballot, King James, Fair Play. 

ROYAL TOURIST, b. c, 3, by Sandringham — Lcisui-c (H. P. Whitney). Weight today 113. 

75789 Sliecpsh’d 1 1 4 2;"*;* niiul 12 104 I 3 2 2 3* .rd !■: I'ligan I’riscillian, Firestone. M. Robert. 

7.5691 .''lieepsli’d 1 1-S 1:.53A fast 3J 114 7 5 5 4 4i 4'* K Pugaii I’irespxw. .Master RoIktI, S|x»oncr. 

7.^5.52 Slict'psh'd 6i f LlSjS fast 4 115 5 5 5 3‘ li K L'ligan Besom. Pantoufle, Tony Bonero. 

BROTHER JONATHAN, ch. g. 3, by Yankee— Sister Mary (T. W. Coulter). Weight today 100. 

753t»5 G’vesend 
74338 Aqueduct 

6i f 1:07* fast 20 
1-2 47* fast 4 

11 11 11* 10*» Shreve 
2 21* 8*‘iF’brother 

75790 Sheepsh'd 1 1-2 2:34* mud 8-5 
75692 Sheepsh’d 1 1-4 2:06 fast 8 

11 2 li 1* Sweet 
3 3 4 21* 2* Sweet 

Iteanclere, Crack Shot, Lally. 
Grapple. Beauclere, Pontoon. 

NEDLIM, h. o, 2, by Semproniui — La Poupee (F. H. Milden). 

75607 Sheepsh’d 5-8 l:oo fast 10 102 5 7 9 9 7*S Gan 

75624 Sheepsh’d 1 1-2 2:34 fast 8-5 92 1 3 2 1 1* 1* G Burns Beauclere, Kllliecrankie, L.St’nhope 

75269 G’vesend 5J f 1:08* fast 10 103 6 
75148 Gravesend 6J f 1:07* fast 20 102 11 

KILLIECRANKIE, ch. f, 4, by Kilmarnock— Kildeer (W. C, Daly). 

7.5741 Sheepsh’d 1 1-4 2:08* fast 7 102 2 5 6 5 5* .5*4. Vorke 

Weight today 88. 
I)’.\rkle, Pr.Ching, .Miss Crawford. 

7al48 Gravesend 6J f 1:07* fast 20 102 11 9 9 9J 10’» Shreve Shapdale, Waponoca, Racquet. 

MUGWUMP, hr. c, 2, by Locohatchee — Reform mare (J. F, Carroll). Weight today 98. 

7-'693 Sheepsh’d 54 f 1:07? fast 6o 115 11 ]i n )2 13 H Sniilh Ilel. Harvey, ThePi|>pln, .Moor.KlNg. 

TKAVELLER, ch. c, 2, by Prince of Melbourne— Rose Prim (W. Clay). Weight today 107. 

7;i*i9o .SheejLsh’d 5-8 59? fast 50 1*12 7 7 7 7i 6’" .McCahe.v Preceptor, Fore, Se.a Cliff. 

YANKEE DAUGHTER, h. f, 2, by Mazagan— Bailie of Navarre (C. R, Ellison). Weight today 103. 

75625 Sheepsh’d .5-8 1:01 fast 30 110 3 4 4 4>* 8"i -Mu.sgrave Melissa, Taboo. The Pippin. 

75269 G’vesend 6J f 1:08* fast 6 105 2 3 5 6* 6*J Notter RlghtSort, LadyHnbbard, Bon.Kelso 

75222 G’vesend 6i f 1:07 fast 4 109 9 6 5 6*‘iGarner Armlak, Madman, Rostrum. 

RUXTON, b. c, 2j by Carlton Grange— Davelle (M. J, Cromwell). Weight today 102. 

7.K168 Sheepshead 5-8 592 last 60 117 7 7 7 7 7**JMcCahey Helmet, Connaii’tRanger, 'Turncoat. 

75497 Sheepshead 5-8 1:02* fast 30 118 11 12 13 13 13**iShreve Hillside. Edward, Wamba. 

PESCATORE, cb. c, 2, by Requital — Fisher Girl (A. L. Aste). Weight today 103. 

7: 693 Sheepsh’d o.J f 1:07* fast 50 112 16 16 16 17 17 Brussel HeLHarvey, TliePippln, Moor.King. 

H. P. TVhltney entry — Delirium, 'Timber, Royal Tourist and Westbury. 

Montpelier Stable entry — Falcada and Shadow G lance. 

i 4- Musgrave RlghtSort, LadyHnbbard, Bon.Kelso 1 75666 Sheepsh’d 1 1-4 2:06* fast 6 97 2 3 3 3 3>* 3* E Dugan Old Honesty, Juggler, Fonntalnblue 

Melissa, Taboo. The Pippin. 
RlghtSort, LadyHnbbard, Bon.Kelso 
Armlak, Madman, Rostrum. 

Weight today 102. 
Helmet, Connaii’tRanger, Turncoat. 
Hillside, Edward, Wamba. 

Weight today 103. 
HeLHarvey, TliePippln, Moor.King. 

SECOND RACE — 7-8 Mile Main Course, 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. (ColO.") — 1:24* — .'> — 119.) 

WESTBURY, h. g, 4, by Meddler— Urania (H. P. Whitney). Weight today 112.’d 1 1-8 1:52 fast 7 107 2 1 1 1 2= 4- E Dugan Far West, Jack Atkin, Gold Lady. 

75551 Sheepsh’d 3-4 1:12 fast 7 112 10 

75392 G’vesend Ab3-4 1:09* slop 4* 115 3 

■ALFRED NOBLE, b. c, 3, by Garry Hermann — Ethel Pace (C, S. Harrison), Weight today 108. 

7^93 SheepslTii ^ 1 1:40 8-5 121 4 4 4 4 5* .5*4 J Lee Monopolist, Rosirairo, Julia Powel. 

75419 G’ve.send Ab3-4 1:11* fast 8-3 115 3 3 4 4* 2‘‘ J King' Cobalt, Rosimiro, Explosion. 

71420 Belmont 3-4 1:13 fast 5 112 8 7 5 4* 4* J Martin Uncle, Falcada, Jim Gaffney. 

FALCADA, ch. c, 3, by Woolsthorpo— Falema (Montpelier Stable). Weight today 106. 

75691 Sheepsh’d 1 1-8 1:,53* fast 4* 112 5 3 4 5 6 6*» J Lee Firestone, Master Robert, Spooner. 

75584 Sheejjsh’d 6J f 1:20 fast 2* 112 2 3 2 1>* 1** E Dugan Corncob. Peter Quince, Monopolist. 

75492 Sheepsh’d 6* f 1:19 fast 10 106 6 4 4 4* 4** R McDau’lBaby Wolf, Bouquet, Notasulga. 

SIR CLEGES, b, c, 3, by Falsetto— Florika (G. J, Long). Weight today 105. 

75612 ].,atonia 1 1 :39? fast 71 101 1 3 3 2 2* 3*1 J Butler Moquette, Pr. Ahmed. DaintyDame. 

75127 I.44tonia 1 1-2 2:35* fast 51 122 6 6 6 6 4* 4* 'Troxler Plnkola, Czar, Ordono. 

75069 Louisv’le 1 1-16 1:46 fast 4 114 7 2 2 3 6>* 7* Heidel Clmlita, Czar, Pinkola. 

BTARGOWAN, b. c, 3. by Star Shoot— Ellangowan (P. J. Rainey). Weight today 99. 

74914 Belmont 61 f 1:21* slop 13 100 3 5 5 Pull. up. McCaheyPriscillian. King Cobalt. Roseben. 

7449S Jamaica 51 f 1:07 fast 15 103 2 1 1 1*1 ih Notter Fleming, Fair Play, Frank Lord. 

70205 Brighton B. 3-4 1:14* mud 126 4 6 8 8* 8*» J Lee Chapultepec. Smoker. Sir Cleges. 

T IMB ER, h. h, 6, by Ogden — ^Lola A. (H. P. Whitney), Weight today 117. 

75602 .'■'’d 61 f 1:19 fast 4 122 4 4 4 4 4**1E Dugan Rosel>en. Bouquet, Jubilee. 

7,5516 Slieep.Nh’d 61 f 1:2(^ fast 8-5 140 4 1 1 1* 1** B Dugan Saracinesca, FarWest, EarTsCourt 

75193 G’vesend Ab3-4 1:09* fast 3 118 3 3 3 3* 6*» E Dugan Roseben, Pantoufle, Gold Lady. 

ZIENAP, b. m, 5, by Florist — Alleviate (W. F. Schulte). Weight today 102. 

75791 .shceps'd 1 1-16 l:4Sg mud 6 113 1 5 o 5 4* 4* W Miller QuestionMark, Delirium. G.C.Hall. 

7:5521 Sheepshead 1 1:39* fast 15 113 11 9 9 9 9 9** J Lee TheWTestler, Rockstone. TomDolan 

754(1 G’vesend 1 1-16 1:47* fast 4 110 8 11 9 9 8J 7** J Lee Pontoon, Frlzette, Sugar Pine. 

7449S Jamaica 5J f 1:07 fast 15 103 2 1 1 1** Ih ? 

70205 Brighton B. 3-4 1:14* mud 125 4 6 8 8* 8** J 

TIMBER, h. h, 6, by Ogden— Lola A. (H. P. Whitney). 
75602 .'-'’d 6A f 1:19 fast 4 122 4 4 4 4 4**’.I 

7,5516 Sheepsh’d 6* f 1:2(^ fast 8-5 140 4 
75193 G’vesend Ab3-4 1:09* fast 3 118 3 

5 4* 4* W Miller QuestionMark, Delirium. G.C.Hall. 

9 9 9** J Lee TheWTestler, Rockstone, TomDolan 

9 8J 7** J Lee Pontoon, Frlzette, Sugar Pine. 
TONY BONERO, br. c, 4, by Sain — America (C, R. Fleischmann), Weight today 95. 

7.i765 Sheepsh’d 1 1-8 1:52* fast :!0 106 4 1 1 1 5*.*.10**.*.McCahev Monfort, Spooner. Grapple. 

7.5W4 .Sheepsh’d 61 f 1:21* fast 9-20 148 1 1 1 1« 1* MrDFl’m’n Grand Vedette, Ben Cole, Renault. 

75552 Sheepsh’d CJ f 1:18* fast 6 102 7 7 6 6* 4** G Btirjis Royal Tourist, Besom, Pantoufle. 

DELIRIUM, b. g, 3, by Sandringham — Forget (H. P. Whitney), Weight today 95. 

7.(791 .Sheejis’d 1 1-16 1:48? mud 31 110 4 2 2 2 2* 2*.’. E Dugan Question Mark, G.C.Hall. Zieiiu|(. 

75668 .Sheep.s’d 11-16 1:47 fast 2 107 3 1 1 1 1* 2>* E Dugan Geo.G.Hall, .Montauk, Coat of Arm.s 

75571 Sheepshead 1 1:39* fast 6 109 15 11 6 8 8 * 7>< E Dugan Jeanne d’Arc, Geo. G. Hall, Monocle 

SHADOW GLANCE, b. g, 3, by Sempronius — Shadow Dance (Montpelier Stable). Weight today 90. 

73786 Slieepsli’d 6J f 1:22 mud 20 108 9 9 9 8 8**JCreery SirLviniewtKKl.Rosimlro.SarKcinesca 

76493 Sheepsh’d 1 1:40 fast 40 99 7 7 6 G 6** 4* Creery .Monopolist, Rosimiro, Julia Powel. 

74844 Belmont 1 1:40* fast 12 102 4 1 1 2 3J 4»J E Dugan Dorante, Big Chief, Jubilee. 

CREATION, b. c, 3, by Altamax — Recreation (T. H. Williama). Weight today 97. 

7.16.3s .Sheepsh’d 6Jfl:19 fast luO 97 7 4 4 4i* 8*i Gilbert Westbury, Roseben. De Miind. 

75121 G’vesend 1 1-16 1:46* fast 60 101 3 4 4 4 4 4**> Gilbert RoyalTourlst, LlveWlre, Rob.Cooper 

74818 Oakland 1 1:41* slop 13 95 1 1 1 1 IJ l>* Gilbert CoilectorJessnp, Entrada, Tim. Wen 

third RACE— 3-4 Mile Futurity Course. Double Event (Second Half). 2-year-olds. Allowances 
(047<r.t--l :10*— 2— 10.S.) 

SIR MARTIN, ch. c, 2, by Ogden — Lady Sterling (J. E. Madden). Weight today 129. 

7.5640 t'heepsh'd :(-4 1:12 fast 2-5 129 5 5 5 4* 1* J Lee Fayette. Helmet, Bobbin. 

75494 Sheepsh’d 5J f 1:07 fast 2-5 129 4 4 3 2** 2* J Lee Fayette, Esperanto. Bobbin. 

7.5366 G’vesend Ab3-4 1:09* fast 1-2 129 4 4 4 4* 2* J I,ee Fayette, Bobbin, Statesman. 

HELMET, hr. c, 2, by Disguise — St. Mildred (J. R. Keene). Weight today 122. 

75640’d 3-4 1:12 fast 2i 122 3 3 3 2J 3-'l Notter Sir Martin, Fayette, Bobbin. 

7.5568 Sheepshead 5-8 59* fast 1-2 117 2 2 2 1*J 1* G Burns Con. Ranger, Turncoat, Marse Abe. 

FAYETTE, ch. c, 2, by Ogden — Saratoga Belle (J. E. Madden). Weight today 129. 

7.5640’d .3-4 1:12 fast 2-5 12!t 2 2 2 1'* 2* W .Miller .Sir Martin, Helmet. Bobldn. 

7.5494 Sheei)sh’d 5* f 1:07 fast 2-5 129 3 3 1 1* 1* W’ Miller Sir Martin, Esperanto, Bobbin. 

7.5tiC6 tl’vesend Ab3-4 1:09? fast 1-2 115 2 2 2 2* 1* W’ Miller Sir Martin, Bobbin, Statesman. 

SELECTMAN, h. c, 2. by Voter — Pink Domino (J. R. Keene). Weight today 122. 

75762 Sheepsh'd :!-4 1:13? fast 3 122 2 1 1 2>* 2* Notter Sea Cliff, Connaught Ranger. Auiii 

7.5667 SheepsITd 5J f 1:07* fast 3* 117 2 2 2 2* 1>* Notter Sandpiper, Con. Ranger, El Plcaro. 

75422 O’vesend 5* f 1:07* fast 11-5 108 3 2 2 3* 3*i Notter Uncle Jim, Rostrum, Sherlock. 

BOBBIN, ch. c, 2, by Meddler — Handspun (H. P. Whitney). Weight today 122. 

7.564U’d 3—1 1:12 fast 20 1 22 1 1 1 36 4* E Dugan Sir Martin. Fayette, Helmet. 

7.5494 Stieepsh’d 6* f 1:07 fast 7 122 5 6 ,5 36 4''J Musgrave Fayette, Sir .Martin, Esperanto. 

7.5366 G’vesend Ab3-4 1:09* fast 3 115 3 3 3 3*J 3® E Dugan Fayette, Sir Martin, Statesman. 

'TURNCOAT, h. c, 2, _hy Voter — Costume (J. E. Keene). Weight today 115. 

75.5641 Slieepshead .5-8 59* fast 1-2 117 3 3 :> 3* S-’’ Notter Helmet. Con’ghtRjinger. Marse AIk" 

74877 Belmont 4J f 61 slop 2 105 6 4 4* 4* Notter Uncle Jim, Sir Martin, Top Note. 

TORBELLINO, b. c, 2, by Solitaire II — Sevens (A. B. Spreckels), Weight today 122. 

7-j 78S Slieepsh'd 3-4 1:16? mud 5 125 2 2 2 2 2“ McCahey Slatesnian. Torbelliuo. St. Faiseiia.v 

75665 Sheepsh’d Gi f 1:07 fast 20 112 5 4 4 3* 1* McCaliey W'amtxa, Mediant, Statesman. 

75640 Sheepsh’d 3-4 1:12 fast 50 122 6 6 6 6 6*’JW Doyle Sir Martin, Fayette, Helmet. 

WUNTY FAIR, ch. c, 2, by Hamburg — Mineola (H. P. Whitney). Weight today 115. 

7-5622 .Sheepsh’d 61 f ] :<»( 8-5 Ho 4 4 4 :;'l 3*.J G Burns Con. Ranger, Sea Cliff, Rostrum. 

75(150 Sl)t epsh’d .5-8 1:00? fast 6 110 4 .5 .5 .56 6*®1E Dugan Counterpane, Harrigan. El Plcaro. 

75494 SheepsITd 5J f 1:07 fast 7 117 9 8 8 76 6***E Dugan Faj’ette, Sir Martin, Esperanto. 

ESCHAU, ch. c, 2, by Ornament — Gurgle (Montpelier Stable). Weight today 118. 

7.57SS Sheepsh’d :;-4 1:16.* mud 5 114 5 5 5 5 5® E Dugan Statesman. Torbellino. Footimd. 

75665 Sheepsh’d 5* f 1:07 fast 3* 108 7 7 9 9* 7>»1E Dugan Torbellino, Wamba, .Mediant. 

74788 Belmont 5-8 1:01 hvy 8 115 3 3 3 3® 3®* E Dugan Bon Homme, Statesman, Ruble. 

STATESMAN, b. o, 2, by Kinley Mack— Janice (F. E. Gardner). Weight today 116. 

7.5788 .Sheepsh'd 3-4 1 :16K mud 3 jl4 3 1 1 11 In D McCtliyTorbellino, F(K>ti>ad, St. Faisenay. 

7.5*h; 5 .Sheepsh’d 5J f 1:07 fast 6 108 3 5 5 41 4* Garner Torbellino. Wamba, Mediant. 

75494 Sheepsh’d 51 f 1:07 fast 20 117 2 2 2 6* 8**lGarner Fayette, Sir Martin, Esperanto. 

J. R. K(*ene entry— Turncoat. Helmet and Selectman. 

J. E. Madden entry — Sir .Martin and Fayette. 

H. I*. Wliitiiey entry —Comity Fair and Bolibin. 

FOURTH RACE — 1 5-8 Miles. Lawrence Realization Stakes. 3-year-olds. Allowances. (401S.5 — 2:4.5* 
— .’’.-liot.i 

FAIR PLAY, ch. c, 3, by Hastings — Fairy Gold (A, Belmont). Weight today 126. 

7.5641 .Sheepsh’d 1 1-2 2:31* 5 1 26 5 4 4 4 li 1* Notter Hessian. King .Tames, Dorante. 

7.5495 SheepsITd 1 1-4 2:03 fast 8 111 4 .7 5 2 2*1 3*4 E Dugan Ballot, King .Tames, Master Robert 

75368 G've.send 1 1-2 2:33 fast 2-5 114 1 2 2 2 1*4 1*4 E Dugan K. Janies, Cliapultepec, Ques. Mark 

KING JAMES, b. c, 3, by Plaudit— Unsightly (J. E. Madden). Weight today 126. 

75715 .Sh’i>.sh'd 1 5-16 2:09* 10 114 2 2 2 2 2* 3* W Miller Ballot, Hessian, Frank Gill. 

75(141 SheepsITd 1 1-2 2:31* fast 12-5 116 4 5 5 5 4® 3*4 W .Miller Fair Play. Hessian, Dorante. 

75495 SheepsITd 1 1-4 2:03 fast 6 98 3 1 3 5 3* 2*J G Bums Ballot, Fair Play, Master Robert. 

Weight today 129. 
Fayette. Helmet, Bobldn. 

Fayette, Esperanto. Bobbin. 
Fayette, Bobbin, Statesman. 

Weight today 122. 
Sir Martin, Fayette, Bobbin. 

Con. Ranger, Turncoat, Marse Abe. 

Weight today 129. 
.Sir Martin, Helmet. Bobldn. 

Sir Martin, Esperanto, Bobbin. 

Sir .Martin, Bobbin, Statesman. 

Weight today 122. 
Sea Cliff, Connaught Ranger. Auiii 
Sandpiper, Con. Ranger, El Plcaro. 
Uncle Jim, Rostrum, Sherlock. 

Weight today 122. 
Sir Martin. Fayette, Helmet. 
Fa.vette, Sir .Martin, Esperanto. 
Fayette, Sir Martin, Statesman. 

Weight today 115. 
Helmet. Con’ghtRanger. Marse Alie 
Uncle Jim, Sir Martin, Top Note. 

Weight today 122. 
Sliitesiiiaii. Torbellino. St. Faisenay 
Wamtxa, Mediant, Statesman. 

Sir Martin, Fayette, Helmet. 

Weight today 115. 
Con. Ranger, Sea Cliff, Rostrum. 
Counterpane, Harrigan. El Plcaro. 
Fayette, Sir Martin, Esperanto. 

Weight "today 118. 
Statesiiian. Torbellino. Footimd. 
Torbellino, Wamba, .Mediant. 

Bon Homme, Statesman, Ruble. 

Weight today 116. 
•Torbellino, F(K>ti>ad, St. Faisenay. 
Torbellino. Wamba, Mediant. 
Fayette, Sir Martin, Esperanto. 

75495 SheepsITd 1 1-4 2:03 fajst 6 98 3 1 3 5 3* 2*1 G Bums Ball 

ANTAEUS, ch, c, 3, by Henry of Navarre— Annot Lyle (A. Belmont). 
7.5713 ,>Jh(epslTd 1 1-8 l:.5i;. fast 4 102 3 3 4 2 3® K Dugan Big 

7:643 Sheepshead 1 1::!9* fast 12 93 1.5 14 14 S 5* 2J Lang Ear 

75496 Sheeps’d 1 1-16 1:48 fast 5 96 6 5 4 4 C® 6*®4E Dugan Ora 

DORANTE, b. c, 3, by Pestara — Lady Augusta (P. A. Forsytha), 

75715 .Sli’isslTd 1 5-16 2:09* fast 20 114 5 4 4 5 5 .1 Lee Ball 

7.5641 SheepsITd 1 1-2 2:31* fast 9-5 116 3 2 2 2 3*1 4U. J laie Kail 

75519 .Sheepsh’d 1 1-4 2:04 fast 10 126 2 4 4 2 2* 2= J Lee Coli 

A. Belmont entry — Fair Play and Antaeus. 

Lyle (A. Belmont). Weight today 116. 

3® 3* K Dugan Big Chief. Q. 3Tark. Castlewood. 

5* 2J I.aiig Karl G., Bad News, Rye. 

C® 6*®4E Dugan Grapple, Beauclere, Tony Bonero. 

. A. Forsytha), Weight today 126. 

5 5” .1 l,e(> Ballot, Hessian, King Janies. 

3*4 4*4 J I.*ie Fair Play, Hessian, King James. 

2* 2* J Lee Colin, Stamina, Chapultepec. 

FIFTH RACE — 1 1-8 Miles Turf Course. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. (7.5.588— 1 :52*—C — 118.) 

DR. GARDNER, h. h, 5. by annockhum— Uarda (T. D. Sullivan). Weight today 126. 

7U727 .“Saratoga 1 1-8 1:52* fast 3* 119 1 1 1 1 24 6® tV Knapp Dandelion, Vails, Oxford. 

70.582 Saratoga 1 3-16 1 :.58* fast 31 120 4 3 1 1 14 4*4 W Knapp Run. Water. Dandelion, Cairngorm. 

70472 .Saratoga 1 1:38 fast 15 118 1 2 2 2 2*>k 2“ W Knapp Vails, Sir Lynnewood, Cairngorm. 

GRETNA GREEN, hr, g, 4, by Ben Brush— Runaway Girl (J, R. Keene). Weight today 120. 

7578’* Sheepsh’d 1 14 2:0G£ mud 15 110 6 5 4 4 5* 6‘* Notter I’riseillian. Firesloiie. Roy. Tourist. 

7.5642 .“theeps’d 1 3-16 2:00? fast 2 126 2 1 1 1 !•* 2® Notter P.&Noedles, M. Crawford, Kllisdale 

75(588'd 1 1-8 1:52| fast 6 126 2 3 3 3 31 4* Notter Bedouin, .\ngclus. Sea Wolf. 

GRAPPLE, b. g, 6, by Woolsthorpe— Embrace (F. J. Farrell). Weight today 116. 

75.765 Sheepsh’d 1 I-S 1:52* fast 6 ]o;! i r> 5, 6 34 3*4 Garner Mmifort. Sixioiier. Juggler. 

75692 Sheepsh’d 1 1-4 2:05 fast 8-5 110 111 1 1* 1* Garner Bro. Joiiuthan. Beauclere, Pontoon. 

75570 Sheepsh’d 1 1-8 1 :53| fast 1 lOO 111 1 1* 1* Gainer Temaceo, Kllliecrankie, Poterne. 

JUGGLER, hr. g, 6, by Hamburg — Elusive (6. M. Odom). Weight today 115. 

75.765 .Sh<«'’d 1 1-8 1:52* fast 7 I07 10 10 10 9 8* 4*4 R McDan’l Monfort. SpiKuier. Grapple. 

7.5<i66 Sheepsh’d 1 1-4 2:0<(* fast 11-5 12*i 1 5 4 4 4® 2* R .McDan’l O. Honesty. Kllliec’kle, Fonntalnblue 

75444 G’vesend 1 1-16 1:46| fast 3 l')6 10 9 8 8 6* 4“J R McDan’lAngelus. .Monfort, Spooner. 

MISS CRAWFORD, ch. m, 7, by Tenny— Flo H. (W. W. Darden). Weight today 100. 

75790 Sh*-<-|,sh d 1 1-2 2:34)! mud 4 161 6 6 7 9 9 9®® K Dugan Br((..lonallinti. Beauclere. CrackSliot 

7.5741 Sheepsh’d 1 1-4 2:08|| fast 9-10 114 4 1 1 2 2'S 3® E Dugan D’Arkle. Prince Ching, I.61II.V. 

7.5642 Sheeps-’d 1 3-16 2:00* fast 3 105 4 5 5 4 5 * 3* E Dugan P.&Needles, GretnaGreen, Elllsdale 

D’ARKLE, b. g. 6 , by Arkle— Dareka (J. J. Moran). Weight toay 94. 

75741 Sheepsh’d 1 1-4 2:0S* fast 50 98 1 3 3 3 3* 1*4 D McC’thyl’riiieeCliing, Mis-sCra wford. Liilly. 

75642 Sheeps'd 1 3-16 2:<8i* IW) 90 8 8 8 8 8 7**AMa.ver P.&Needles, Gr. Green, M. Crawford. 

(5056 Beliuont 1 1:40 fast 26 100 3 6 5 5 5 5'®*!) McC’tby EarlU., Tenan.bjCourtesy, Elliadale 

7U727 Saratoga 

1 1-8 1:52* fast 


119 1 1 1 


2i 6® tv 

70582 Saratoga 1 3-16 1:.58* fast 


120 4 3 1 


14 4'-’.’. \V 

70472 .Saratoga 

1 1:38 fast 


118 122 


2*>k 2“ W 

I’riseillian. Fireslom'. Roy. Tourist. 
P.&Needles, M. Crawford, Kllisdale 
Bedouin, .\ngclus. Sea Wolf. 

Weight today 116. 
Mmifort. SiMioiier. Juggler. 

Bro. Jmiutlian. Beauclere, Pontoon. 
Temaceo, Kllliecrankie, Poterne. 

Weight today 115. 

WLbiBUUY, b. g, 4, by Meddler- Urania (H. P. Whitney). Weight today 112. 

®^}*«‘‘‘I>-9h’d 1 1-8 1:52 fast 7 107 2 1 1 1 2= 4® E Dngan Far West, Jack Atkin, Gold Lady. 

(.(638 .Slieepsh’d 64 f 1:19 fast 15 106 3 1 1 1* 1* E ' I)ugan Roseben, De Mund, Jeanne d’Arc. 

70967 G’vesend 1 1-8 1:53* fast 1-6 105 12 1 1 1* 3® Notter * I’iiis&N’dles, Persever’ce, ParkRow 

PEraR QUINCE, ch. c, 3, by Commando — ^Falr Vision (J. R. Keene). Weight today 112. 

7j 766 Shee{ish'd 64 f 1:18* fast 3 114 5 3 3 3* 3*4 Notter Nimbus. Roseben, Pantoufle. 

7.j663 .Sheepshead 1 1:.37* fast 4* 105 2 1 1 1 2® 2® Notter Priscillian, FarWest, RobertCooper 

(5584 Sheepsh’d 6* f 1:20 fast 3 126 4 2 3 3*J 3* Notter Falcada, Corncob, Monopolist, 

KING- COBALT, br. c, 3, by Cesari on— Estelle Whitney (Brownleigh Park Stable). Weight today 117. 
7ii605 Sheepsh’d 7-8 1 :25| fast 8 119 5 2 1 1 1* 1* R McDau’l Firestone, Hessian, Nimbus. 

75551 Sheepsh’d 3-4 1:12 fast 10 116 3 3 4 5* 6* R McDan’l Dreamer. Jack Atkin, De Mnnd. 

75419 G’vesend Ab3-4 1:11* fast 2 126 4 1 1 1* 1« R McDan’l Alfred Noble, Rosiiplro, Explosion. 

ROSEBEN, b. g, 7, by Ben Strome — Rose Leaf (D. C. Johnson). Weight today 130. 

75766 Sheepsh’d 64 f 1:18* fast 3-5 127 4 1 2 2’ 28 Garner Nimbus, Peter Quince, Pantoufle. 

7:^638 Sheepsh’d 6* f 1:19 fast 6-5 142 G 3 3 3* 2* Notter Westbury, De Mund, .Jeanne d’Arc. 

75602 Sheepsh’d 64 f 1:19 fast 8-5 137 1 111* I'J Notter Bouquet, Jubilee, 'Timber. 

JACOBITE, b. g, 5, by Golden Garter — Flora Mao (0. R. Ellison). Weight today 110. 

m712 Sheepsh’d 64 f 1:19* fast 9-5 111 6 .3 2 2J 2® Notter Besom, Saracinesca, Torenia. 

(M20 Sheepsh’d 7-8 1:25 'b fast 13-5 110 1 6 4 3 3* 3* W Miller DonEnrlque. J.B. Brady, Saracinesca 

7:, 446 G’vesend Ab3-4 1:09| fast 9-5 113 7 7 6 6* 6®* R McDan’lAletheuo, BigBen, JaniesB. Brady. 

DREAMER, b, g, 6, by Hamburg — Forget (E. B. Duryea). Weight today 118, 

75623 Sheepshead 1 1:37* fast 2J 109 1 3 3 2 2*4 3® D McC’thy Dandelion, Jack Atkin, Far West. 

75624’d 1 1-2 2:34 fast 15 103 7 8 6 5 3* 3* Yorke B. Jonathan, Beauclere, L’dStanliopo 

SEA WOLF, b. g, 4, by Meddler — Sea Nymph (H, P. Whitney). Weight today 109. 

75765 Sheepsh’d 1 1-8 1:52* fast 10 103 :l 7 7 5 6i> 9’“.*.E Ihignn Monfort. Spooner, Grapiile. 

7.')71B Sh’psh’d 1 1-16 1:47* fast 7-10 108 1 1 1 1 1* 1* E Dugan Marathon, Great Pirate, Chaplet. 

75,'i8S Sheepsh’d 1 1-8 1:52* fast 7 115 5 4 4 4 4® 3* E Dugan Bedouin, Angelas, Gretna Green. 

TONY BONERO, hr. c, 4, by Sain — America (C. R. Fleischmann). Weight today 106. 

7.')7t2; .Sheepsh’d 1 1-8 1 :->2* fast 30 106 4 1 1 1 0‘41O‘®4.Mc(’ahey Monfort. SjKioner. Grapple. 

7.5664 .SheeiKsh’d 61 f 1:21* fast 9-20 148 1 1 1 1* 1* MrDFTm’n Grand Vedette, Ben Cole, Renault, 

75552 Sheepsh’d 64 f 1:18* fast 6 102 7 7 6 6* 4®* G Burns Royal Tourist, Besom, Pantoufle. 

CRACK SHOT, ch. c, 3, by Star Shoot — OUio Dixon (A. L. Aste), Weight today 97. 

7.'i790 Sheepsh’d 1 1-2 2:34* mud 10 98 2 3 2 1 3* 3* McCahey .Brother Jonathan. Beauclere, Lall.vl 

7-5692 Sheepsh’d 1 1-4 2:05 fast 6 94 5 4 5 6 7* 7** E Dugan Grapple, Bro. Jonathan, Beauclere, 

75606 Sheepsh’d 1 1-4 2:06* fast 8 %211 1 1*1*E Dugan Temaceo, Long Ball, Lally. 

SAILOK GIRL, hr. f, 4, by The Sailor Prince— Deno (R. Stockton). Weight today 86. 

7.5767 Sheepsh’d 1 1-8 1:-5S fast 30 10.5 12 8 8 8 86 8*®4.1 Ix®e Montauk, Cairngorm, Trash. 

7-5606 Sheepsh’d 1 1-4 2:06* fast 15 103 6 4 4 4 6* 6***Musgr’ve Crack Shot, Temaceo, I^ong Ball. 

75553 Sheeps’d 1 3-16 1:58* fast 100 103 7 7 7 7 7* 4** .Musgrave Monfort, Bad News, Black Oak. 

H. P. Whitney entry — Royal Tourist and Sea Wolf. 

SIXTH RACE — 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling, (0.‘524.'1— 1 :.373 — .*1 — 101.) 

THE WRESTLER, b. g, 4, by Orlando— Hanna Bell> (Chelsea Stable). Weight today 103. 

75585 Sheepshead 1 1 :38* fast 4 107 3 4 4 4 -56 6'® Notter 

75521 Sheepshead 1 1:39* fast 6 105 3 1 1 1 1*4 li Notter 

75320 G’vesend 1 1-8 1:53* fast 12 96 2 1 1 1 1* 1® Sweet 

FRIZETTE, b. t, 3, by. Hamburg — Ondnlee (J, A. Wemberg). 

7.5763 Sheepshead 1 1:39 fast 3-2 106 7 6 5 4 4* 4®4 McCahey Arasee, JamesB. Brady, GreatPIr 

75585 Sheepshead 1 1:38* fast 3* 96 9 7 7 6 4J 1® G Burns Rockstone, Saracinesca, Arasee. 

1> (Chelsea Stahls). Weight today 103, 

■56 6'® Notter Frlzette, Rockstone, Saracinesca. 

1*4 li Notter Rockstone, Tom Dolan, Rye. 

1® 1® Sweet BlackOak, L’dStanliope, .Masanlello 

Wemberg). Weight today 102. 

4* 4®4 McCahey Arasee, JamesB. Brady, GreatPIrate 

3* 1* D McC’thy .Tack Atkin, De Mund, Don Enrique 
3® 2* D McC’thy PeterQnlnce, KingCobalt, DeMund. 
0 (H. P. Whitney"). Weight today 114. 

3® 3®4 E Dugan I'riscillian, Firestone, Mast. Robert. 
44 4® E Dugan Firestone, Master Robert, Si>ooner. 
3* 14 E Dugan Besom, Pantoufle, Tony Bonero. 

75471 G’vesend 1 1-16 1:47* fast 24 101 10 7 5 4 24 2*4 Garner Pontoon, SugarPine, Q.Marguerlte. 

COLONEL WHITE, hr. h, 6, by Clifford— Lacona (H. E. RoweU). Weight today 111, 

7.5742 Sheepshead 1 1:40 fast 13-5 108 5 7 7 3 16 1® W .Miller Molesey, R(K-kstone, Gowau. 

75521 Sheepshead 1 1:39* fast 15 108 6 3 3 2 2* 6* W Miller TlieWrestler, Rockstone, TomDolan 

(6442 G’vesend 1 1-16 1:48 fast 10 108 5 4 5 6 54 4* W Miller Antaeus, Tipping, Tiord Stanhope. 

BLACK OAK, hlk. c, 3, by Flying Lemur— Black Poplar (P. S. P, Randolph). Weight today 104, 
75767 Sheepsh’d 1 1-8 1:53 fast 6 100 5 3 3 2 26 4®i Leach .Montauk, Cairngorm, Trash. 

75553 Sheeps’d 1 3-16 1:58* fast 10 96 6 1 1 2 3® 3* Leach .Monfort, Bad News, Sailor Girl. 

75442 G’vesend 11-16 1:48 fast 15 91 9 7 7 7 84 6* Leach Antaeus, Tipping, Lord Stanhope. 

ROCKSTONE, b. g, 4, by Rockton — Lady Primrose (F. H. Milden), Weight tpday 108, 

75742 Sheepshead 11:40 fast 24 103 6 6 6 1 21 3*1 Garner Colonel White, Molesey. Gowaii. 

75643 Sheepshead 1 1:39* fast 13-5 103 3 4 4 7 8* 12*4 Garner Earl G., Antaeus, Bad News. 

75585 Sheepshead 1 1:38* fast 6 103 11 10 9 9 66 2® Garner Frlzette, Saracinesca, Arasee. 

MARATHON, b. c, 4, by Martagon — Ondulee (H. B, Duryea). Weight today 111. 

7.5765 .Sheepsh’d 1 1-8 l:-52* fast 15 106 2 3 4 3 2* 5®.l 1) McC’tliy Monfort, Spooner, Grapple. 

75716 Sh’psh’d 1 1-16 1:47* fast 34 111 6 6 6 4 3* 2* D .McC’tbySea Wolf, Great Pirate, Chaplet. 

75444 G’vesend 1 1-16 1:46* fast 8 106 3 4 4 4 76 9** D McC’thyAngeliis, .Monfort, Spooner. 

DISOBEDIENT, hlk. g, 5, by Sir Dixon — Lady Wayward (T, E. Mannix). Weight today 103. 

75532 Montreal 5-8 1:02 fast 1 107 1 1 2 2*4 1* McCahey A1 Powell, Telepathy, Lone Hand. 

754-56 Montreal 1 1:40* fast 4 109 3 4 5 3 34 4® McCahey Debar, ,St. Clair, Lally. 

75331 Montreal 3-4 1:13 fast 8 100 3 3 3 3* 3®4 .T W M’liy Dixie Hininiel, Botanist, Handmaur 

LONG BALL, hr. g, 3, by Plaudit — Gutta Percha (J. V. Lemaire). Weight today 91, 

75767’d 1 1-8 1:53 fast 15 97 9 9 9 10 9* 9*® I'ptoii Montauk. Cairngorm. Trash. 

7.5606 Sheepsh’d 1 1-4 2:06* fast 20 85 3 2 2 2 2* 3®4 Leach Crack Shot, Temaceo, Lally. 

75570 Sheepsh’d 1 1-8 1:53* fast 40 84 5 4 6 6 7® 6* Upton Grapple, Temaceo, Killlecrankle. 

(Jrack Shot, Temaceo, Lally. 
Grapple, Temaceo, Killlecrankle. 

GEORGE G. HALL, ch. g, 4, by St. Leonards — Illogical (Y. H. Russell). 

75791 Sheeps’d 1 1-16 1:4S* mud 8 112 3 3 3 3 34 3®J Brussel 

7.5668 Sheeps’d 1 1-16 1:47 fast 10 107 4 5 5 3 24 16 Brussel 

75671 Sheepshead 1 1:39* fast 15 109 7 5 4 4 26 2* Brussel 

TORENIA, ch. f, 3, by Armeath II. — Tamela (J. F. Carroll). 

Weight today 108. 

75767 Sheepsh’d 1 1-8 1:53 fast 

102 8 6 6 11 12 12 

Question Mark, Delirium, Zieiiaji. 
Delirium, Montauk, Coat of Anna. 
Jeanne d’Arc, Monocle, Montauk. 

Weight today 103. 

Musgrave Montauk. Cairngorm. Trash. 
Lang Besom, Jacobite, Saracinesca. 

75712 Sheepsh'd 64 f 1:19* fast 50 93 4 7 5 44 4® Lang Besom, .Tacobitc, Saracinesca. 

75668 Sheeps’d 1 1-16 1:47 fast 20 105 8 4 4 5 64 6*® Musgrave George G. Hall, Delirium, .Montauk 

BATSMAN, ch, c, 3, by Bathampton — Darehelle (J. H. McCormick). Weight today 103, 

7.5712 Sheepsh’d 6J f 1:19* fast 100 99 8 8 8 7® 7** Sumter Besom, Jacohite, Saracinesca. 

7.5643 Sheepshead ' 1 1:39* fast 100 98 8 8 11 14 14 14** Sumter Earl G.. .\ntaeiis. Bad News. 

75193 G’vesend Ab3-4 1:09* fast 60 92 6 6 6 6*® 6** T Koerner Roseben, Pantoufle, Gold Iiady. 

CAMPAIGNER, h. c, 4, by Gerolstein — Supporter (0. L. Richards). Weight today 113. 

7.5713 Sheepsh’d 1 1-8 1:51* fast 15 93 4 2 2 3 5 5‘® McCahey Big Chief, Q. Mark, Antaeus. 

75240 Montreal 1 1:39* fast 6 109 2 4 6 3 1“6 i* Jensen Rio Grande, Servile, Miss Marjorie 

75185 Toronto 1 1-16 1:48* fast 12 111 6 7 7 3 2* 2* Nicol Sir Galahad, Doubt, Tamme. 

MEXICAN SILVER, h. g, 4, by Indio — Silver Wave (J. Turner). Weight today 108. 

75032 Belmont 3-4 1:10* fast 100 105 6 6 6 5 6 5*®.5Yorke Frlzette, Tom McGrath, BonnieAlan 

74786 Belmont 3-4 1:13* hvy 30 106 13 13 13 13 12*® Engl’der Ten.byCourtesy, Pontoon, CrackSliot 

71631 Pimlico 3-4 1:18 hvy 60 101 10 9 9 9® 9®«4L Smith Coltness, Edgely, High Chance. 

Belmont). Weight today 126. 

14 1* Notter Hessian. King James, Dorante. 

2*4 3*4 E Dugan llallot. King .Tames, Master Robert 
1*4 1®4 E Dugan Tv. Janies, Cliapultepec, Ques. Mark 
K. Madden). Weight today 126. 

2* 3* W Miller Ballot, Hessian. Frank Gill. 

4* 3*4 W Miller Fair I®la.v. Hessian, Dorante. 

3* 2*4 G Bums Ballot, Fair Play, Master Robert. 


James R. Kcene’.s opinion that the hard metro- 
politan tracks are injurious is supported b.v .Toliii E. 
■Madden iiml J. .loyner. .Madden, however, says 
the iiri‘seiit seale of weights is all right. 

Sandriiigliam seems to he doing as well as a 
sire as he should do, being an own lirotlier to Flori- 
z**l II.. Persimmon and Diani<md Jubilee. He split 
a pastern as a two-.vear-old and could not be trained. 

Maurice Levi, who is appearing at Manhattan 
Beach, New York, with his hand, has coiiijiosed a 
new march entitled ’’The Personal Liberty March," 
which he played for the first time yesterday in 
honor of tlie siieeess of tlie I*ersonal Liberty League. 

The statement that Mr. Haggiii is going to send 
his yearlings to he sold in England may have lieeii 
somewhat premature, but it is to he hopiHl, for the 
sake of English public breeders, that he is not 
going to tliKid our market in the way suggested. — 
Diiidon Sportsman. 

‘‘Vigilant,’’ in the Sportsman, gives the following 
list as that of the lK“St English eup horses of his 
day: Cremoriie. Doncaster, I’etrarcli, Isoiioiiiy, Roti- 

ert till* Devil. Foxliall. St. Simon, St. Gaticii, .Mar- 
cion. La Flcchc. Isinglass, Persimmon, C.vllcue and 
William the Third. 

Jack Atkin, by finishing second to Far West in 
flic Island Haiullcap. completed a record of 
iH'iiig second in all three of the June handicaps. In 
the Coney Island Handicap lie was just beaten 
home b.v Dreamer and in the Sheepshead Bay Han- 
dicap Dandelion beat him home. 

The Maryland Jockey Club’s four days race meet- 
ing ill coiijunetioii with the United Hunts of Mary- 
land will be held .Vugiist 26. 27. 2S and 29. The 
otticials appointed for it are Frank J. Bryan and W. 
1*. Riggs, judges: F. J. Bryan, clerk of the course, 
and K. C. Smith, clerk of tlie scales. 

IV. Evans, who has been in England about 
a month, rode his first winner here on Wilkins .Mi- 
cawlx-r at Newcastlo June 2.'{. He came with a great 
reputation, liaviiig achieved marked successes in 
•Australia and India, where he has ridden .Mclbounie 
and Viceroy Cup winners. Evans rides in the most 
pronounced American style; in fact, he lies so low 
on his horse’s neck that he partially hides Ills colors 
from view. — London Siiortsman. 


[Communications without names and addresses 

of semk'rs will not be answered or noticed; nor 

will any answers be sent by mail.] 

.T. J. S., St. Louis. .Mo. The trouble is that a 
full form chart cannot be regularly transmitted by 
our press time. The chart will be made fuller 
from this date, however. 


The king of Sweden recently told a story of King 
Edward’s charitable jiropi'iisities. Just Is-fore tlie 
race for the Derby wlilch tlie king’s horse. Diamond 
.liitiilee, carried off, his royal highness — as he then 
was — was watehing the horses proceed to the start- 
ing post. Suddenly turning to the king of Sweden, 
will! was with him, he said: 

"I am most specially anxious to win today.” 

"Why so';’’ inquired the king. 

"Because.” was the answer, “1 always give the 
princess whatever niy success liapiieiis to bring me. 
With the stake money of the last Derby 1 won the 
liriiicess provided 1.709 poor lioys with a eoiuiilete 
outfit — clothes, underlinen, boots and all necessaries 
— and stamped on each article was ‘from your 
friend, tlie prince.’ ” 

The Duchess of Portland some time ago presented 
to her husband a very handsome blotting liook of 
Russia leather heavily mounted In silver. On the 
mountings are engraved the names of all the races 
won by that extraordinary rarer. Donovan. In 
ls.s!> Donovan won the Derby and the St. Leger, be- 
sides the Newmarket Stakes and many other import- 
ant races. Tlie total suiii won by Donovan duriug 
his racing career amounted to 3:{.50.000_ and the 
whole of thi-s large fortune the duke gave to his 
wife for the purpose of building almshouses for 
widows of the duke’s tenants and a cottage hospital 
for tlie iieigliliorhotsl. 

Baron Hirsch was another great turfite, most of 
whose winnings went to charity. During his life- 
time he spent more than $2.50.000 of turf winnings 
on charity. All the winnings of La I’lei lie, anioimt- 
ing in all to $173,000, were devoted to the same 


A writer in the t'aiiiidian Sis>rtsnian presiimahiy 
puts ('anailiaii racing opinion into type by the fol- 

"We want no long meetings over here, and we 
want no Auiericuu curpet-Lmggera opening up new 

tracks in Ontario for the sole pnrpKise of promoting 
tlie gambling end of the game. I’etitiona, if neees- 
siiry. must lie prepared to he sent to the legislature 
at its next session, asking for the changes abso- 
Intel.v demiindcd liy tin- new conditions that li.sve 
arisen. No meeting slionid lie allowed to run ioiigci'' 
than fifteen or twenty days, ami no chib should lie 
permitted to liold more than two such meeting.s 
in the same season. Restrictive legislation is ali- 
solutely essential, and there would not likely tie 
any opposition to the passage of such, a measure 
tlirough tlie legislature; in fact, it is not jxissilile 
to set up an argument against It that would b.r 
wortli.v of eonsideratioii. The lietter class of Cana- 
dian eliilis now in existence liave no wish to riii» 
long meetings, the great danger to lie guarded 
against being an inroad of outsiders liiingry for I In 
plunder they will expect to secure by gaining x 
footliold on Canadian .soil.” 


A good cause is often damaged by excess of 
fervor, and there was just a trace of tliis in some 
of tlie speeclies delivered at (lie 1‘aii-AngIicaii Con- 
ference disciissiiiii on gaiiihling and sis'cnlalion. 
Tliere was a giHul deal of triitli in the oliservatlous 
made li.y .Mr. Killik. of tlie London Stock Exchange, 
wild iHiinted out tliat the element of speciilutiou en- 
tered almost iiievitalily into every business trans- 
action. IVlicn the mannfactiirer buys a large or 
small quantity of raw material lie geiierally does so 
In the expe<-tutiiiii that there may lie a rise or a 
fall of price. He speculates or gauihles on his 
knowledge. It is much the same in dealing with 
seeiirities and. tliongti It is easy to define certain 
transactions as a gainlile, it is not equally easy to 
draw a line ln'twoetl fair business and pure specula- 
tion. Neither is it very easy to distinguish sliarpl.c 
iH'tween the harmless enstom of giving a stimiilns 
to one’s pastimes b.v a paltry monetary stake and tlio 
act of gainidiiig — using that word in a strict s«‘nse. 
But wc know that tin; man who wliets liis apiietite 
witli a glass of wine or liecr is not a drunkard, 
tlioiigh it would lie as rcasonalile to apidy that de- 
scription to liiiii as to call the jdayer for iioniimit 
stakes at bridge a gainhler. — Ball .Mall Gazette. 


is what we claim that little purple hook Is, 
called the "STANDARD.” This lnMik gives not 
only workouts and rcisirts on horses at all 
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For sale at all news-stands and agents in 
TJ. S. or Canada or at ofiicc. 

Monday’s Form Special: August Grape 16-9- 


Tbe Standard Torf Guide 


Wo not solid out any wiros yostorday. 


If you play the races for profit, you need rav 
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Send $.5 M. O. and get my wonderful, practical 
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of charge that my 2 to .5 gnarantetsl weekly specials 
an* winners. Aftt*r I*vo convinced you, iny tcriiii* 
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info, or guesswork -just results that count. Send 
address and slanip to Box 562, Paducah, Ky.